Friday, February 21, 2025

The 4th Hawaiian... and !! Finished ( or not!) Friday

Happy Friday!!

Todays quilt has a little Tropical vibe going on!!!  Maybe its because I like the idea of the sun, the beach, and the water???

I started this one in May of 2023 - back when I had decided it was time to clear out the Hawaiian prints in the bucket - and this is the 4th of the quilts I made from said fabrics!!

The pattern is called Wiggle Time - from Quilting is more fun that Housework - and it was fun!

I added a little Rip Curl Quilting to it - and BAM!!!

 It is a super fun pattern, and goes together rather quickly. I enjoyed making it. And then photographing it on a dreary day.

I added my Margarita Beach chair clips. I also tried to convince K that Margaritas at 10 am were acceptable....

He did not agree 😕

and for the other side I used my Flamingos - I mean - everyone needs a flamingo right? They are just the funniest birds...

Again - K declined to let me buy a bird!! I think Pink birds would be just fine with my horses???

And a close up of the Rip Curl quilting - I envisioned the waves hitting the shore line... Beachy dreaming right???

Enough about me and my Beach Dreaming!!! What have you all been up to??? 

Did you move things closer to a finish?

Did you Finish!!!!

Post a direct Link and let us ohh and ahh!!!
( Direct link to the post please, as I am not the timeliest of people and I NEED to see your progress!)

*******************Link up Here ********************

*********************The End*******************

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Gretchen Weaver said...

I could use some warm vibe right now! Very pretty and happy quilt!

Preeti said...

I am looking forward to Spring but you, my friend, are just outright taunting us with visions of blue skies, warm ocean and a frosty margarita to complete the torture that is this weather. Stay warm!

Linda said...

Those Hawaiian blocks look like floating islands! Very pretty.

Sara said...

I had visions of waves hitting the beach immediately when I saw this!! Perfect quilting choice!

Delighted Hands said...

Super cool! It is like a stretched out bargello quilt!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Isn't that a fun quilt?! I love the colors and your quilting, too. Perfect! Happy Friday!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Aloha!!! What a cute quilt!!!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I LOVE rip curl as choice for a tropical beach quilt. You do have the best towel pins. They crack me up.

Vivian said...

There can never be too much of that Hawaiian vibe during this spell of brutally cold weather! I think you warmed up everyone's day with this cute one!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What a fun quilt, Alycia and love the quilting. Those are some adorable clips too. You are making me dream of "fun in the sun". Enjoy your day.

Nann said...

I can't believe no one has commented yet -- the Wiggle Time pattern is a great way to show off these lively prints. And the blue background is a taste of the tropics. said...

Cynthia's Wiggle Time pattern makes up into wonderful quilts. Your finish is another good example! Well done!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Oh, I can hear the surfing music in my head looking at this quilt! Great job quilting the waves! Aloha!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I really love the pattern - a great pop of colour from the Hawaiian fabrics and then tons of negative space to make a splash! I think a margarita can be good for you at 10am, if you want to get back to sleep! Would your dogs like a pink friend? Take care.

Kate said...

A very fun finish! The quilting really works too.

Vicki W said...

What a fun quilt! I've been working on a baby quilt that had a March 8 deadline for the shower.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Sweet beach dream, and quilt! This is such a joyful quilt, yes I can hear the waves ;)