Friday, June 09, 2023

Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

I hope you all have a bunch of things to brag about!! this week... It just blew away from me!

It is been crazy around here - we got a night with a torrential rain shower - like 3 inches in 3 hours - and the next day it was so humid - how do you people in the south ( or any humid spot) deal??? 

When we start things - we seem to start big - I have two construction projects going on - of course, I will do more blog posts about them - I just know you all want to see haha!!

I have been quilting like crazy for clients ( YAY) so my stuff has taken a little bit of a back burner - but its all good right?

So!! I did finish step 2 of the QOV 20 stars for 20 years QAL .. I am pretty sure step 3 has already been released - but!! who is counting!

In the instructions - the hourglasses are supposed to be All red or All Blue - but I wanted to change things up a bit... Make mine look a little more like me ( Jumbled!!!)

The best thing about our impending summer:


So now - Inspire me!!! Show me what you have been up to!! Brag away - and you know - sometimes its okay to take the little brag... makes us all love you more!!

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******************The end********************

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Cathy said...

Oh, gosh, we haven't had any measurable rain in can't remember how long. Parts of our state of Iowa are under a water conservation alert due to drought conditions. It is usually humid here in the summer in my area of the world but I don't sweat it! ;-)

Kate said...

That first photo in your post is just "WOW"! I really like that QOV, the mixed blue and red in the border really work well. Happy stitching this weekend.

grammajudyb said...

I've been neglectful reading blogs this week. Seems like even though you have been super busy,Hawaii!!!! Awesome, you got stuff accomplished. I feel like I just plod along. ps: glad the cows like the new"feed" they are on!!! Interesting that they can utilize the already "used once" grain.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I really like your choice to make the HSTs split with red and blue; they look great. I am slowly starting to feel better and hopefully I can start making more quilting progress so I have something to share soon. :)

Delighted Hands said...

How do we handle the humidity? Stay inside with the A/C ! lol!
It took us two years to acclimate to the high temps and humidity, to tell you the truth!
Glad you rec'd a good rain, you will be glad when summer's dry times hits!

Michelle at said...

Your QOV Star is going along beautifully! I like things jumbled up too. I don’t really have much to brag about quilting-wise, but the fact that I did anything after neglecting my quilting inspired me to post. Ha!

Susan said...

I prefer the red/blue mix-up. This looks great!

Kathleen said...

I hate those storms where the inches of rain come so quickly! I love yoru QOV and your twist on it. My QALs all finish up this month, but no tops to show yet, next week!

Bernie Kringel said...

Humidity is the worst but that sunset is very pretty. Hope the projects go smoothly Alycia.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I like your two colours hourglass block. Good luck with the weather - it does seem to be extreme. We haven't had the heatwaves, but they are bound to come. Humidity is the worst. Have a great week.

Susan said...

Commenting again, on the weather this time. LOL

It was hard here my first few years out of the desert, but it's gotten a little easier. We aren't in the deep south in TN, where the humidity is really bad. We had the torrential overnight last night, and I was more worried about lightning striking the house! Right now we are 74 with 50% humidity, and I cautiously add "only" 50%. LOL That would have killed me when I first moved here, and I'd still prefer 110 with 8% humidity, but you get used to it somewhat.