Friday, June 23, 2023

A Group Quilt of Valor and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

This year has been so fun in my sewing group - each month we sew someone teaches us a new block and we make them.. and we laugh because now we all know that I can not measure 1/4 inch *EVER*  and they tease me.......

But!! I was actually able to make my blocks match the rest of the group on this one... so heck fire!! I am on a roll!!

Cindi and Vickie planned and prepped this one. We all got kits of the pieces all cut out, and they instructed us on how to make the blocks.

Cindi went home and put all the blocks into a top

I quilted it

and now - It will go to Vickie to bind it!!  So cool!!

Isn't that a cool quilt - the "Block"  is 4 of those snowball looking blocks ( Or record looking... that what I thought first...)

Close up....

And posing again!!

Can you see all that green???? Man it has been SO wet here - We are told that we have had 22 inches of rain this year... and holee cow people - I think 14 including the snow is an awesome year.... The humidity tho... thats not something to be envied 😝

Where's waldo moment - there are 8 steers out there right now... Can you see them ALL?  Ha!! it took my kids a while to find them..... but that is how high the grass is ... Loving that!!!

Phil says.... what have you been up to?

Its Finished ( or NOT ) Friday - so link up your blog post and lets all encourage each other....

  • *Please make sure it is a direct link
  • * Link back - encourage others to join in
  • * Visit them all ( I DID it last week - all of them before today!! Go me!!)

*******************Link Up ***************************

***************The End*************

Find me at all these places:

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Cathy said...

What a wonderful team effort and quilt! Rah, yea, team!

And here we are in drought conditions!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a fun block for a group quilt project! Glad you all could make your blocks consistently the same size - that can be tricky in a group. It's definitely more humid around here than we're used to - my hair doesn't like it, lol!

grammajudyb said...

Love the new QOV! I thought records too! Is our age showing? My grandkids would say. "what's a record?" I'm just a bit tired of the rain. I know we "need it", but it is cutting into my "sit by the fire table on the deck" time.

Looking forward to you next mystery. My 2022 will be done by then. It could be a record for me!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The snowball blocks / records look great together and are you sure there are 8 steer in that photo?!?!?

LA Paylor said...

moo baby... your pretty face makes me want to paint it! LeeAnna

Anonymous said...

Beautiful quilt. I enjoy reading your blog and appreciate you having the Finished or Not Fridays link up - it's something I check every week.

Vicki W said...

Oh, I love that quilt! We are having hella humidity here as well. I went out to pick up stick and limbs from a storm and was in a full sweat before I walked 50 feet.

Vicki in MN said...

Kudos to you ladies for making another fun QOV quilt!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Absolutely stunning, Alycia. Love how the blocks are laid out. Phil is as cute a button!!! Happy Friday.

Rebecca Grace said...

What a great group quilt -- and YES, they do look like vinyl records, now that you mention it! That photo of your field is gorgeous, a sea of green beneath a clear blue sky.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Great team effort on that lovely quilt.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Great job on the QOV, interesting block! Can't find all the steers, does a horse count? Beautiful scenery.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another beautiful quilt, Alycia. How fun to have a quilty group. I am envious. Beautiful terrain there; I would love all the critters.

NatureFootstep said...

you have some beauriful quilts and green nature too :)

Kate said...

Another very fun QOV! Hope you've gotten in lots of stitching time this week. Enjoy the rain, we've got draught conditions here.

San said...

We went to the Mennonite Market yesterday. It was animal sale day. One lady and her husband were loading 4 piglets into a large cage that was in a horse trailer. One of the piglets was squealing so much and I thought of you. Suggested she try training it with marshmallows. However, I truly doubt marshmallows will be on this pigs menu. More likely the pig will soon be on their menu. LOL.

What a pretty quilt.

Delighted Hands said...

What a nice design and collaboration on this quilt! Plenty of rain is a good thing, if a pain.