Happy Friday!!!
This week has just screamed right past me!!! I get up each day, look at my list, go to bed and night and wonder why more things haven't been checked off!!!
Solution - Make a shorter list!! haha!!!
My first one - just to make sure I could do it! |
QOV has chosen the Ohio Star Block as their National Block for 2024...
( Info and pattern HERE)
For our next sew day we thought we would sort through our scraps and maybe make a few - but then I got to thinking... what are some of the best ways to Lay out a block like this?
I played a bit in my EQ 8 and here are a few ideas I came up with: ( PS that minty is supposed to be Light Blue)
This was my first thought - and then I remembered that a lot of people don't like Flying Geese. I told my husband that and he said " well they are dumb"
Me: No - we can't say that.
Him : Why?
Me: Because there are blocks that I don't like and I'm not dumb
Him : How do you know your not dumb?
Me : I married you.
Him: I'll go do chores now..... you win.
But I still do like that layout:
and then I played around and tried this one:
And my eyes hurt.
So I added sashing and borders
and came up with Number 3:
My eyes Don't hurt as bad

but then!!!!! I added a super simple block - colored it very simply and!!
This is my Winner!!!
I want to make something like this
I think it would even look good scrappy!!
And that is all going to count as my Not Finished Friday!!! as i will be working on these blocks here and there - probable as Leader/Enders for a while...
What is UP in your world!!! Link up - show us what is Finished (or not) and brag away!!!
***********************link up here *******************
*******************The end***********************
See you Wednesday for CLUE #3!!! of Stars Like Spaghetti!!!
Find me at all these places: