Friday, May 26, 2023

Squirrel!!! A Bag!!! and !!............... Finished( or not) Friday

 I got sidetracked... and it is all Melvas Fault.... yep ... we are blaming her haha!!

I was innocently reading blogs, and adding to my bucket list and along came Melvas blog post about her bags.......: and I followed her link... and the next thing I knew!!

I ( me!!) was making a bag.  and it worked!!! and I only made one boo boo that no one will ever see and I know how to fix on the next one!!

And then my son showed me a new trick in photos - that I haven't quite mastered either... but I am getting there.....

You can cut your *items* out and have them float.... Except that cutting mat part... I'll have to get better at that.

But what a fun little squirrel trail - and now I want to make another one!!

And now it is your turn to Link up!!

* Visit lots of blogs
* grow your bucket list
* buy more fabric
* stitch faster
* and have more to show for FONF!!!

and whats your favorite easy go to meal for summer?

********************The end... now go stitch!!*****************

Find me at all these places:

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Cathy said...

What a fun bag! It almost makes me wish I needed a bag for something so I could make one!

Anonymous said...

Love love the bag! Great fabric.
Unfortunately the link doesn't work for me.

Katie said...

What a great bag! Will you share your secret about the photos? Or is it too involved? (I could probably Google it and you could use the time better by seeing more, right? But a gal has to ask... It's a great idea. Maybe I should ask The Google...)

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

A beautiful bag, Alycia. I always admire when people can sew something so useful.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a great bag! I'll have to go check out Melva's link. Happy Friday to you!

Nann said...


Mari said...

This happens to me all the time! You're right, I must stitch faster! :) Great bag, and fun new photography trick, too.

Miss Alissa said...

Watch out...bags can be addicting! Haha, very cute!

LA Paylor said...

my request is show us the mistake and how you'll change it next time. LOVE that bag and it's fabric!
also how do you cut out the image for floating? I want to knowwwwwww

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Fun bag and great photography trick. :) My favorite go to summer meal is guacamole and chips.

Melva said...

I will happily accept all the blame for the squirrel. ;) Nice job! Thanks for the chance to join your link-up.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Nice looking bag. Maybe one day I will make one. Thanks for sharing. I think my photo editing software will also let me change the background of items but I haven't learned how. Great job.

chrisknits said...

Now you will be going down the rabbit hole!!! Here's a link to one of my fav patterns. I often make it using 2 fabrics and just create a band of accent fabric for the top.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that's a lovely squirrel bag! looks like that squirrel may have babies lol! I like the photo trick - my daughter has done this for me a few times since she has the software. I'm sure you'll figure out how to get rid of the mat. Thanks for hosting :-)

Kathleen said...

Love the bag and yes, the iphone trick is awesome. The annoying this is every apple device is a little different on how you get there and results vary, but still its fun!

Sharon Kwilter said...

Your bag turned out great. Congratulations!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super cute bag, Alycia! Enjoy!!

Helenchaffin said...

what a cute bag! I stay on the squirrel trail all the time!🤣

Rebecca Grace said...

"I was innocently reading blogs..." HAHAHA! That is the story of my sidetracked creative life, too! What a cute little bag project. It looks perfect to me!

loulee said...

Cute bag. New tricks are fun to learn too.

Kate said...

Very cute bag! Photoshop has mad it easier to cut out images and paste them on a clean background. It used to be a lot of work.