Saturday, September 29, 2007
Heritage Days

Friday, September 28, 2007
Sue's Heartstring Quilt is Quilted

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Gifts for the 25th - September
I got up really early , did all the chores, got the kids to school, picked up a friend, spent most the day in Denver, got back home - threw dinner in the crockpot ( a 20 min stopover) picked the kids up from school. Took them to the orthodontist, football practice, left the younger two with Dad, and took the older one to Parent Teacher conferences..... came home, ate dinner, packed up my bucket for Wednesday. It was Heritage Days at the Centennial Village ( like a pioneer village) . Loaded the car, helped my son with algebra and ...... Sewed the backing together for my GIFT of the 25th - No pictures yet - because it is a gift, and I don't keep secrets all that well ;-)
at 10 pm I was asleep.......
Monday, September 24, 2007
organized chaos

Friday, September 21, 2007
My cutie patootie
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Its Tuesday!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
My life in a Shampoo Bottle
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Bound to the Prarie
A group of ladies took a class on the Bound to the Prarie Quilts, and oh my are they beautiful. Here are some pics of the way I quilted them. It was kind of nice - they wanted them all done the same way, so it made my planning a lot easier!
Saturday, September 08, 2007
My Photo

So this is me - I am at a Broncos Raiders Game in Oakland - hence the Black - so I don't get attacked by the diehard Raider fans - yes I am a Bronco fan - the sun sets Blue and Orange here (grin)
Today was my sons football scrimmage - they had fun. He got hot, I got sunburned - and now I am lazy and playing around on my computer. I figured out how to drag it and the phone line over to the couch - and I think I may Never leave!!
My guild has been invited to help out at a heritage day in Greeley and I have been made a chairperson for a day. I am thinking of bringing in lots of quilts, blocks for the kids ( mostly 4th graders) to look at, batting samples, and they will have a treadle machine there. I thought maybe I coud make up some Rail Fence blocks with white in the center and have the kids sign the blocks to be made into a Quilt of Valor - there should be about 100 kids - what do you think? If I just sew 2 1/2 strips together - 3 of them - should be a 6 1/2 inch block......
I got Judy Laquidara's book in the mail Wedesday and it is pretty cool - I think I could make a few of those ( not want - I mean actually do the sewing!) It was a nice thing to have arrive - as I have bonded with my couch this week. DH also went to the library and got Gwen Marstons Liberated Strings book and a quilting book for me to look at. All this inspiration - When I finally get up off the couch I should be sewing for a month!
Okay - well see if I have followed (or can follow) the directions and get a picture in my file of me - that way if you run into me on the street you won't be tempted to run away !!