Friday, January 24, 2025

Buffalo Plaid 16 patch FINISH!! and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

In October - I went Treasure Quilting.. what a fun place to DIVE into - haha - like treasure divers!!!

And I came up with a cute Buffalo Plaid 16 patch quilt - that is now FINISHED!!!

I really really really like how this one turned out - and of course, may just have to do some more Treasure Quilting!!!! - I just meandered on it - cuz it was fun!! and GUESS WHAT!!

It was gifted at a Baby Cowboy Baby shower already - GO ME!!!

Oh!! Because the colors of the University of Wyoming are Brown and Gold.... so Brown fit the bill, plus they are decorating in Browns and cowboys - so CHECK out that back!!!!


Now since you all know me, and know how much I love to bind..... you may remember that my kid made me these really cool binding ladders - so I ACTUALLY made the binding before I quilted it.... I am sure that is what brought the polar vortex this way...

But look how nice it keeps the binding, it doesn't flop all over the place - if I have to step away for a moment I am not tripping over any of the binding - LOVE it!!!

I'm told more are bieng made, as we sold out on the last batch!!

And Now it is the part of the show where you BRAG!!!
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And visit lots of people - leave a comment

if your me - add to your bucket list as well!!

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Starry Log Cabin from the *Pile*

 My Quilt of Valor Group did a Log Cabin Block drive this last year . This year the National QOV block is a log cabin.... I keep telling myself - I am psychic  or maybe I am just a trend setter and I don't know it??

Next trend - Flannel Jammies under the chore pants - its a REAL thing people!!

This is the one I am currently working on . and Yes, these blocks were in my Piles!!!

I have it all Stacked to start rowing it now... Below - that was me trying to figure out how I wanted the star to go, and then looking at it, and then looking again, and then wondering if I was close to right!

This last weekend we had a Polar Vortex come visit ( much like the rest of the country). We have horses, and mostly they stay outside - but when the winds blow so hard we put them in the barn. The barn is mostly a riding arena, so we have to put temporary corrals up . Which we did - 6 of them...

I rarely -and I do mean rarely - wear my glasses outside, but for some reason I did while moving horses in the barn. The weather was so cold, everything was frosting almost immediately. even my hair!!

My horse took a big breath and blew it out, right into my face - and Literally Blinded me!!!

It was frustrating and funny at the same time. She didn't know what she did, and why we stopped so abruptly. 

Oh!!! and there is always some calamity when its miserable cold - We got a call from a neighbor - look west!   We looked out our window and saw this: 

That is smoke from a fire, and the fire truck lights looking our way - it was still a mile away, and the wind was blowing from south to north ( see the Vortex caused that!)   But still not something you want to see when its dark. The guys all headed over to see if they could help - seems they had a fire in the cornfield.... 

no real details as to why?? but! It got put out and all was good. 

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Monday, January 20, 2025

Diamond Chains or Buckeye Beauties... in TWO colorways!!

I think I found a new Block that I have accidentally become addicted to. 

I've made it before, but when I started my Blocks in September, I think.... well, I might have proof, that it sparked something. I WILL NEVER give up my beloved Churn Dash - but heck fire - these are SO fun!!!

Are you ready for the spiral? In september I started making these with my 5 inch square box - I thought to clean it out. ( THOUGHT is the main word there) 

But then... I saw my Patriotic plaids - and I turned my whole QOV group on to them. While they were making blocks I was SURE that I could do a whole Quilt in Patriotic Plaids....

Here is my Progress report: Did you know I would need 80 blocks to make a QOV sized quilt? Me neither - I didn't really think to do the math before I started... Rookie mistake - 

here are my EIGHTY!!! Blocks - and then I started putting them on the design wall.....

I might have had a lot of the same Light Blue Squares - so I wanted to spread them out a bit....

All out on the design wall - and now!!! ALL out in a TOP!!! Whoot Whoot!!! the top is complete!!!

Wait - did you want proof that I am addicted???

I had a few blocks in my pile from when I originally started - so I pulled the Pink blocks, and then I pulled my pink 5 inch squares out....

I divided the stack of pink Squares to start making the HSTs and the 4Patches... I wanted to end up even....

Blocks started coming together....

Again - I didn't do that Math thing that is SO helpful, I just started putting them up on the wall....

I finally got all the Blocks done and found out I was TWO short for the layout I saw in my head.... You all know I have pink in the stash.. so I went and cut 4 more pink squares - and TA DA!!!

I now have a Pink Diamond Chain quilt ( or Pink Buckeye Beauty ) I have to say Pink Diamonds sounds better... richer haha!

Now Hopefully this will be a top by the end of today!!

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Friday, January 17, 2025

Patriotic Churn Dash and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday!!!! 

My Finish for this week is this Churn Dash Quilt!!! Laura and I made the Churn Dash blocks - Laura in California and me here in Colorado.... I think we picked colors that went well together!!!

I put the top together and Quilted it up!!! It will go to my sew group for Binding - and on as a Quilt of Valor. I swept the snow off of for this photo, and of course,,,, the snow came back !

I quilted it with Hearts - and got the label ready. it was another pile of blocks that was on my table... This is the second quilt (maybe the third!!) out of there this year - and I think there is probably a few more quilts to be made ( okay maybe 10!!)   

There is my finish!! NOW it is your turn!! We had 32 finishes last week - that is a heck of a way to start the new year!!!! and stay warm of course !!

There were some new blogs too - LOVE it!! 

Please do make sure to provide the Direct link to you post, bot just your whole blog - that way if someone doesn't read on Friday - they can still find your post ;-)

The link up lasts until Sunday at noon Colorado time - so Link up and visit lots!!  

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Be sure to mark your calendar to come share each week!!

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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

The TRIAD top, the linen closet, and my babies

 Does that sound like the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe?  I don't now why that popped into my mind - but - must have to do with the Linen Closet!!

First off - My TRIAD TOP!!!

My son said it looked like Easter Exploded, my Husband said it reminded him of Confetti - so I think its name should be Easter Confetti... But I also Like the TRIAD top - haha

When I first pictured it in my head - I thought I would go - Pink in all the corners, then the Green Blue and yellow - so It would be 5 x 5 blocks. HOWEVER ---I forgot that the blocks are twice and long as the width - and it made a super weird size.... like 40 x 80 ish - Camper cot sized maybe? 

Anyways - I had more fabric so I just kept going....which meant I ran out of the same fabrics - but had some in the same colorways. I personally like the pale greens versus the bright green, and I really like that Turquoise shaded lite blue, but it didn't really go with the others...

The sunlight also effects ( affects?) color - so here is in on the design wall in the evening. -- you can see the shades better. I think it was a fun one, and I enjoyed playing with the different colors, and seeing how they all go together.  

PS - see the fetching dummy on the Right? Daisy wanted me to know that my photo time was up... time to fetch momma!!

And NOW!!! The Linen Closet!! It was overflowing, children have moved, beds have changed - it was time to see what I had. I had 3 sets of Twin sized sheets - there isn't a twin bed left in the house.... hmmmm - they were in great condition, so off to the Community Outreach Center. and towels - Lawsy mercy - how many towels does one really need? 

 * the washcloths - yes!! I need Millions - because of allergies each of us uses a minimum of 1 a day, and when then get a little old - I use them on my dogs feet and then they make good rags to apply fly spray for the horses and then they get tossed.... Washcloths have a long life around here*

Somewhere on someone's social media I saw Quilts stored on their side - not Stacked... and a lightbulb went off - If I could Clear out the Linen closet - I could steal a shelf and try it!! 

That is what the top row is - my quilts ( okay some of them, I probably have them in every closet oops) My quilts on their sides, don't you think that will make it easier to pull them out to use them for the seasons? 

I wish I could remember where I saw that - I would totally give them credit - but as of now!! it works!!

And My Babies... I love them!!!

Reno man is learning SO well - K has him lunging in the round corral, changing leads when asked and turning almost well... he is still working on that . 

Hope you come back Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday Link up here on the blog ;-)

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Monday, January 13, 2025

A Little Bit of Pile Progress , A Little bit of Septembers Squirrel... And a Little bit more

 I was singing the title to that song -  A little bit of Ronda in my life ... Is it Mambo Number 5? Anyways - while I wrote the title I could make it work, now I can't!!!

First - the Pile Progress... Last time I looked my Pile was about to tower over... now!! I have made a few tops from it - the first...

My September Squirrel - the BRIGHT Churn Dash is a Top!!!  My Friend had given me some fabrics and I loved the colors so dug right in ... kind of made a mess - but - now it is a top and its pretty good sized!!!

The pile is shrinking on one side... and growing on the other - I am sort of stockpiling the crumb blocks for now - don't know what I am going to do with them ,

Be A Quilter is going to do a blog hop in March - *Dust off a Quilt Book*  so I decided I needed to participate..... 

And because of this.... ( Well I really love this, but I love to come in to warmth too) I sat down with a pile of books and started browsing - I think I have found the *one* I will make.... I am excited to share about it - when I get started.... 

Also - Did you know that Anne-Marie hosts One Monthly Goal. I knew she did ... but I didn't get organized enough to choose one for January - But I will get on it for February!!! ( Right???)

Have a great Monday!! and plan on coming back here for Finished! ( or not) Friday to link up!!!

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Friday, January 10, 2025

QOV Chain and Stars Quilt 2 and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

 Back in June my friend Deb and I led our Sew day to make these blocks. Deb did ALL the embroidery - I did all the cutting and prepping the blocks for our stitchers,

August saw me putting together Quilt 1 

and January Saw me Putting together Top 2!!!

I used darker Blues for this one than the first one. I really Like both blues, but it is fun to see how color can change the look of a pattern.

After I got the top together - I just couldn't stop - so I loaded it on my Longarm....
and away we went!!!

And then!!!
I had to sweep the concrete to get a dry spot!! we FINALLY got some snow.!! So I swept and hoped the sun would come out for a photo... 

all I needed was 2 minutes....

It sort of happened.... Came out Super bright for 90 seconds then the clouds took it back over...
I snapped!!!

Now I am finished with it!! It will go back to one of the stitchers in my group for Binding!!!

Whoo Hoo!!! A second Finish for this year !!

Just because... Check out my funny girls!!!!

Kate ( over at Life in Pieces) hosts a 15 minutes to stitch . I have to admit - I am never that organized to make sure that happens, but I am trying to turn over a new leaf. 

So far this year, after chores each evening, I have sat down and gotten 15 minutes in. Of course, I bribe the dogs with a Woof Pupsicle  

 - It takes them approximately 20 minutes... 

So Win Win!!!

oh!! that means I have 1 whole week of making it 15 minutes per day!!!

Alright!!! It is your turn to BRAG away!! we had 32 link ups last week - that is SO awesome - and I did make it to all of them!! What amazing projects everyone has going on!!!!

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Wednesday, January 08, 2025

Ranchin' Around

 It was time to vaccinate the calves and get them ready to be weaned off of Momma... 

We headed out to gather them up... and bring them to the Corrals and pens


We had a friend - actually she knew we had cake (Cow cake - but they love it) and she was patiently waiting for us to feed her!

This is when they all realized - we had cake!!!!  and ol blackie there - let everyone know!!!

and to us they came.... or ran ...  actually - these cows are very docile and well mannered... They know that the sound of the truck means cake so they all just sort of meander ( quickly) to the truck so as not to miss out.

Some get a little braver than others - but !! Cake!!! They are brave for Cake. Kind of how I feel about fabric.... and chocolate.... and fabric.... nd maybe even a new quilt technique... maybe

We brought them all in, put them in corrals - sorted Mommas away from Baby. Babies went thru the chute and got their vaccines, then we turn them back with Momma for a few weeks - just to make sure everyone is happy.   Vaccines and Weaning in the same day can be tough  - and we are small enough we can do it slowly..

You can't really see - but they go in this chute, we check ear tags, confirm heifer or steer, vaccinate, and check feet - got to make sure everyone is good and ready for winter!

Them we turn them back out and head back for a meal. This year - we had Green Chili, Chicken Chili, Italian Soup and ice cream!!!  that was a lot of food - but everyone was full, warm, and willing to come back to wean haha!!

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