Friday, February 07, 2025

Pink Diamonds!! and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Happy Friday!!! The wind has been howling here - and I feel like it just Blew me through the week!! Its supposed to be less windy today and I am all for it!!

I did get lucky and get a finish!!!


I might have gone a little Photo happy - but the sun was shining, the dogs were behaving, the world was all right for the moment... so I snapped away!!!

My Little Flamingo Quilt clips are actually Beach chair clips - the work so nice over the Fencing: you can find them here :

Towel Clips... 

I always like to use them in the winter because it makes me think I am on a beach - warm and maybe drinking an appropriate Adult beverage - Maybe even reading a book!!!

This was my January Rainbow scrap Challenge Quilt - and I was pretty excited I got it quilt - and even got the striped binding on it!!! It is now on my quilt rack with another Pink one, and my Moms is on the couch. I think we are looking pretty Valentiney around here now!!!

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Wednesday, February 05, 2025

A little Blue Crumb Quilting

 Since Blue is the RSC color for February - It was time to dig into my blue scraps. Funny enough , when you take the Blues out of the scrap bin... the lid closes. Apparently I use A LOT of blue in my quilting!

I googled Blue - There is a lot out there as to what Blue means -  But I likes this one:

"Cool, Calm and Collected:

Renowned for its composed demeanor, blue is a tranquil presence. It doesn’t intrude or pester. Instead, it merely makes itself known. In terms of the psyche, the color blue is known to impact the mind positively. Blue represents patience and understanding, which is why we feel so comfortable around it. When overwhelming emotions consume us, we’re encouraged to decompress with the color blue. It’s also commonly associated with the ocean, which further highlights its soothing essence."

Also - in my search it said that Blue Thrives on Organization. ... I wonder how stressed BLUE feels in my house - there is not a lot of organization going on this month!

I started to organize by size - and then decided it was just a better idea to start making my crumb blocks - I thought (seriously) I could get at least 10 out of the scraps....

Not really sure I have made a dent in the pile - but this is where I am as of the moment. Oh boy!!! 

Blue!! Blue has a complimentary color of ORANGE

A TRIAD of Yellow and RED .. I am pondering if I want to add any of those to the mix - or stay with Blue.... its a conundrum!

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Monday, February 03, 2025

Star and Crown - a QOV in the making

 We had Pat Speth come to our guild ( via zoom) and do a presentation. SHE WAS AWESOME!!

But she also renewed my love for 5 inch squares and their ability to be amazing!!

The next Sunday was our QOV sew day - and I was entranced by the quilt she presented called Star and Crown  ( Link to pattern here) 

That!!! is what the group stitched on!!

These are the blocks that we got done!!! We had one booboo - in that a red star got made - but I am starting to think that maybe that would be cool in the border?

I am still quite a few blocks short - so will keep making them as my leader enders - and see what I come up with!!!

We also awarded 2 Quilts of Valor at our Sew day - and got to meet the most amazing service dog. He was SPOT ON with his person. That is so cool to see!

Pretty sure my sweet babies are disqualified from service Bwah hahaha!!!

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Friday, January 31, 2025

Po Tay To ish Chip quilt finish - and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!!

In December, I decided it was time to play with my 2 1/2 inch scraps and see what I could do. I really liked the look of those Potato Chip Quilts - so that is the idea I started with.

We all know me though - and know that lazy is a part of my game - and as I got started I wondered why I was cutting the scraps up - and not just using what I had - so.... this became the PoTayTo ish quilt.

Now!! PoTayTo ish is done!!!!              ( and I still have a 2 1/2 inch pile of strips/scraps!😖)

I had a hard time finding a good place to take the photo - the snow was everywhere - EVEN on my beautiful fake green grass.... so I tried to find a snow spot that the dogs hadn't ran thru yet....

I quilted some fun Paisleys on it - and the backing was this blue.  I really Really like this backing fabric - I wonder if I could find more?  wait... My goal is to use things - LET IT GO....

I had better stop that line of thinking... but man I really do like it!

PoTayTo ish turned out to be 64 x 80 ish - so it is perfect for a Quilt of Valor - and!! one of my stitching friends has already taken it to bind!! Whoop Whoop!!!

I know you all want to see my girls - they really are the stars of the show these days!! We are working on double commands - telling them to both do something, and then calling one to do something else while the other stays.... were about 50/50 in our success rate at this time.....

And now it is your turn to be the STAR!!!!

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and enjoy all the eye candy!!! 

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Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Pink RSC Recap and the Start of BLUE!!!

 I always like January - I am full of energy from the Christmas break, I am ready to start new projects, and I haven't let the routine set back in . It seems every January I get a lot of RSC quilts done!!

So the first!!

My Triad Top is DONE!!! and it has a backing, and!! it is pinned and ready for the Longarm when it is free.

My Second - was my Pink Diamonds - so fun to learn there are so many names for this block! I used 5 inch squares to make the 1/2 squares and 4 patches - and guess what.... My 5 inch Pink SQUARES  were GONE!!!

I was even able to get the top put together - make a back and!! It is on the Long arm Right Smack now!!

Then to finish up the pinks - I used all the scraps I had to make 25 Crumb blocks - I am not sure what they will be - but at least they aren't crumbs anymore!!

Angela threw the February Color out there -so I had a chance to dig in the crumb bin - here is the pile of Blues I will be working with. We have a bet as to how many crumb blocks this pile will make... I am sure that Bella's guess will be right - but I said 30 and K said 45

I even had a chance to start sorting the sizes - hmmm - what will they become?

My sweet girl - She makes me laugh EVERY time!!

I think Pink Diamonds will become my 3rd Valentine Quilt - so that each kid gets one at some time in their lives. Not sure what I will do with Triad - and the crumbs... we will see..

Enjoy your day!!

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Monday, January 27, 2025

Valentine Quilts

My mom wasn't really a Quilter, she classified herself as a writer.

She wasn't really all that enthralled with sewing. However her mother was a huge seamstress, made almost all of her children's clothes (even her son's boxer shorts ) .

But because I wanted to learn how to sew, my Grandma and Neighbor Annie taught me, and my Mom continued the lessons at home.

When I got into Quilting , my mom and I were shopping and she found a valentine jelly roll. She purchased it without ever telling me what she planned to do.

I did get a call from her. She asked if it was OK to use regular fabric and flannel fabric at the same time.

I said, of course, it's your quilt. You get to do whatever you want.

And a few months later, she showed up with this quilt and asked me to quilt it for her.

I think she had fun - she used Flannel  Cotton and  Polar fleece!! it is a very warm quilt!  She wasn't really hooked on Quilting tho - as a Grandma , she did decide she needed to make Quilts for my Niece and Nephew. So she did. 

And the 4 years we needed over 1000 Quilts of Valor - She got to pieceing!! She even recruited her church ladies, and bible study ladies. She continued for quite a few years - but when we started to need only 500+ per year, she started to retire from quilting.

I kept her Valentine Quilt and its out on the couch now - I am decorated for Valentines Day 💖💖

I also have this one:

When K's Grandma had to go into a Nursing home it was around Valentines Day - so I made a Quilt exactly like this for her. Since it uses Fat Quarters - I purchased Half yards so I could make two quilts.

When she passed - her roommate at the Nursing home asked if she could have Grammys Quilt - so we all said yes - and I just *had* to make another. ( you can tell how much I resisted 😆😇)

I am thinking - Since I have three kids - Maybe I should quilt that Pink Diamonds up and make it the third Valentine Quilt?

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Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

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Friday, January 24, 2025

Buffalo Plaid 16 patch FINISH!! and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

In October - I went Treasure Quilting.. what a fun place to DIVE into - haha - like treasure divers!!!

And I came up with a cute Buffalo Plaid 16 patch quilt - that is now FINISHED!!!

I really really really like how this one turned out - and of course, may just have to do some more Treasure Quilting!!!! - I just meandered on it - cuz it was fun!! and GUESS WHAT!!

It was gifted at a Baby Cowboy Baby shower already - GO ME!!!

Oh!! Because the colors of the University of Wyoming are Brown and Gold.... so Brown fit the bill, plus they are decorating in Browns and cowboys - so CHECK out that back!!!!


Now since you all know me, and know how much I love to bind..... you may remember that my kid made me these really cool binding ladders - so I ACTUALLY made the binding before I quilted it.... I am sure that is what brought the polar vortex this way...

But look how nice it keeps the binding, it doesn't flop all over the place - if I have to step away for a moment I am not tripping over any of the binding - LOVE it!!!

I'm told more are bieng made, as we sold out on the last batch!!

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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Starry Log Cabin from the *Pile*

 My Quilt of Valor Group did a Log Cabin Block drive this last year . This year the National QOV block is a log cabin.... I keep telling myself - I am psychic  or maybe I am just a trend setter and I don't know it??

Next trend - Flannel Jammies under the chore pants - its a REAL thing people!!

This is the one I am currently working on . and Yes, these blocks were in my Piles!!!

I have it all Stacked to start rowing it now... Below - that was me trying to figure out how I wanted the star to go, and then looking at it, and then looking again, and then wondering if I was close to right!

This last weekend we had a Polar Vortex come visit ( much like the rest of the country). We have horses, and mostly they stay outside - but when the winds blow so hard we put them in the barn. The barn is mostly a riding arena, so we have to put temporary corrals up . Which we did - 6 of them...

I rarely -and I do mean rarely - wear my glasses outside, but for some reason I did while moving horses in the barn. The weather was so cold, everything was frosting almost immediately. even my hair!!

My horse took a big breath and blew it out, right into my face - and Literally Blinded me!!!

It was frustrating and funny at the same time. She didn't know what she did, and why we stopped so abruptly. 

Oh!!! and there is always some calamity when its miserable cold - We got a call from a neighbor - look west!   We looked out our window and saw this: 

That is smoke from a fire, and the fire truck lights looking our way - it was still a mile away, and the wind was blowing from south to north ( see the Vortex caused that!)   But still not something you want to see when its dark. The guys all headed over to see if they could help - seems they had a fire in the cornfield.... 

no real details as to why?? but! It got put out and all was good. 

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Monday, January 20, 2025

Diamond Chains or Buckeye Beauties... in TWO colorways!!

I think I found a new Block that I have accidentally become addicted to. 

I've made it before, but when I started my Blocks in September, I think.... well, I might have proof, that it sparked something. I WILL NEVER give up my beloved Churn Dash - but heck fire - these are SO fun!!!

Are you ready for the spiral? In september I started making these with my 5 inch square box - I thought to clean it out. ( THOUGHT is the main word there) 

But then... I saw my Patriotic plaids - and I turned my whole QOV group on to them. While they were making blocks I was SURE that I could do a whole Quilt in Patriotic Plaids....

Here is my Progress report: Did you know I would need 80 blocks to make a QOV sized quilt? Me neither - I didn't really think to do the math before I started... Rookie mistake - 

here are my EIGHTY!!! Blocks - and then I started putting them on the design wall.....

I might have had a lot of the same Light Blue Squares - so I wanted to spread them out a bit....

All out on the design wall - and now!!! ALL out in a TOP!!! Whoot Whoot!!! the top is complete!!!

Wait - did you want proof that I am addicted???

I had a few blocks in my pile from when I originally started - so I pulled the Pink blocks, and then I pulled my pink 5 inch squares out....

I divided the stack of pink Squares to start making the HSTs and the 4Patches... I wanted to end up even....

Blocks started coming together....

Again - I didn't do that Math thing that is SO helpful, I just started putting them up on the wall....

I finally got all the Blocks done and found out I was TWO short for the layout I saw in my head.... You all know I have pink in the stash.. so I went and cut 4 more pink squares - and TA DA!!!

I now have a Pink Diamond Chain quilt ( or Pink Buckeye Beauty ) I have to say Pink Diamonds sounds better... richer haha!

Now Hopefully this will be a top by the end of today!!

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