We got the hankerin for some BBQ... Pork BBQ ( say that in your western cowboy voice like you are holding up a bank!! Its funnier!!)
I had a Pork Shoulder Roast in the freezer and I thought that would work just wonderfully! So I defrosted it away I went!!!
Mine was served without BBQ sauce on it, as I wanted to try a few different kinds.... and I dare say.... it was yummy!
So Step 1 - Defrost your Pork Shoulder Roast and cut it into pieces.
Cover it with Brown sugar and garlic. I mixed the Brown Sugar, Garlic, and I also added salt - then rubbed it it on the pieces and let them sit for about 30 minutes.
( okay - truth... I had to go move horses real quick... so I don't know it that's a LEGAL step - but it all tasted so good - I think it should be)
Step 2: Get your
Instapot out and hit the Saute Button - make sure you add about 2 tbsp of oil - I use Avocado oil
I have two utensils that I use a lot when using my Instapot - One is this
Pigtail thingy - it holds on to the meat, and gives me a long handle so I don't burn , drop or splash oil. My husband also steals it from me for the BBQ - so I finally got 2!!!

I also use a silicon spatula. You can *scrape* the bottom of the insta-pot and it doesn't scratch it.
Step 3: By Now your oil is headed up and you will sear your meat - I did 2 minutes on each side and it looks like the Brown sugar kinda caramelized this is good ;-)
Step 4: Make sure you turn the saute off, and cool it for a minute - then add a little bit of water to the bottom and use that silicon spatula to deglaze the bottom . you can use chicken broth or something else - but I just added about 2 tbsp of water...
STep 5: Then you put all your pieces back in the pot all snug like. and!!
Step 6: I poured 1 cup of cola over it. again - you can used broth - but I wanted sweet!!!
Turn it to Pressure Cook - Low pressure, and set the timer for 60 minutes and GO QUILT!!!
Step 8:When you hear the buzzer go off, you wait 20 minutes and then turn that nozzle on the top to vent... and everyone comes running since is smells so good....
Then you pull the meat out a shred it - and wish you hadn't told your kids you were cooking because they all show up and there are no leftovers.... This!!! Is a dish I would eat leftovers of!!!
Oh!!! The boys took a scoop and mixed their BBQ sauce in it - I put the BBQ sauce on the plate like dipping sauce...
and I served Coleslaw, and corn an biscuits because I am nice to them....
** The boys say to tell you I made them do work that day too - so they deserved to eat - Bah!!*
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