Friday, April 26, 2024

Purple Lightning RSC Finish and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Friday Peeps!!!

We are starting a new construction project out here - and Oh My Stars!!! The amount of questions I have had to answer!!! Oh goodness ! I have the best contractor, total attention to detail, but those details - who knew there could be so many!!! 

We have had to move some fences, and get some lines located, and move some of my hubbies planter boxes - I am tired and the construction hasn't even started!

but! I did get a chance to finish my March Purple Lightning Streak quilt !! and realized I was spelling the word wrong  - so gotta fix that!!!

We have had some crazy storms around here - Bella and I went to take photos and we started out , it was sunny and warm - but the time I got to my fence the temp had dropped 20 degrees and the wind picked up - crazy!!!

Ms Bella  was trying to hold the quilt down - but it just kept getting away from her!!

This is when she just gave up and started pointing the cows.. they are out there - hiding in the brush

I quilted a Fun Swirly Bee Panto on it, and the back... its shirt plaid !  This is from a line of Roper Shirts maybe 10 years ago - I have yardage of it, and it was easy to get to - so I decided it was perfect!

What have you been up to this week? Any new things to brag about?
Is it Spring or still winter in your world... We had snow last saturday and it was 70 on Sunday - whaaaaaat?

Alright - Link away!!!

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Just a PS - How many of you have dogs - and do they like these toys?

its called a Woofbite and they say it is indestructible - I ordered one for Bella to see if it really it - but I thought I'd ask if anyone has experience?

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Just One Thing Churn Dash progress

 I am keeping up!!!

One Churn Dash a Day I even snuck an extra in there - because I never know what day it really is!!

I will say tho - that by putting them on the design wall I am having a better chance of knowing the date each day.... Maybe this is the way our ancestors kept track of the calendar????

My Baby - She was wondering when we were going to play! Oh! And if it would be okay to eat my fabric!  Or bite the machine!!

Also - I took a carload of Kitchen items that we didn't use/need or were from my Folks house to the Community Outreach Center in Greeley. They were so kind and so excited. Seems they get a lot of clothes but have been short on Kitchen things - so the timing was perfect. And!! They gave me Chocolate - that's a sure sign that I will be back haha!!

I took a carload of scrap fabric - left overs of the T shirt quilts that I have made this year and batting scrap to the Trinity Quilters - they make Dog Beds for the No-kill Shelter. so yay!

and lastly!! I took 50 hats to M so she can start planning what she needs for this years Operation Chtistmas Child... so why is there still stuff left to sort???? 

Linking up with Midweek Makers

Saturday, April 20, 2024

More Yellow! and some Pink!!!

Once I started working on the Yellow Scraps - making these crumb blocks - I just couldn't stop until I was down to one little small yellow piece...

Then for some reason I decided to pair it with Pink - but now!! Does this mean the RSC color will be pink for May?  Or does Pink rotate in to our Rainbow scrap challenge? Have I ruined my psychic predictions by pairing another color with yellow????  Oh boy!!! 

Anyways - It is now in Top form!!!!

Each of the blocks are 10 Inches . My brand new 10 inch ruler showed up just in time for me to trim them all up!! You know what? I think I may have to *Treat yo'self*  to some new rulers. New ones are just so smooth and pretty!!!  

( Anyone remember where *Treat Yo'Self* comes from ? haha)

I am actually ahead of the game today!! I got my Yellow RSC top done for this month - Now to choose a Backing and get it in the Quilting Queue!!!  I am kind of impressed with myself about getting this topped before the 30th - but then - we have had some very cold weather come in as a surprise, so maybe it all makes sense now!

And Baby Bella - 
10 months old now!! Totally STILL a puppy and so hilarious! I think she might be teething again, as EVERYTHING is fair game for her to chew on... oh boy!

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Thursday, April 18, 2024

A 16 Patch Finish!! and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Back in January when Green was the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color - I pulled out some 16 patches an threw them on the deigns wall.

In my head they had a lot of green in them... In reality... they did NOT!!

But! Since they were out, they were on the wall, and my goals is to not put anything away! I stitched them into a top and now

Said Top is Quilted!!!

Ta da!!! Finished!!!

And now it is your turn!!

Tell us what you are up to this week!!!

************The end**************

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

QOV's with the DAR - aka presenting Quilts to some amazing Veterans!

 Don't you just love all the acronyms in this world? It confuses me - but more on that later!

I was invited to do a presentation with a DAR ( Daughters of the American Revolution) last weekend. We awarded nine quilt - and it was awesome!!

But I joked on Saturday about accidentally calling the Scrap challenge colors, and then I went and did this presentation and I think it confirmed my Psychic abilities ( Snark snark)

I Had 5 Marines, 1 Marine/Army and 3 Army Veterans - from Vietnam to Iraq... one just returning from another Iraq deployment less that a year ago.. oh! one was a Full Bird Colonel - his dad was there to brag - I loved it!!

They were all amazing - 

but Back to my abilities!! 

So the guy on the far left - he had Cats on his pillowcase - and I said - I hope someone in your family likes cats - and his 7 year old daughter jumped up and said I do!!! and she was wearing cat ears on her headband... super cute!!

The guy Third from the left - 

Ethel made his Quilt, She fussy cut Eagles and put them in the center of the blocks. So while I was explaining fussy cutting and this quilt to him , his eyes started leaking....  he was army - 101st airborne - aka * The Screaming Eagles*  

The guy Third from the right - he was a little leery to come to the presentation. He was Vietnam and had some rough memories of coming back to the states. He wasn't sure what to expect. I told him the Story of his Quilt ( Flags for Sue) and Oh my gosh, the smile just kept getting bigger and bigger. His whole house is decorated with historical Flags.... 

You see how the universe is confirming my Goofy Assumptions haha!! Give me enough time and I think I can make anything all about me 🤣😂😍

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Monday, April 15, 2024

Just One Thing Churn Dash update

So far - so good!!

I am keeping up with my one a day Churn Dashes - and!! My one a day declutter!!!

Oh!! and Happy Tax Day... blech!!!

And my Baby Bella is learning to garden.

One of my declutters this week was hangers!! How!! How in the world do we get so many hangers?  I replaced all the wire ones with the wood ones that I wanted to keep. Threw the bad ones away ( recycled what we could)  and then I still had 5 bags of hangers!! Good thing ARC actually wanted them and could use them ;-)

Oh!! and I got a new showerhead for one of the bathrooms - My Tax day splurge? Actually - my Son took the one I had in the guest bathroom  - stinker - so I got this one:

Its a High Pressure one - so even with our well and pump its pretty cool!!!

Hopefully you all have your taxes done? This year was a crazy year for me with all the things you have to do with loss of a family person, being a trustee etc - so Friday Night my Brother and I were still working with our accountants to finish paperwork . I was not happy - since I had had everything to them by end of February - but! It is all working out...

Alright - I am feeling that Spring *Get er done* attitude kicking in - back to stitching!!!

Linking to::

Design Wall Monday

Sew and Tell

Monday Musings 

Midweek Makers

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Saturday, April 13, 2024

Yellow RSC Check in

 My Mid ( ish) Month check in with my Yellows for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

All my Yellow 5 inch squares have been sewn into the twosies.... and now I am adding Light Blue... 

In January Angela called for Green and I had already been working on Green. I paired my Green with Purple.... then! February was Red ... then!!! March was Purple.... but I had already paired Purple with my Greens ... so I decided to Pair Yellow with March's Purple - and guess what!!

She Called Yellow in April! Now that I am pairing Yellow with Light blue... what's chances she calls Blue for May???? Hmmmmmm

I was Perusing Blogs on my Finished ( or not) Fridays - at over at Donnalees  she was making Crumb blocks and it made me want to make them - and so!!

I started some!!! I will trim them to 10 inches - as soon as my 10 inch ruler gets here!

I ordered one on Amazon

One - because it is a long drive to town and the local shop didn't have it in stock, and two - We are going to do a Jelly Roll QOV sew day in September and will make some 10 inch blocks. I figured this was a good excuse to get a ruler for us all to use!!! Go me!!

Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

and  Oh Scrap!

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Friday, April 12, 2024

Crumby Rail Fence Finish and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

About a year ago - I had some leftover blocks from one of Cynthia's Block drives for her Hospice Quilts.... and they just had to be used!!!

I have been trying to adopt a "If you pull the fabric, You must use the fabric" Policy around here. Eh - I am 80/20 in the positive... so its sort of working!

Instead of putting those leftover crumby blocks into a scrap pile I built a quilt!

and now... that quilt got some quilting - and! Is bound!!

I decided that each Square ( Round) of colors needed it own Quilting design - and then I played!

I did make a few boo boos along the way - and get a measurement or two wrong - but you know what? I had fun and I like how it looks!!! Oh - and it is a finish - so there is that going for me haha!!

I actually had a really good time quilting this and imagining that it would look like what I saw in my head ...

So how has your week been? Any progress or Finishes to report???

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Our Last SnowShoe trip

 A bit ago, My husband , youngest Son and I went on a snowshoe trek. It was a cold Blowy day - but Oh So Gorgeous!!!

That is a lake!! And it was cold enough there was Ice everywhere - so you just walk on it... the one time I could walk on water and I didn't even take a photo of me doing it Hahahaha!!!

It was So cold, and So blowy, and we got up there Really early that there was no one around at the start of our trip. Don't you love the sun peeking thru in the upper corner? I love how light can refract thru the clouds and get those looks.

If you've been on my blog long - you know that I am enamored with Ansel Adams and have been known to have his photo books around to look at. Of course, now you can see his images online too - but in full print - wow - so I always have to try a few Black and Whites.

And marvel that my camera is one item and amazingly lightweight instead of the gear he hiked in with.

This part might have been my least favorite part - it was steep up and down on our trail. The up doesn't scare me as much as the down... if I went down... I think they would just have to throw me a sleeping bag and food until spring... it was steep!

Mid hike - we were pretending to be at the summit... just in case we didn't make it!
We did - but of course! forgot a photo there.

Thanks for coming along! Spring is Coming and I am planning out hikes for this summer. I am thinking we will go to Wyoming and scope some new places maybe?  Do you have an idea of a great hike?

Ps - I get asked a lot about my snowshoeing pants - theses are them Snowshoe Wind proof pants from amazon  I don't even wear long johns under them as once you get moving - you are so totally warm... my feet now.... got to keep experimenting with just the right socks !!

Linking to:

My Corner of the World

Monday, April 08, 2024

One thing at a time....

I have been inspired by Joyful and her 100 things decluttering.... but I twisted it my own way ;-)

Joyful has been making an effort to declutter one thing at a time - and it hit me... I should be doing that with my Parents stuff - I get so overwhelmed with what is left, and what to do with it - that if I touch just one thing at a time, maybe it would seem easier - 

So I have - and 2 whole boxes are ready to donate ( again) and the pants... my Dad had gorgeous suit pants and apparently I just boxed some up when trying to move everything out of his house.... those are going to our church...

and look what I found:

Me!!! Back in the day!! I raised Guide Dogs for the Blind out of San Rafael California thru my 4H - and I had to do a demo.... Wasn't I so cute haha!!!! 

And then I thought - hey - what is one thing a day that would make me happy? And I realized that I need another Churn Dash Project.... so I started making 1 churn dash a day ( just for April) 

Since I already have a bucket of 5 inch squares... I was ready to hit the sewing table!!

and then - only because I really don't want UFOs - I decided to pull out my Bonnie Hunter Mystery and get those pieces trimmed - and start on the blocks.... this is Block 1? 

They DO NOT go together as fast as my Churn Dashes - but I am liking them now. 

And my Baby girl - this is why we LOVE her!!!

Back to One Thing at a Time... Anyone need cleaning supplies haha! I opened one of the boxes and its all the cleaning supplies... I think my Dad loved to buy them - I won't have to for about 5 years.... Oh boy....

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Friday, April 05, 2024

February Red Rainbow Scrap Challenge and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

Happy Friday!!!!

One of my goals this year was to try to keep up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I know every year I think that, and then about May I get bamboozled.... so I am trying to make it a priority!!!

My February Top was done right before the end of February - and!! I have it quilted and bound now!  Everytime I sew with red - I sorta of Think Quilt of Valor - so that is what mine has become!

Ta da!!!!  I used my Red 5 inch squares - and then added Blue and White - you can see my little plan here:  I think it turned out pretty good!!!  ( If I do say so myself haha)

I quilted it with Gushing Stars, and bound it with Navy Stripes!!

I had a really cool wide back in Light blue that I used for the backing. I even had enough to cut some 5 inch squares for when Blue is called!!

Last Friday ( March 29) was Vietnam War Veterans Day and my little QOV group was there!!! Deb, Vickie and I headed to a cool presentation and we got to award quilts to some awesome Veterans. It ws a great celebration

I had to hug everyone.... you know - I just can't not do it ;-)

And now what you all have been waiting for!!!
Finished!! Or not - Friday!!

Link up - visit, be inspired... make Bucket lists... enjoy!!

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