Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #3


TIME for Clue #3!!!

So this is the most time consuming clue of the whole mystery - so you know that you are on the downhill side of it after constructing these:

Click here to get CLUE #3 

Hope you guys are all having fun!!!! Last night I started teaching some brand new quilters how to piece and oh my gosh!! It was the best!! we had so much fun, and they were so excited with their finished block... it made my heart so happy to see new people introduced to this art!  And to have them be so excited about it.... remember that joy???

Monday, January 29, 2024

16 Patches that are not green... on the design Wall

Green was the ( is the?) Color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge for January. Did you notice that I figured out how to turn my headers Green?  and now I need to figure out how to make them Red ( Februarys Color)

I have been working on my Lightening Streak in Green, but if you know me - QDD sets in way too easily and I started looking thru some of my blocks....and they had a green piece or two in there.

So I thought I would put them on the design wall and have another Quilt for the RSC this month.

There is just not that much green.

Since the blocks were already up there, there really is no reason WHY I should put them back right? So I might have this in the process of being Rowed already.... 

However... I don't think this will put me in the GREEN category for this month 🤣😂🤣

Linking up with:

Friday, January 26, 2024

The Ohio Star for QOV and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Friday!!!

This week has just screamed right past me!!! I get up each day, look at my list, go to bed and night and wonder why more things haven't been checked off!!!

Solution - Make a shorter list!! haha!!!

My first one - just to make sure I could do it!

QOV has chosen the Ohio Star Block as their National Block for 2024...

( Info and pattern HERE) 

For our next sew day we thought we would sort through our scraps and maybe make a few - but then I got to thinking... what are some of the best ways to Lay out a block like this?

I played a bit in my EQ 8 and here are a few ideas I came up with:  ( PS that minty is supposed to be Light Blue)

This was my first thought - and then I remembered that a lot of people don't like Flying Geese. I told my husband that and he said " well they are dumb"

Me: No - we can't say that.

Him : Why?

Me: Because there are blocks that I don't like and I'm not dumb

Him : How do you know your not dumb?

Me : I married you.

Him:  I'll go do chores now..... you win. 

But I still do like that layout:

and then I played around and tried this one:

And my eyes hurt.

So I added sashing and borders   
and came up with Number 3:

My eyes Don't hurt as bad

but then!!!!! I added a super simple block - colored it very simply and!!
This is my Winner!!!
I want to make something like this

I think it would even look good scrappy!!

And that is all going to count as my Not Finished Friday!!! as i will be working on these blocks here and there - probable as Leader/Enders for a while...

What is UP in your world!!!  Link up - show us what is Finished (or not) and brag away!!!

***********************link up here *******************

*******************The end***********************

See you Wednesday for CLUE #3!!! of Stars Like Spaghetti!!!

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #2


Clue Number TWO has you making these blocks!!

See you Next Wednesday for the Next Clue!!!!

*** Two Updates**:

*on page two it says use your 4 1/1 inch piece - if you followed the cutting instructions you will know it is really 4 1/2 inch piece

*Goose measurements 3 1/2 x 6 1/2 inch

Oh!! and come back Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Monday, January 22, 2024

Lightening Streak #2 progress

The blocks are growing!!

I figured I have enough to make 90 blocks - so if I set them 5 x 6 - that would be 30 blocks

therefore 3 quilts. 

The would be 45 x 54 ish each - that's a good lap size quilt right?

this block is turning out to be a great leader ender project... super simple!! 

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small quilts and Doll Quilts

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at Songbird Designs

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications

Rainbow SCrap Challenge

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Vacation Day #2

I got sidetracked!! you need to see more of my Hiking Christmas trip!!

Our Thumb Rock day was wonderful - and it was warm and we all had a great time... then!! The next round of kids arrived and they brought SNOW with them!! Enough  that we sought out the next cabin over to borrow their snowplow to get us out. They were so nice - and we gave them a bottle of homemade Kahlua as a thanks. 

It was kind of funny - we are not new to snow, we have all the equipment we need to get out at our own house, but none of us thought of it at a strangers place... 

I realize I am starting at night - but! The night after our Thumb hike - our youngest two asked the ol folks ( us) to go to a bar and sing karaoke - and Oh my gosh - it was hilarious!!! We had a blast and my kids are really fun to hang out with! All of our stomachs hurt from laughing so hard.

Coolest thing was leaving the bar at night - NO ONE was on the street and all the lights - It was BEAUTIFUL!!! ( Until we ruined it by our Groupies!!)

Next Morning the next round of Kids arrived and we convinced them to freeze their booties off and hike around the lake...

These two come from a pretty warm climate anymore - but they were game. I promised Burgers  for lunch - so that really helped haha!

This is the lake we hiked around - our starting point was at the other side , this is the halfway mark. and gosh - it was SO pretty.  And of course cold. The snow was snowing, and the haze was hazing... Oh I love this weather!!!

I know its not Christmas anymore - but! I took this on Christmas Eve Day.... so lets just pretend okay?

Back in town!!!   Penelope's Burgers and Fries ... If you are EVER in Estes Park - go there.  Little Bit ( pictured with us) got a triple decker and he could barely finish.   Oh!! He did tho - we gave him grief until he did !!

And us - with my best friend... The Grinch!!

You'll have to come back to see our Hike to the Divide.... 

Linking to:

My Corner of the World

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Lightening Streak #1 - Yellow - and!! Finished!!! (or not) Friday

I barely got this one done.... just under the wire!!!

and What's funny - is!! I had another one done, and I gifted and... this blogger of a million years... FORGOT to take a photo of it.... so now.. I will have to redeem myself and go sneak one....


No worries - I snuck this finish in...

it is 64 in x 64 inches.... 

This is the Yellow Lightening Streak quilt - using  a lot of my leftover yellows... and!! hey!! I got this one finished un UNDER 2 months... maybe a new record for me??? 

I had a lot of fun quilting it - I turned on ol' Jerry Lee Lewis and the Top Gun soundtrack and away we went....

Now it is your turn to shine!!! I am still catching up from last week!! the emails went out to the winners of all the Giveaways - and I will recap the names this weekend for you!! 

Link up your post - 
Share away
Have fun!!

****************Link Up here -------------------------> ****************And now go visit ----------------------->

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Linking to:

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #1 ( A Quiltygirl Patriotic Mystery)


Clue #1 is making these!!!

Now everything is in a PDF - so I don't have to copy and Paste here - so click on the link
and all the details will be yours!!!

and then don't forget - on Friday I host Finished ( or not) Friday - come back and share!!!!

Also - please don't share the PDFs - link back to this page, and have others join in... 

PS - Have you wondered where the title came from?  Maybe you have heard a particular Song that stuck in your head... but you might have heard it a little differently????

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

A Quilt of Valor Presentation and another Giveaway

Saturday morning found us in very negative Temps - when we were doing chores it was -29 and I was not a fan..

We had a Quilt of Valor presentation scheduled - and I wondered if we would get any cancellations - can you believe that we did not!! Over 100 Veterans showed up to Honor these Vets ( and of course, have a warm breakfast)

I was impressed - as it was -11 when the presentation started... WHO ORDERED THAT!!!

Look at all those Smiling faces!!It was so cool to have them all arrive and they all Ohhed and aahhed appropriately over their quilts!! but the Smiles - oh lawsy mercy - the smiles - they just melt my heart!!!

This is my last giveaway this week - but... rest assured there are more. I can't think of better people( Quilters) for my excess Stash to go to!!  I will ship in the Continental US - some of you no reply bloggers need to leave me a way to contact you.... 

This is a fun stack of Flannels!! and even a plaid or two... but they are super soft!! We are supposed to get out of these negatives this week - but my flannel quilts have been pulled out... I think I might be in a permanent state of chilled haha!

I will draw at the end of tomorrow!!!! ( the 17th) so comment today!! and tell me your favorite snack while stitching .. or maybe you don't snack? 

PS - Tomorrow... the First clue of Stars Like Spaghetti comes out... you won't want to miss it!

Monday, January 15, 2024

My First Quilt of Valor ( top) for the year!!! and giveaway 5

 Go me!!!

So!! this one started out as the 20 stars for 20 years anniversary top from Quilts of Valor. I followed the first 3 steps (ish) and then.... went a little off course... BUT!!!

I think I like what it Morphed into!!

Mine will be completely different that the rest !! It ended up being 60 x 72 inches - so I think that will be perfect...

Now to get it into the quilting que.... 

I was looking back at some of my QOV posts - it seems like some years ( like 2012) I committed to 12 QOV's that year... and made all these goals. I met them - and then some!! 

I don't have a QOV goal this year - I think I will take it as it comes and see how many things I can make... maybe just a personal race for me to make as many as I can squeeze in?

I also know that I suck at statistics.. and keeping counts of things. 

Who Like Oriental fabrics? this is a bag of them!! Smaller pieces - some are 12 inch square - but enough to make that litt;e butterfly - or something else.

Today tell me if you like Applique or not... And of course- the winners will be drawn on the 17th - so make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are the winner!

Linked up to:

Design Wall Monday

Sew and Tell

Monday Musings

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Giveaway 4 - the double Nine patch

 Todays giveaway is a little kit for a Double 9 patch quilt....

Its kind of cute!!!

So today - tell me what your favorite crock pot meal to make is!!!

I will be glad to send these to someone in the Continental us - make sure you leave me a way to contact you if you are a no-reply blogger

I will draw on the 17th of January!!

Stay warm today!!

Friday, January 12, 2024

Hawaii Gingham, Giveaway 3 and!! Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!

I must be dreaming of warm and sun and beach.....or maybe I should and the wind here would die down. I have seen photos of all sorts of snow and I think it must be coming my way with these winds.... oh boy!! Even the Puppy doesn't want to play!!

but! thats okay - we got our Hawaiian Gingham Quilt done....

Finidng a place to take a photo without it blowing to Kansas... different story!!!
I quilted Hibiscus flowers on it!! Keeping with the Hawaii theme!!!  and this is the back - SUPER busy and bright!!

I wasn't really sure how I would like using that busy print - but I really like how it turned out - its a Happy Quilt!!!

(PS I listed it in my Etsy shop just in case you know anyone who'd like a happy quilt)


its a cute panel with backing for a wall hanging or mini quilt. When I first looked at it - I thought pillow covering?

But - just to prove its cute... There's My Bella girl 
PS - I learned that Bella is the most popular name for dogs now cuz of a vampire movie...
NO!! My puppy is named after lake Isabella.. but saying Isabella takes to long when your trying to get her attention!

Leave me a comment telling me your favorite thing to make with LEMON!!! I'll be glad to send this out to anyone in the continental US.... and I will draw on the 17th!!

and lastly:

Hopefully January is off to a good start for you!! Show it off!

Direct links please:

***********Link up here ****************

*******************the end.... go stitch the day away********************

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Give away #2


Now maybe you know why I was thinking of Easter yesterday....

These are up for grabs as well - I will be glad to send them to someone in the continental US 

i think they are about 1 yard each...

For this giveaway - Again winner will be drawn on the 17th - tell me What your Favorite Quilt block is - your go to .....

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Vacation Day #1 ( and a giveaway)

This year we decided that it would be fun to do a little get away over Christmas. We booked a cabin in the mountains and packed our snowshoes.

Behind the cabin we rented was a trail to a place called the Thumb.  I guess in the summer it is a big Rock Climbing destination -  but the climb up to the base of the rock, was quite a hike!!

We climbed up to almost as high as the mountains in the Park ( I think they are in the 13-14K range)
We didn't really hike that high - but It sure felt like it!!

And you kept going up - the views were incredible!

We made it to the first clearing  they say it is about 8400 feet.  

You know - have to practice my Black and White photos !!

Then all of us at the climbing spot... it was beautiful

When we looked down we realized that we had gone about 2000 feet up, and it made our knees weak .
But so pretty!!

This was back down in town  - the elk came out to give us a parade - knowing how well we did with our hike ;-)

And now for the giveaway part - I will be glad to send this out to anyone in the continental US

The three solid colors are about 1/2 yard each, and the top one is more - maybe a yard and a 1/2

To enter the drawing for the giveaway - leave me a comment ( with your email if you are a no reply blogger)  And tell me what your Favorite Easter Candy is,

I will draw next Wednesday ( the 17th - when the FIRST CLUE FOR STARS LIKE SPAGHETTI appears) and contact the winner.

Monday, January 08, 2024

Spirals, Sloths and Stars

 I had a plethora of really fun quilts to quilt... and each quilter has some really fun ideas

This one was a spiral star, and she wanted spirals drawn without rulers... oh boy - I was a little worried about that one but it turned out pretty cool!!! Organic looking!

Another one was the CUTEST sloth Quilt, and!! she used Sloth fleece on the backside... so you just had to quilt Sloths into it!!!

This quilt reminded me of the Van Gogh Starry Night - so I had fun with swirly quilting.

I like the variety of quilts that people make- and its so fun to try to figure out how to quilt them, within the clients guidelines, use and of course... Budget ;-)

Happy Monday!!!