Monday, October 21, 2024

Decorating for Halloween

 is DONE!

And I have a vampire dog

I'm done!!!

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Friday, October 18, 2024

Wedding Ring Quilt and !! Finished!! ( or not) Friday

 I am showing off a Quilt today that I did not want to bind. But I did it, and I am happy I did it, and I need a reward now 😝😝

This was actually a fun quilt to quilt- I learned so much, even though I thought I already knew it all. It was a very busty girl - it had C and D cups, as well as waves and wiggles, and parts that weren't sewn... 

We also go from feedsacks and 30's fabrics to something else
Cotton to a Cotton Poly Blend..

But No Matter!! she is now ALL done, All Quilted, Somewhat flat, only off on one side now - and DONE!! Bound And ready to be shown off for a while!!

But it is Friday - you know what Friday is!! Time to show off - Link up !!! Are you getting more things to Finished????

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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Treasure Quilting

I think Last months RSC color was Darks - but I was not inspired at the time. Then I had to find ways to entertain myself with my foot elevated. ( just so you know - my apple watch tells me I stand about 13-15 hours a day.. sitting is HARD)

So I dug thru a bin and found some browns, 

and then An idea came to me... make some 16 patches... and some crumb blocks

I made them and threw them on the wall - they were a MESS. I had to rearrange to see what I had!

I had the top 12 -  16 patch blocks made, but I started digging in another pile and found the bottom 16 patches. That is when my husband came in, admonished me, and then said - Oh - is that Treasure Quilting?  and it stuck!!! 

I kept staring at those 16 patches trying to figure out what to make out of them. The crumb blocks were already going to the *parts department* ( thanks Cathy for that term) but I didn't want them all to go there!

I started playing, and realized I needed a few more 16 patches to actually make this quilt - so I made 2 more!!! and Ta Da!!!  A buffalo plaid 16 patch haha!!!

A month Behind - but!! I am counting it for this years Rainbow Scrap Challenge. 

And keeping my fingers crossed I will have it pieced and MAYBE even quilted by the end of the month.

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Monday, October 14, 2024

Patriotic Diamond Chain / Buckeye Beauty Blocks

You saw our last State QOV block  - the little log cabin. Those quilts are going to be great!

Our next block drive block we will be doing is the Buckeye Beauty / Diamond Chain Block.

I have been taken over!!! I started one of these with some of my Plaid squares, and then we saw Cynthias similar block and then... I got to thinking... wouldn't it look great in Patriotics ....

So I dug into my trusty 5 inch square bin. I got a little wild hair - I wonder if I can piece enough blocks to make one in all Plaids????

I am digging it - and by using it as leader/enders on my other projects - look what I came up with so far!!

I'm loving it!!! 

You use all 5 inch squares - so easy - here is the tute:

Diamond Chain/ Buckeye Tutorial

What is the Over/Under on if I can piece a WHOLE quilt out of plaids? ( with a few eagles for good measure thrown in?)  

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Friday, October 11, 2024

The Purple Hawaiian and!! Finished ( or not) Friday

This is the quilt that made me think I had used up all of my 5 inch Hawaiian squares... I'll have you know.... it was ... until!   I made more!! Whaaatttt???

Anyways I made this one with the leftovers of my 5 Hawaiian themed Quilts back in June 0f 2023. ( thank goodness for blogs) and this week!!! I got it Quilted and bound!!

Its small - it was fast.

Isn't that back great? So Colorful!!!! ( I always get asked about my Quilt clips - they can be found here... and yep - I make a little commission that goes right to QOV purchases for my group_)

It was great to have a small quick finish!! Made me feel productive! 

How was your week?

Link up  and show us what you are up to - please use a Direct link tho!!

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Have a great week!!

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Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Ranchin Around

 I got a notification from my apple watch that my activities had decreased in the last few days.... I went from 15,000 steps a day to 5000... ugh...

But I am feeling better! Instead of the boot ( that beautiful blue boot) I have my foot vet wrapped and am wearing my Hightop boots - much easier to navigate in...

Now for some random Ranch photos :

Ms Bella Bean has the art of posing with the sunrise perfected!

Mr Reno - well he is just adorable!!! He and his Momma get to be out in the pastures 1/2 the day, and the others go out the other half. But we have been integrating them. Mr Reno got to get out with my gelding the other day and Oh my gosh did we laugh.

My Gelding is 26 ( or 27) and he can still be rather stubborn, but Reno wanted to run and jump and play and Rojo just looked at him like he was a nuisance - it was hilarious.

Cows....  ( oh and my arena) but!! COWS!!!

This is what you call a Dog Slide. Bella goes up to the top of the pile and just slides down. She does it like 5 times in a row, and then runs like a crazy dog. This one Definitely entertains me. 

We had rain one night and the next morning it was cool - like 50 degrees and foggy - so wierd - but as I was in one of the pastured - I saw this!  a Fog Rainbow...

Have you ever seen one of these?

You will note - there are no pictures of Daisy. She won't sit still. I have however, started training her to herd the cats... so there may be photos in the future.

Today she got Yellow all the way back to the barn.  And she does not rush them or chase them - she is literally herding them - its awesome!

See you back here for Finished ( or not) friday!!! Be ready to link up!!!

Monday, October 07, 2024

Scrappy Log Cabin QOV top

 My QOV group has ben doing a little block drive with these scrappy 8 1/2 inch Log Cabin blocks. I figured it might be fun to put tops together before the drive was over.

Ta da!!! The First Top!!!! So far I think we have enough blocks for 2 tops. I sorta forgot that they take 80 blocks to make a 64 x 80 quilt top.... sometimes Math eludes me.

But I really like how this one turned out. I will get the backing ready and get it quilted soon.

In the meantime, Thursday I sprained my ankle. I did it good.. because - if you are going to sprain something you might as well get some sympathy out of it right? I am supposed to be in a boot - but man those things could kill you. and they make your hips hurt.... 

I made my husband Vet Wrap it instead. I am so NOT good at sitting still!

Also - I can now use my sewing machine with my left foot haha

My Baby has sympathy ... but she REALLY wants to play and run and jump and attack me haha!!

We are working really hard on all our behaviors and being good, so we thought it was time to start training on some fun tricks to intersperse with the behavior.... she is learning to sit pretty ;-)

Its so cute!!

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Friday, October 04, 2024

A Green Finish and !! Finished ! ( or not) Friday

 Hope your week has been amazing - I am just not sure how it got to Friday already!!! Last time I looked - it was last Friday!! Oh boy!!

This is my finish for the week!

I am not 100% in love with it, but I am in Like with it . I had these Churns left over from one of the RSC years - and the panel of Eagles - and so this is where I went with it.

I put textury quilting on it, and used a camo back. Green is not one I have a lot of in my stash...

My Apple Trees went nuts!! ( or Apples!!!) this year - this is 1/2 of what I got off of one tree. 

I learned something about picking apples!
You should start on the top branches and work your way down. Because when you start on the bottom branches and work your way up, the tree keeps getting taller and taller and taller as you remove the weight of the apples

My other trees were not so tall - but this one kept getting taller and taller..... oh boy!!

How did your week go?
What did you work on?
Link up!!!


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Also linking to Off the Wall Friday

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Friday, September 27, 2024

Orange Rainbow Scrap Challenge FINISH!! and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

 Whoo hoo - Got my last RSC Finish in for the year!!!!!

This was August's top - now Septembers finished quilt.

This is still my Lightning Streak quilt - but I was going for a Corn Maze look - sort of.... I mean - you can get lost in here, and probably not get out. but the idea was there

I quilted it in Fall Leaves

and I found a LARGE piece of Orange in my stash for the back

and then the sun was just bright, so I had to photograph it is a few places... I wanted that quilting to show up!

I bound it in the plaid - and it is on the back of our couch right now. Just a funny - we have three couches - Bella has claimed one, Daisy has claimed one - and the third? I have to put a laundry basket on it so they won't bother my quilts.  ( their couches have blankets covering them so I can make sure the hair doesn't go crazy)

I know RSC is still going and September was darks -  but from now until Christmas... my stitching time is limited - so I just QUILT all day ( whoo hoo) but I didn't want to start something I know I can't finish ;-)

Guess what day it is??? FRIDAY!! Link up your Finishes - or not Finishes!!!

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Laurie B's QOV

 That rhymes.... it made my day to have that happen!!

I received a Quilt top in the mail from one of our Colorado QOV'ers 

Isn't it great!!

I just love being a part of a team effort!! I got it quilted, and Sunday someone from my group took it to bind,,,, LOVE all the love that goes into these Quilts of Valor...

( I know I'm preaching to to choir with our quilters, but seriously!!)

Probably you know this - But I am not allowed in the garden other that to turn on water when K tells me to.... I scare plants apparently. BUT!! I am responsible for watering the trees - and this year I must have done a good job -the Apple trees just keep producing!!

So!!  Here is my Apple Crisp - from tree to dessert in 2 hours!!! 

Dessert *Its what's for dinner* 

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Finished (or not) Friday at Alyciaquilts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday and stuff

Good Monday Morning!!

Yesterday was our QOV sew day - I'm pretty excited to see how all these quilts turn out . as I get photos - I will share.

But!! K and I got to head to one of my most favorite VFW’s Friday night and award Quilts of Valor !

I had an Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine !! I thought that was pretty cool to represent!!
When we started Quilts of Valor in Colorado (21yrs ago) - 6 months later I got to get 80 5th graders involved in making these quilts . But when you start something from the ground level, you forget you need resources .
When the Adamson Warmuth VFW heard what we were doing they immediately provided funds for those resources.

It’s pretty cool to have the support but then be able to love on them back 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

I have a little bit of Growth on my Buckeye Beauty Blocks - I am thinking I will continue making them until this is a 2 person quilt size. Or at least that is the plan at this moment.

and stuff...
Daisy Turned 3:

She is not a fan of sitting still and thinks taking time for photos is dumb.
She would prefer to chase the ball , herd the cows , and run in the arena ❤️
She almost has us trained to her will 🙂

Baby Bella tried to show her up in the posing :

Just to prove it could be done, but what you don't see - Daisy is glaring at Bella telling her she is a Know it all ... These girls... too funny!!

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