Friday, February 07, 2025

Pink Diamonds!! and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Happy Friday!!! The wind has been howling here - and I feel like it just Blew me through the week!! Its supposed to be less windy today and I am all for it!!

I did get lucky and get a finish!!!


I might have gone a little Photo happy - but the sun was shining, the dogs were behaving, the world was all right for the moment... so I snapped away!!!

My Little Flamingo Quilt clips are actually Beach chair clips - the work so nice over the Fencing: you can find them here :

Towel Clips... 

I always like to use them in the winter because it makes me think I am on a beach - warm and maybe drinking an appropriate Adult beverage - Maybe even reading a book!!!

This was my January Rainbow scrap Challenge Quilt - and I was pretty excited I got it quilt - and even got the striped binding on it!!! It is now on my quilt rack with another Pink one, and my Moms is on the couch. I think we are looking pretty Valentiney around here now!!!

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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

A little Blue Crumb Quilting

 Since Blue is the RSC color for February - It was time to dig into my blue scraps. Funny enough , when you take the Blues out of the scrap bin... the lid closes. Apparently I use A LOT of blue in my quilting!

I googled Blue - There is a lot out there as to what Blue means -  But I likes this one:

"Cool, Calm and Collected:

Renowned for its composed demeanor, blue is a tranquil presence. It doesn’t intrude or pester. Instead, it merely makes itself known. In terms of the psyche, the color blue is known to impact the mind positively. Blue represents patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. When overwhelming emotions consume us, we’re encouraged to decompress with the color blue. It’s also commonly associated with the ocean, which further highlights its soothing essence."

Also - in my search it said that Blue Thrives on Organization. ... I wonder how stressed BLUE feels in my house - there is not a lot of organization going on this month!

I started to organize by size - and then decided it was just a better idea to start making my crumb blocks - I thought (seriously) I could get at least 10 out of the scraps....

Not really sure I have made a dent in the pile - but this is where I am as of the moment. Oh boy!!! 

Blue!! Blue has a complimentary color of ORANGE

A TRIAD of Yellow and RED .. I am pondering if I want to add any of those to the mix - or stay with Blue.... its a conundrum!

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Monday, February 03, 2025

Star and Crown - a QOV in the making

 We had Pat Speth come to our guild ( via zoom) and do a presentation. SHE WAS AWESOME!!

But she also renewed my love for 5 inch squares and their ability to be amazing!!

The next Sunday was our QOV sew day - and I was entranced by the quilt she presented called Star and Crown  ( Link to pattern here) 

That!!! is what the group stitched on!!

These are the blocks that we got done!!! We had one booboo - in that a red star got made - but I am starting to think that maybe that would be cool in the border?

I am still quite a few blocks short - so will keep making them as my leader enders - and see what I come up with!!!

We also awarded 2 Quilts of Valor at our Sew day - and got to meet the most amazing service dog. He was SPOT ON with his person. That is so cool to see!

Pretty sure my sweet babies are disqualified from service Bwah hahaha!!!

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