Friday, June 30, 2023

Pink Lemonade, June Spinning Goose and!! Finished!! or not Friday!!!!

Happy Friday!!!! 

Back in January - I dug into some happy bright prints and made Quilt tops and this week!! I got to quilt one of them - and you know what?? They are still bright and Happy!!! The colors just made my day and made me smile all day!!!

Remember Monday - when I told you we had picked up the hay ( well we got the last load Tuesday) and now it could rain again?  The weather took me literally - and so!! 

We have indoor photos!!! 

In my stash I have a bolt of this rosebud Flannel - I think... I bought it to make PJ's a while ago, and then I never made pjs... but!! I think it makes a great backing!!

The quilting is Feathers, butterflies and spinnies... I thought it was cute!

also - sliding in at the VERY LAST MINUTE.... My June RSC Spinning Goose block!!

Now... I read, and I write things down, but sometimes I Do Not comprehend my notes.... And I wrote down Bright blues /Bright Greens... I think when I wrote it down I knew I should so one color - but!

When I selected my fabrics - apparently I didn't remember my original thought - so I made a 2 colored block - and I LOVE IT!!

I even pulled fabrics for the July Block ( REDS) ! Maybe I will get it done before the last day of July???

Alright!!! it is your turn!!!

And now!!!
It is your turn to link up those finishes or not finishes!! and brag away!

Please link your direct post!!

and I would love a link back - get everyone inspired to finish things!!

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Monday, June 26, 2023

Procrastiquilt # 2 - now in top form!!!

I got just a little bit of stitching in this weekend and Yay!!!

My Procrastiquilt Number 2 is now a top!!!!

I think I should rename it to Stars and Bars or something like that - but... I will forever see it as the Procrastiquilt!!!

Or maybe I should call it flying in the wind... ( well really the breeze - but wind sounds better)

All of these stars were so fun - but I really liked this cow one .

Which reminds me - we also did this!!!!! Yay!!!! We finally had 3 solid days without dew, fog or rain - got the hay dried  and it got baled!!!!!   ( K says I probably just jinxed it haha!! but I don't think so - now its picked up we can have rain to make the next cutting grow!!!)

Back to my quilt - I used Blue bars for one row and red for the other - And I really liked that. I thought about mixing them all up - but I thought it needed a tad bit of consistency.. 

I also did a Garage sale this weekend at my parents house - I sold mostly stuff from my house to make room for their stuff... I got rid of furniture, old sewing machines, irons, shoes, and a breadmaker - but I am bringing home photos, old albums and even SLIDES!!!!  Good thing is there is a slide projector in there and I can't wait till fall so we can check them all out!!!

One load - to the barn safe and sound - we have two more loads to go.... just a funny... This was MUCH easier when I had 3 boys around to help...... just the two of us is not as quick!!

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Friday, June 23, 2023

A Group Quilt of Valor and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

This year has been so fun in my sewing group - each month we sew someone teaches us a new block and we make them.. and we laugh because now we all know that I can not measure 1/4 inch *EVER*  and they tease me.......

But!! I was actually able to make my blocks match the rest of the group on this one... so heck fire!! I am on a roll!!

Cindi and Vickie planned and prepped this one. We all got kits of the pieces all cut out, and they instructed us on how to make the blocks.

Cindi went home and put all the blocks into a top

I quilted it

and now - It will go to Vickie to bind it!!  So cool!!

Isn't that a cool quilt - the "Block"  is 4 of those snowball looking blocks ( Or record looking... that what I thought first...)

Close up....

And posing again!!

Can you see all that green???? Man it has been SO wet here - We are told that we have had 22 inches of rain this year... and holee cow people - I think 14 including the snow is an awesome year.... The humidity tho... thats not something to be envied 😝

Where's waldo moment - there are 8 steers out there right now... Can you see them ALL?  Ha!! it took my kids a while to find them..... but that is how high the grass is ... Loving that!!!

Phil says.... what have you been up to?

Its Finished ( or NOT ) Friday - so link up your blog post and lets all encourage each other....

  • *Please make sure it is a direct link
  • * Link back - encourage others to join in
  • * Visit them all ( I DID it last week - all of them before today!! Go me!!)

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***************The End*************

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Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Quilting Quips

 Just showing off a few of the quilts I have been quilting on!!!

My friend made the Coolest quilt for her mom!!!!  ⬆

Quilting on a QOV ⬇

A client of mine has decided it is time to make quilted Table Runners for her gorgeous Farm table - This one will be her Patriotic one... so!! Eagles!!! Right???

Fun Feathers with!!! A Butterfly!!!

Oh Look!!! How did that get in here?   Oh I just love the ocean!! this is from one of our Hikes on Hawaii... 

Have a super great Wednesday!!! ( PS - if you looking for a LongArm Quilter... I have some appointments available )

And don't forget about Finished ( or not) Friday!! I would love to see you join in!!!

Find me at all these places:

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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Pulled Pork in the Instapot

We got the hankerin for some BBQ... Pork BBQ ( say that in your western cowboy voice like you are holding up a bank!! Its funnier!!)

I had a Pork Shoulder Roast in the freezer and I thought that would work just wonderfully! So I defrosted it away I went!!!

Mine was served without BBQ sauce on it, as I wanted to try a few different kinds.... and I dare say.... it was yummy!

So Step 1 - Defrost your Pork Shoulder Roast and cut it into pieces.
Cover it with Brown sugar and garlic.  I mixed the Brown Sugar, Garlic, and I also added salt - then rubbed it it on the pieces and let them sit for about 30 minutes.

( okay - truth... I had to go move horses real quick... so I don't know it that's a LEGAL step - but it all tasted so good - I think it should be)

Step 2: Get your Instapot out and hit the Saute Button - make sure you add about 2 tbsp of oil - I use Avocado oil

I have two utensils that I use a lot when using my Instapot - One is this Pigtail thingy - it holds on to the meat, and gives me a long handle so I don't burn , drop or splash oil. My husband also steals it from me for the BBQ - so I finally got 2!!!

I also use a silicon spatula. You can *scrape* the bottom of the insta-pot and it doesn't scratch it.

Step 3: By Now your oil is headed up and you will sear your meat - I did 2 minutes on each side and it looks like the Brown sugar  kinda caramelized this is good ;-)

Step 4: Make sure you turn the saute off, and cool it for a minute - then add a little bit of water to the bottom and use that silicon spatula to deglaze the bottom . you can use chicken broth or something else - but I just added about 2 tbsp of water...

STep 5: Then you put all your pieces back in the pot all snug like. and!!

Step 6: I poured 1 cup of cola over it. again  - you can used broth - but I wanted sweet!!!

 Step 7: Turn your Insta Pot to Seal....
Turn it to Pressure Cook - Low pressure, and set the timer for 60 minutes and GO QUILT!!!

Step 8:When you hear the buzzer go off, you wait 20 minutes and then turn that nozzle on the top to vent... and everyone comes running since is smells so good....

Then you pull the meat out a shred it - and wish you hadn't told your kids you were cooking because they all show up and there are no leftovers.... This!!! Is a dish I would eat leftovers of!!!

Oh!!! The boys took a scoop and mixed their BBQ sauce in it - I put the BBQ sauce on the plate like dipping sauce...

and I served Coleslaw, and corn an biscuits because I am nice to them....


** The boys say to tell you I made them do work that day too - so they deserved to eat - Bah!!*

*Commissions earned on linked products*

Monday, June 19, 2023

Layer Cake Loop from FQS... sort of

I might have been dilly dallying - or procrastinating - or hiding from the 4 thousand 3 hundred and 62 million days of rain....But!!! I found a free pattern at Fat Quarter Shop called Layer Cake Loop - and I thought... hey... I have layer cakes... or at least I have a bucket of 10 inch squares.....

And so I downloaded the pattern..... FQS Layer Cake Loop pattern

Then the rain stopped ,so I went back to quilting. ( oh yes - the rain has been accompanied by Lightening - so I turn my Long Arm off for that)

But as I was quilting - I was pondering.... for the LCL you CUT every piece...... and I thought - well I wonder if I can do it without cutting a LOT.... 

and I DID IT!!!! So each of my blocks measured 14 1/2 inches... I didn't cut down the layer cakes to the 8 1/2 like they suggested... but my blocks still looked this theirs!!!  GO me!! No Scraps!!!

So I figured out how to make 20 blocks and I think I used 34 ( or maybe 35) Layer cake squares... and Ta Da!!!

This is what is up on my design wall.... and I keep moving blocks around..

And moving them around more..... and sooner or later - I will get them into a top!!
but I get sidetracked... Look who came to say Hi!!!!

And she heard a rumor that a NEW MYSTERY QUILT 4 MILITARY might be in the works.....

Maybe to start somewhere in the month of August..... and it is a fun one...

If you are interested - it will be run thru my Email group here: Mystery Quilts 4 Military 

It will be QOV sizes ( 60 x 80) and it will be fun and easy...... BUT!!! It will be run on the Email group - I have too many things to post about here on my blog - and you all are my therapy people haha!!! 

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Friday, June 16, 2023

A Quilted Memory and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

I actually have a finish this week, but I am pre-empting it with this Quilt Memory!!

To me this is a very Happy Memory and I am excited that the Memory is passing on to the next generation - but you know it has to start with... My Mom passed away.... Cuz you know - that's how a lot of memories get passed down.  So put your happy face on!!

My mother ( Sue) had Breast Cancer many years ago. One day we were out shopping and we found this Heaven Can Wait Breast Cancer Fabric line... we are talking 2006 long ago. Well - Mom was a 5 year Survivor by then and she was doing everything she could to make sure it didn't come back.

The name of the Fabric Line *Heaven Can Wait* Tickled her fancy. While she knew she was going to Heaven - she had 5 grandkids and wasn't quite ready yet - she needed to spoil them and fill them with orneriness and let them pick on their parents ( like me!)


I used the Turning Twenty Again Quilt pattern and I quilted it with an all over design - and gave it to her for Christmas. 

Everytime I made a quilt for someone in the family - my Mom got so excited, and then she would say - well I want one too. So!! Now I have my own quilts, and the ones I made for her! 

I decided to spread the love on this one and asked my Niece if she thought she might like it - and she very quickly piped up and said I DO!!!!

Check out that Pieced Backing... I love making pieced backings - but in the interest of time on my QOV's  - I find myself using a lot of wide backs for them... Glad I take the time on our personal ones - kind of fun to see the backs too.

So this Quilt is heading off to my Niece - she will love it and hopefully have some good memories of Grandma Sue too!   ( Ps my niece is an adult - so she is very sentimental about family things ❤💕❤

The Margarita Clip can be found here Margarita Clips

And now!!!
It is your turn to link up those finishes or not finishes!! and brag away!

How many of you visit every link up? There is A LOT of great eye candy out there!!!

Please link your direct post!!
and I would love a link back - get everyone inspired to finish things!!

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****************************The End************** go back to quilting *********************

Find me at all these places:

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Wednesday, June 14, 2023

South Dakota

 Sticking with my Military theme this week...

A dear friend of ours passed away - so we headed up to Wyoming and South Dakota to attend his funeral.

Jon Served in the Army. He graduated as a Distinguished Honor Grad at Ft Eustis, VA - and he served as an AH1 Attack Helicopter mechanic. He served over seas during Desert Storm

My Husband  Knew Jon since they were itty bitty - like 5 years old. I had the privilege of meeting him when I met my husband.  He was the Ultimate joker - and I loved trying to keep up with him.

I got to have a different relationship with him than those who knew him forever, we had the Military in common - not that I served... but that I helped comfort or Veterans with Quilts of Valor - he was intrigued. And we spent ALOT of time talking about his service, and what he saw, lost, and hurt from.

The Quilt above was the Quilt of Valor that we presented to him. He said I made his eyes leak....

Jon's Funeral was in Sundance Wyoming - so we took the scenic route to get to my Inlaws and crash with them for the night....

Oh ya - You know I took my camera - and made the Man Drive!!! ( he is pretty good at pulling over at an *Oh look* exclamation!!)

I Love Rainbows - Proof of God's Promise to the Earth... and also - pretty comforting knowing what we were headed to.

The Funeral was held in Sundance, WY - and then we all got in our cars and took an hour drive to Sturgis SD, to the Black Hills National Cemetery. Being Military Jon was honored to be Buried there.
And I know - in my heart - that that provided comfort to the family.

(Doesn't that look like an old western film set ? ⬆  )

One of the things Jon was SO proud of was his Children - and his grandkids!!! His Son followed in his footsteps and serves in the Army. 

it was a sad but beautiful day. I believe he was Honored . and I was so happy that I had been able to present him a Quilt of Valor ( 2015) So he got a lot of use out of it!

Then we traveled home:

I think the photo below was the perfect last photo of the day..... we had a good laugh!!

This quote has stuck with me these last few years - Losing my Parents, my dog, and now my friend..

They say you die twice.  One time when you stop breathing and a second time, a bit later on, when somebody says your name for the last time.

I hope his family and friends will continue to share their memories of Jon and keep his legacy alive.

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