Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Corn Hole boards

Last year about this time we turfed our lawn area and this year we decided it was time to add games !!

Thanks to the awesome Dave D we got just what we wanted !!!!
He makes these super cool corn hole boards -but !!! I didn’t know if he’d be able to depict our favorite sports … and look at that !!!

He rocked it !!

We got a pop pop bang bang and a roper !!

We got them set up on our new turf and I have already proven how skilled I am....Sort of haha!!
They are super fun and a great way to wind down in the evening...

After my Husband has made me work 47 hours each day ;-)

If you are in Colorado and interested in custom boards - let me know - I'll send you to Dave!!!

Friday, May 26, 2023

Squirrel!!! A Bag!!! and !!............... Finished( or not) Friday

 I got sidetracked... and it is all Melvas Fault.... yep ... we are blaming her haha!!

I was innocently reading blogs, and adding to my bucket list and along came Melvas blog post about her bags.......: and I followed her link... and the next thing I knew!!

I ( me!!) was making a bag.  and it worked!!! and I only made one boo boo that no one will ever see and I know how to fix on the next one!!

And then my son showed me a new trick in photos - that I haven't quite mastered either... but I am getting there.....

You can cut your *items* out and have them float.... Except that cutting mat part... I'll have to get better at that.

But what a fun little squirrel trail - and now I want to make another one!!

And now it is your turn to Link up!!

* Visit lots of blogs
* grow your bucket list
* buy more fabric
* stitch faster
* and have more to show for FONF!!!

and whats your favorite easy go to meal for summer?

********************The end... now go stitch!!*****************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Quilt of Valor Presentation and some changes....

Sometimes you have to get up super early to catch these amazing Veterans.... But man are the smiles worth it!!

I think all of the groups are fun, but this one.... Man were we on a roll - there was a lot of joking, laughter, and many many giggles!  They even picked on me!! of all people haha!

Sometimes being the MC is easy, other times you slip up on your words, and as you know names are hard to pronounce... and  did they give me grief!! it was hilarious!!

Then When I explained that if I can't say the names I give nicknames... they all wanted a nickname - oh boy!! 

This gentleman - he was a Navy Pilot - so we presented him with this quilt - and I told him that since I knew he was a pilot I thought he might need a quilt that gave him accurate directions... so he didn't fly into enemy territory - oh man... did the whole place pick on him ;-)

As you may know I have been a Part of Quilts of Valor since the very beginning. I credit the whole success to me ( snark snark!!)   just kidding... But I have loved every part of it... I have been the coordinator of Colorado for forever ( with maybe a 1  year break)... but... in February I made the hard decision to resign as Coordinator of Colorado and Assistant of Wyoming... to  be just a Group leader.

I was hoping a Praying someone amazing would step up, as I would hate to leave our success in our state to flounder... and this amazing Woman Sandy L stepped into the role - and took off with blazing success... I am excited to see how our state grows under her leadership!!

I remain as a group leader out of Kersey, and we have such a great group -that *leading* it is not as hard as it sounds. My fellow Quilters are amazing and work so hard, and probably don't need me... but you know - its good to feel needed !

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


My Puppy ( who is over 13 yo) has been seeing declining health. He had a tooth abscess that we soon realized was much more complicate than that - and there was no cure...

Puppy was a good help with knitting... see how well he holds the yarn? I'd like to say he detangled it well... but I am not sure that was his objective!!!

He had lung problems, but since he loved to do chores with me, I got him his own wheelbarrow. ( Its one of those with two wheels on the front so super stable)

that way he could see his Pigs and his Cows - he still did not really care about those horses... they made his eyes boggle ;-)

He had the Best ears ever.... and any time you thought you were going to sneak a snack,  you were totally WRONG!!

He was a good cattle dog.... as long as he rode with me... in the saddle!!! He told us you could see better from up there and he could herd his cows better....

But he was also good at fence patrol.... making sure they stayed in the right pasture

We adopted Puppy from the pound a long time ago.... Actually he was supposed to be Little Bits dog, but you know... Little bit had to go to school during the day..... and then he left for college... so Puppy adopted me

RIP Puppy... you are very much missed

Monday, May 22, 2023

The Orange Spinning Goose

 I bet you think I didn't have any Orange plaid right?

Well - I surprised even myself and found something close to it!!

Ta da!!!! My Orange RSC Spinning Goose!!! 
This is a pattern I designed and you can find the block pattern here:

And look at that - I ( me!!) am Keeping up!!!

One of you asked how I get so much done in a day... and truthfully I do not think I do - but!
I do sleep well at night.... I started taking this:

Melatonin - Have you ever tried it?  I do one gummy... usually go lock the doors, brush my teeth... and in about 20 minutes I am dozing off.

Have you ever tired it?

Linking up to:

Sunday, May 21, 2023

A new roof always leads to more.....

 Good Morning to you!!! Just so you know -  Morning is getting awful early around here... But!

That was the best time to get to planning, and prepping to get up on the roof! The lean to/tack shed needed a new roof - after all this rain - we learned how badly it needed a new roof!!

So the kid!!  And yes! Those of you wondering - that is Little Bit... all 6'7" of him!!  - He certainly outgrew his name!!

Once the guys got up there they also saw where some of the headers had rotted, so we re cut those and replaced them as well.....

We may have decided - a lot to late - that it was faster to build this thing ... than it was to repair - but!! It is getting there.

While the guys worked outside taking the roof off - I worked inside removing everything. We knew it would take more than a day, and with the way the weather has been lately - it was going to rain at some time!!

I love getting left alone with my camera... As I was removing things... I also saw where the roof had leaked onto the floor ( you can see it in the bottom right ) and so!!

A floor removal was added to the Fix it list!

Roof being replaced... floor being torn out.... all this so my piggie feed stays dry!  Okay just kidding - there is a lot that goes in here.

Before we lived in our big house , we lived in a mobile home. Oh how I loved that little place... you had to keep things whittled down. One of us got pregnant, and realized that you should probably have a room for that baby - and apparently we just boxed up what we had and moved it out here.

I claim pregnancy brain as I do NOT recall haha! But as I was pulling things out I pulled boxes out - and we sorted thru those as well... I found all my college papers, my books, business cards of the people I had met my last year at college... it was kind of fun to remember those things!!  AND!! prove to my kids I was smart!

I was an Ag Business/Animal Science Major - I helped develop new software for ranches - for tracking their finances - but also their cow calf info. That was pretty cool to read my programming notes - way before we knew what real programmers were!

Trying to be artsy again!!!

Linking to:

Friday, May 19, 2023

The Procrastiquilt #1 is Done!!!! and Finished!! (or not) Friday!!

Oh what a week!! We have a lot of Finishes around here!!... and only one of them is a Personal Quilt!!! But!! Its exciting none the less!

Lets go with the Quilt first!!!

I got my Procrastiquilt QOV finished!! Well - the first one!!

Don't you just love it? I really do - even tho nothing is really *even*  haha!!!
Wonky stars and uneven rails... that's my Jam!!!

I quilted it with Swirly Stars......

Just so you know... I  might have used this as an excuse to not work in the barn.. The boys were re-roofing and I was supposed to be sorting all the *stuff* in there... I got thru a lot.. but I was starting to annoy my husband with the amount of *stuff* I was putting in the dumpster.... oops!

and now on to the other big finish!!! My Baby!!! He graduated!!!...  we all ( minus that oldest kid of mine) got to head up to watch him!! We were so excited - and it was so fun!! 

I had sort of expected 70 deg and sun... but that is not what we were greeted with... Good thing I always travel with an extra jacket!!

Just cuz My Blog is all about me.... Me with my Baby!!! I love it!! 

And now... it is your turn!!! Strut your stuff!!!

*Link up

* Visit lots of blogs
* grow your bucket list
* buy more fabric
* stitch faster
* and have more to show for FONF!!!

**************Link Up ***************************

**********The End*****************

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Tale of Two Pigs...

aka *Farmin with the Carmins*

I started watching this show called "Farmer wants a Wife" or something like that... only - none of the bachelors are Farmers - they are Ranchers and Horse Trainers....which may not make a difference to the rest of the world... but it does to me!!

Farmers grow crops, Ranchers grow animals - and yes you can do both and be both... but!! I have an opinion - and now you know it haha!

All that to say ... in one of the episodes - one of the girls vying for the Farmers heart says to the camera - I am just not seeing any sign of affection - he is not showing me he is interested. This!   After they had been working outside all day, and he helped each girl to the *event* they were supposed to do.


I promptly turned to my husband and said - Thank you for my Pig House - and he laughed. Outward signs of affection for Farmers and Ranchers don't come in the form of flowers very often!! Now check out my super cool piggie house!!!!

That is a sign of pure love for a cattle man!!

Which the timing was awesome - as we got flooded...  (see Lake Carmin there!)

We have done Pigs before - but I have not done them alone - My son raised the last group of pigs and I just did what he said.  Well!! My Little Buddy ( pic below) is an FFA Student and a pig Farmer. For his FFA project he has started up a Pig Feed/Supply Business FTK Feeds ( on Facebook)  I hope that link works!

Anyways - I called him and told him about my pigs and asked him what to add to the feed... So he and his mom came out to talk with me. They also helped me worm them and he educated me more about them.

Ps - Check out what mom is holding... oh ya!! you don't visit here often without seeing something that has to go home with you!!!

Now if you want to know what I am feeding and experimenting with ... you'll have to ask - because I could bore you!

Keeping the Pig Pen dry has been a chore..... but check out their fancy new straw.... they are Happy Pigs!!

and Cam and Mitch got a new friend!! This is Lily!! She is a tiny little calf!! She weighed just under 400 pounds coming to me, so she has some eating to do !!

Cam really feels that he should be a model - so he was posing for you. He wanted you to see him in Black and White -as its his vintage look

My son is home for a bit - and we are working on the roof of our shed... so we were joking that I should start a new series called Farmin' with the Carmins... so here you go - Tales of Two Pigs... might be updating haha!!  ( even tho we consider ourselves ranchers hahahaha!!)

Life here recently is just like this:  *Herding Cats**

My photo proves it can be done!!!

And just so you know - I still have an artsy side... My goal is to add some relaxing walking to my schedule. I thought If I walked and took my camera I could multitask.... Photo 1:

Linking to:

Monday, May 15, 2023

Patriotic Procrastiquilting (or Proquiltinating)... again!!!!

 I am at it again.... I was supposed to be doing chores - but its muddy.... and I already stepped out of my boots twice... I didn't want to do it again... and so!!

I got busy...


More Procrastiquilting!!!!!

This ( above) Is my final design for Top 2!!! I liked the one that I had going the other way ( HERE)

Top 1 Already has a back and is prepped to go on the Longarm 
when I have a break in the schedule

BUT!!! I 
1. Had more blocks, and
2. wanted to see what it would look like heading the other way.... 

I kinda like having more stars and less stripes on the new on!!

and I also have 3 rows already put together - so yay me!!! 

Just an Aside - we have been moving a lot of animals and making temporary corrals so we can drain the ones they are in - now this is a dry photo - it was a prep pen for my pigs so I could move them and  re straw their pen... 

Since then I think we have had to move the temporaries a million times to drain a LOT of water ... ( it has been raining for a week! - and yes I will take it but I will complain about the 4 gazillion inches of mud!) 

 check out my husbands helper!!!

Kittie likes to be involved in everything... and Kittie is a funny little pain in the fencing department. But!! If you don't let Kittie help... she climbs up your pants!!

Linking to:

Friday, May 12, 2023

A Plus Quilt and ..... Finished ( or not) Friday

What a week!!!!

Pig says * Oh Hail*   Now feed me... haha

Monday was spent finishing THE LAST T SHIRT quilt before high school graduation... and of course that meant binding.... I had to psyche myself up for that!!

Tuesday I photographed a family and all the extended family for their Grandmothers 102 birthday!!!

and Grandma.... was amazing - she was SO cute!! She had to talk to the "Photographer" privately... she wanted to make sure I didn't get her cane in the photo - cuz she hates using it... I want to be her!!

Tuesday Night was spent wondering if the windows were going break, and what animals were going to escape in the middle of a torrential HAIL storm!!!

It did not make my night. The lightening was crazy and the downpour flooded us... I live on a hill, and we had standing water and a lake in the arena so you know Wednesday... was spent cleaning up and preparing for round 2 that came Wednesday night. 

The biggest problem with this weather?  I have to unplug all the  machines and the computer - even tho I have a whole house surge protector... I kinda don't believe they will save everything with this type of Lightening.... I had to read.... it was so rough   ( haha!) Just kidding.... I played in the fabric stash...

When everything is unplugged you start to look at your fabric to see what you can start... I found Charm Packs - there were three of the same kind and so....

I tried a yellow background

A blue Background


I finally settled on Yellow and made this!!
I think it is about 45 x 50 ish 

NExt up - use the rest of them with the light blue... I did not care for the pink at all...

So thats my week.... 

What have you been up to?

 *Link up
* Visit lots of blogs
* grow your bucket list
* buyt more fabric
* stitch faster
* and have more to show for FONF!!!

************Link up here**********************

******** The End***********************

Monday, May 08, 2023

The 4th Hawaiian....

 Progress on the Hawaiian front!!

Quilt top NUMBER FOUR is now together!!!     and up on the design wall - it is being my spring decorations right now!

The pattern is called Wiggle Time   and its a great and easy pattern!

I worked with the scraps I had threes of - and got it to this size... which is big enough. ( don't make me measure it - too many details haha!!)

I really liked the teal.. reminds me of waves on the water... and maybe there is a dolphin or a whale in there! Ohh... maybe that is what I should quilt on it when I get to this one... hmmmm

Number 5 has been started!! But! My husband took Friday off - and he has been making us work VERYVERY hard... I didn't make enough progress to show you what I have started on.

Also!! ELEVEN Quilts went to my Pathways Hospice.... its kind of nice that my hair cut place is not to far from there, so my goal has been to deliver quilts when I get my hair cut....Two birds and all that.  They loved this last batch ;-)  its fun to see them look at them all.

Happy Stitching!!!

Linking to 

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at Songbird Quilts

Midweek Makers at QuiltFabrications