Thursday, February 28, 2008
Four Patch Log Cabin QOV

Sunday, February 24, 2008
Choosing the designs

Saturday, February 23, 2008
Hola! Como Es?

The right picture is my view from the Tiki hut.

Got home last nite to cold, fog and a little bit of wind. But Spring has to be coming soon right? Suzanne.... is the spring coming your way Yet.....???
Bummer - some bozo keeps posting a link in my comments and I delete them - but they keep coming back.... so for the moment - until the bozos ( and that NOT the real word I want to use) goes away... I have to moderate the comments. I don't want anyone getting any yuccky pictures or anything... I am so bummed... dumb bozo...
Thursday, February 14, 2008
String Quilt of Valor

So this quilt makes 4 completely ready to deliver... I don't count the binding - as I take them to school and one of the teachers binds them for me. She is really good at it - and she likes doing the binding... I just can not imgine liking that step. If you can't tell that is my least favorite part of quilting....
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
You are Amazing!!
Oh My Gosh!!! I had class this morning and when I came home this afternoon and checked my emails I was in tears... literally - I heard from 6 people all wanting to send us a quilt or two or three to deliver. ( A total of 12 quilts) And a few had tops that they were going to finish and get to me. I am in Awe!!
So I went downstairs ( my office) I counted my quilts - after I get the rest of mine quilted I will have 9 that I have made. The 5th graders have a total of 9 already finished and will be quilted shortly. I heard that the High School group is making two. Then the High School CFS teacher is doing the coordination of a Community sew day - so maybe we will get a few from there.... I am so excited!!!
Do you think there is a real possibility that we could have 400 quilts to deliver in May? This would be so awesome and such a great surprise - but honestly I will be so excited to be able to deliver these quilts. The 5th grade is getting really excited as the time is getting closer.
Okay I am sure I am rambling - but I just wanted to let you know how excited I am, how humbled I am at the support for what our group is doing, and how lucky I am to know people like you all!!! (see the tears again- oh my you might think I was a basket case....)
Have a GREAT evening!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Quilts of Valor progress

I used my version of the Flurry of Angels from Jamie Wallen. I took his class at MQX last March and I just loved his style.
I have 4 more Quilts of Valor here to quilt that I have made, and then will start on the finished ones from our 5th grade class. They are picking quilting patterns this Friday. I am busily making backs for them.
This morning the Chaplain from the Fort called me. They have a new unit there called Warriors in Transition for the men and women that are rehabbing from both physical and emotional wounds. He was wondering if we would want to present our Quilts of Valor to some soldiers from that unit. ( OF COURSE) But I was thinking WOW - I would love to take one for every one in the unit, so I asked how many people were in the unit - maybe I could get enough quilts for all of them. He said 400 people..... Okay I can't get that many made between now and May..Bummer. We will have approximatley 20 quilts though. So that is a dent.
So if any of you are reading this and have ever been tempted to make a Quilt of Valor, have one in progress, or just needs quilting.... maybe this will motivate you to get it completly ready to deliver. I would love to take more quilts that what we have made to the Fort - and would be glad to deliver yours ( yes this is a shameless plug!!) You should also check out Http://www.qovf.org and you can request a Longarmer there - or request a destination. I know that soldiers all over the country would appreciate a hug from us!!
Okay - back to work!
- Gratitudes for Today.
- 1. I am back inside - the wind is picking up again.
- 2. Finished one QOV
- 3. No activities tonite - just a home nite for the whole family
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Happy Boys

Now Middle son presented me with the perfect opportunity. I made him a Transformers pillowcase - and all is happy with his world. Well it was happy - he told me that his birthday is coming up...... ( its in July - he is a little ahead of himself!)
And the other happy - my oldest son competed in the District Spelling Bee and placed in the top 5 so he advances to the State Competition. He is extremely happy, and I am extremely glad that I have cheat sheets to help him study!!
I used 8 yards of fabrics this week for backings of Quilt of Valors - One quilt is on my Longarm, the other I being prepped to go on for Tuesday!! This makes me feel better about my stash acquistion last week ;-)
Have a happy week!!
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Weekly Stashbusting Report ( well not really)
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Sewing on Saturday