Our little 4-H group adopted 2 families for Christmas this year. Being in a small town it is easier to coordinate things thru the police dept, and our leaders worked it all out that we could make food, and dinner and they would come pick it up to deliver for us, along with some gifts.
So we all met to do the cooking. We were assigned the cookie baking. That's my favorite - and we thought we could do that well. We made 8 dozen chocolate chip and sugar cookies.
Some of the kids were playing (although I am not sure I would call that playing!) and my poor middle son got his hand smashed in the door. He

came running in to me just gushing blood and 2 of his fingers were flattened. I wrapped his fingers tightly in paper towels, told the kids to grab jackets, told the leaders we were leaving and headed into the emergency room. Of course - the only thing I had with me was my camera - no insurance card, no money, no cell phone.... good thing Wrangler man had his wallet.
We spent 3 hours in the ER, had x-rays of his hand. The Docs were so surprised that his bones were not crushed, just one had a tiny fracture. But he will lose 2 fingernails - and they should grow back. They had to puncture the nail to relieve the pressure on both fingers.
We not only had a RN nurse, a Doctor, but also an EMT. I think he was my favorite. Oh - all of them were male - my son LOVED that! The EMT has a 2 and 4 yo boy, and was so kind. So the fingers are all wrapped up in finger gauze, and he has to keep his hand elevated for 24 hours.

Needless to say - it was an interesting night. And the boys who pushed on the door, rather than letting him out are on my worst possible list to have. But we do not need surgery.... so that is the best news!
Since I had my camera my son and I took various pics of the ER and he said I could share this one. Note to self: Next time you are in a painful situation give son the camera. Stops the tears!!!
Have a great day - we have a little snowcoming down, a little shopping to do, and a little ( very little) cleaning to do!