Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Yellow Spinning Goose RSC block plus Gingham

Whoosh - Yellow is ( was) the color of the month for our Rainbow Scrap Challenge ... and it almost got the best of me - but I won!!!!

I got my Yellow Spinning Goose block finished - right under the wire!!!

I had a hard time finding fabrics, as my sewing room has sort of been taken over with things I have moved out of my parents house.  We actually are listing the house for sale on Friday and I just piled things... so this was the Yellow I could get to - and!! I really like it!! - A little different vibe than some of my other plaids..

Now I need to get my sort/organize/ and donate mojo back!!! 

Oh!! Also - I might have had a *squirrel*

Remember those Gingham/Buffalo plaid quilts that you can make real quick? I used the Pattern from Quilters Candy - it makes a 55 x 65 inch quilt.

I had this brilliant idea of using a Blue, a Yellow and A stripe. When they lay next to each other - I thought - oh those will be cool.... but when I put them together - I am not 100% sure that they worked the way I had planned it - but I like the way they came together haha!

Anyways - It made me happy because it is ONE thing that I could completely finish 😂🤣😂

This Yellow works for August RSC too - in my mind!  ( which proves I haven't lost my mind yet, but I might be close !)

I will be linking up with

Monday, August 28, 2023

Bella and the Batik Top

Now that all my children are independent, and I was free of babies, I just didn't know what to do with myself.... Just kidding!!!

After Puppy passed I was really thinking of a new dog, but I was debating as to when that would be. One of my Sons works outdoors 75% of the year and he wanted a dog to take with him. So we were talking of it.

Then there was a plea to help a lady in town rehome her puppies.... and we thought - lets go take a look....crazy last words right?

So!!! we now have a new puppy... we got her last week ( the 17th) and she was 9 weeks old - and oh puppy!!!  I did not remember that puppies love to wake up in the middle of the night haha!!

She is super smart - or at least I think so. She is learning to be in the crate at night, and she loves it. She *almost* heels... or at least tries to bite your feet haha!!!   I have her sitting, as well as learning where it is she can run.. I am impressed with her.

On Day 3 of owning her - we took her on a hike. I expected that she would be carried most of the hike - but she was a trooper

I had a backpack for her, and after about a mile she laid down. So we watered her and put her in the pack. She lasted about 15 minutes then was ready to go again... and she did almost the whole hike... we were very slow, and made sure to stop often to rest and play in the stream - but I think she is hooked!!!

I am enjoying her, and then when she is better trained, she can go with my son and when he has to work inside or travel elsewhere she can stay with me!  

Win -Win!!

Now onto the Batik!!!

Last year... I went Quilt shop Hopping with some friends - and in Lyons Colorado there is a Quilt store...called Lyons Quilting.   I bought a Batik Jelly Roll. I came home - started the blocks... and now....

Forward progress.... we are in TOP form!!! Yay!!!

The blues are really pretty and to me sort of Wintery - I may have to quilt something wintery on it, Snowflakes or Swirls.... we will see.  First I have to figure out what I want on the back. 

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Friday, August 25, 2023

Framed 9 Patch Finish and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

This week has been a crazy one for me... and it didn't seem like I got much quilting in - so Imagine my surprise, when I actually did have a finish!! 

My Birthday was last Saturday and Two of my boys came home to go Hiking with us. It was a blast, and while they were here.... 

Every time we went to my parents house for the last 20 years - my mom or dad has had something for us to move, hang, or help with... and you know - you just do it - no whining... 

... I channeled my parents - and said... while you are here... haha! We did the desk ( in Mondays post) and then we re built a dog kennel... more on that later. And then we moved boxes . Lots of boxes so I can sort thru things easier. It was great and I teased them that they will never get out of moving things until they have kids that can do it ;-)

They have all left me now... they were smart 💗🤣

I did get this Framed 9 patch quilted tho!! so go me!! It is going to be a Quilt of Valor - so you all know what that means?  ( and of course why it gets to be classified as Finished)   I don't have to BIND it!!! We have a Binding sew day in October - and it will get done then....

And if you are into mysteries - the second clue has now been posted for Four Corners - you jus have to join here:

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**********The end - go sew**********

Monday, August 21, 2023

My Pile Project start

 You may remember - I found a pile of fabrics???

Then I went to a sew Day and someone was giving away an American Patchwork Quilting magazine.... and I started flipping thru it.....

and found the perfect project for these Fabrics:

I said to myself - Myself.. Make a block a Day, and I did for 6 days, and then!! I had to re-organize the house again.... Okay not really - but!!

I ( Really husband and 2 kids.. I supervised) moved a huge desk unit that we didn't really utilize other than a place to pile things... and we listed it to sell.... move out.... bless someone else. And that made me sort all the piles that were on it.. Found a pair of sunglasses... But mostly paperwork that I just hadn't filed/shredded yet....

I find it interesting to see the things that we *meant* To put away, but life goes to fast... and its still there. I moved one of the flatter desks we have into that office space and Oh! My! Goodness!!! So far I love it... much cleaner, and !! A place for my computer.... We will see what is next! 

I will be Linking up with:

Friday, August 18, 2023

A Flannely Finish and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday you all!!! This week just came up quick didn't it? 

One of my sons was visiting and I said - Hey - what is Today... and he said Thursday - and I went oh boy!!! Tomorrow is Friday... and guess what? Tomorrow is already here!!!

Hope everyone had a great week!

I did manage to sneak a finish in!!!

The sun was setting when we took these and the skies were just SO pretty... but its sometimes hard to get a photo of the quilting this way...

But I tried.... and maybe you can see a little of it - 

I used a Wild animal print on the back - I thought maybe it would give it that woodsy, cabin vibe.... it has canoes, tents, moose, and outdoorsy stuff on it

We also finished loading the pod and now it resides at my house, One of my sons came back from overseas, so I got to pick him up at the airport - flight delays and all... so glad he is back for a bit!  and we took all the shreddables to be shredded ... I have to say that is quite a chore, and a drive - but it felt good to get that done. We might have gotten another surprise this week too... but that one will have to wait...


It is now your turn to Brag!! Show off those finishes.. ( or not!!)  and let us see all the good things!!

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Monday, August 14, 2023

30's Rainbow scrap blocks

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

Because of course!!! I found some Blocks I had completely forgotten about....

I have ( of course) finished quite a few quilts with these blocks... but who knew I had even more in hiding!!!

The are from the 2015 RSC - and I found the pattern at Sew Me Blog - Be Blessed

I saw the blocks and said to *Me* Me!!! DO NOT PUT THOSE AWAY

ta da!!

The Pinks are now a top - Approx 48 x 48

I was thinking I could hang all three of them up together - but the wind was not cooperating... 

Pink along with Yellow - Approx 36 x 48

And Red ( ish)   Approx 36 x 48

If I plan it right - I think I can make one back for all three quilts and quilt them together... I hope!!

I had a thought - but quickly dismissed it - but I still like the photo - I thought about combining Yellow and Red together.... but!! I didn't like it as much as I thought I would - so I am keeping them as two different tops - and then I will have THREE quilts!!

Go me

Take That Quilt Room.....  ( please don't hurt me 😍😏  )

Saturday, August 12, 2023


 Just a little off Quilty topics.... 

Life.... This week has seen me packing up my parents house... I have sorted and donated and given and sold and oh boy... taking apart someone's else's life is not for the faint of heart...

I have finally come to the conclusion that I can make NO more decisions haha!! So I ordered a Pod and we are packing what is left in there so I can get the house all cleaned and ready to go.

Then I will give my brain a break and get back to sorting...

August is our Birthday month  - first my  Mom, then me, then my Dads.  I came home from the hospital on my Dad's birthday Hope he liked his present haha!!

This is them.... Its been fun finding photos I know I have seen, but don't really remember.

They had files of them.

My Dad was one of the Rescue and Recovery workers on 9/11 and my  Mom had an extensive file of documents, newspapers etc. on it - kinda cool to read again....

I will tell you - when you have to do brain stuff like this - quilting is turning into a real therapy!!!! 

I kind of wish that others that have gone thru this would write a book or a article on how to make decisions about the tons of items haha!! that is just the worst... my house is just not that large.

But!! on the other hand - I want to save all of their photos - so its making me clean out junk at my house too..... 

I am also grateful for my horses... the let me see this:

Thanks for listening... 

Friday, August 11, 2023

The Scrappy Plaid!!! and! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

I am pretty sure that every Quilt has a story, but sometimes I actually remember the story of the quilts!! and I just have to tell you!!!


Back in 2019 - I led a Mystery called * the Marvelous Mystery * It was designed by Linda and she allowed our group to do it!! it was awesome

Isn't this a great one?

For each of those chisel blocks on the border... if you do the no waste thing - you get a bonus half square for every chisel...

and what is a girl to do with the bonus??

Oh that's right!! Add them to a PILE!!!

Let them ferment a bit, and then!!

PULL THEM OUT again....

along with a pile of strips and strings and more plaid.

And you start using said Half square as the start of a new block.... you can tell its the evening time... see the sunset colors starting to creep in ( sure you say... go with that.....)

The blocks start to grow, and you had no real idea of where they should go, but you are having fun....

You lay it out on the design wall and you fall in LOVE with the wonkiness, the randomness and because you are a PPP...

You put it back in a pile... but this time... you have the rows pinned - because you KNOW you will come back to it.... tomorrow you say....


I am no BACK TO IT!!!
Oh ya!!

and are you ready??

Because it is MORE THAN A TOP.....

It is a Topped, Quilted and... wait for it... a BOUND quilt finish!!!

And it is still random. and I still love it, and .... I need a bigger house for all these plaid quilts haha!!

I also took a Black and white photo, because it sort of intrigued me - the color play and I thought maybe I could see if , even in its randomness, I had some sort of color scheme....

Pretty sure I didn't... but it sure looks cool!!!  - Hmmmm Maybe a Black and white quilt is in my future!

and is what you have all been waiting for.....
Finished!!! ( or not) Friday!!!!!

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Wednesday, August 09, 2023

Sew Day Quilt of Valor Presentaitons

 We have sew days here in Kersey - and quite a few times it works out that we can invite out Veterans to come to the sew day and we can award their quilts!!

Its pretty fun! we have a great sized room so they can invite Friends and Family, and the Quilters are there - so we can see our Quilts awarded... LOVE it!!

Sew Day Number one!!! This was cool!! The Two guys on the right are from the Sheriffs Department! And the gal on the left is from Cheyenne. They were SO awesome!!  

The quilt on the left was made by the recipients family member - she had been nominated, but the family was too far away. So the quilt was sent to me, ( kind of anonymously - so there was so mystery at first.... )   

The Quilt in the Middle was made by my whole quilting group - and I did the quilting. Then Kim did the binding - but the cool thing... I ride horses with this guy and his family!!!  His wife is AMAZING!! but... the kids... his kids steal the show!! They have the most adorable children and they make my day every time I get to see them!

The one on the right - that was made by Becky - she has a special heart for our Sheriffs Department and has been working on making sure each quilt is just perfect for the Awardee

Sew Day #2

Oh man - Another Group of Amazing Veterans... They literally made me laugh the whole time. 
Karen and Connie made the Quilt on the left. And this Veteran was Navy. He was so sweet, and so honored to be there. He told us stories, and had us Grinning.

The Center  ...  Daddy Dave is what his whole group called him!! He is part of a motorcycle riding group and they all were able to come. They were a perfect addition to our presentation.  Dave was in Vietnam at 18 and was a coder... talk about some high responsibility.... 

And the Right - This guy - oh man  - this guy - what a heart.  We had been trying to get him to a presentation for quite a while but none of our schedules jived. I think it was because he was supposed to be here for this one!!

When I pulled out his quilt he looked at the Quilter who had nominated him ( Charlene) and he said - I told you I wanted this one! So he was so tickled. 

Hope you enjoyed these presentations!!!

I love to see the happy faces and hear the responses. Daddy Dave said he has never been recognized for his service and that this quilt was amazing. He might have had a little sweat running from his eyes... but we all know - that love that we can give through a quilt... makes everything totally worth it to us.

Monday, August 07, 2023

The Eagle Churn Dash

My PPP is coming out!!! ( Pile Project Person)  

I had started this Eagles and Churn Dashes quilt, and then when my Dad got injured I think I piled it all.

I recently had a chance to get a few things back out - and!! Imagine my surprise when I realized I NEVER finished this one!!

( this is the photo from February!!! I guess I still thought I could get things done and keep my head in the sand about all that I had to do at that time!!)

But now!!! here we are....

My rows of Churndashes were just a little longer that the Eagle piece - so I added some flying geese... but I am going to call them Flying Eagles... It is like the little eaglets and hanging out on the side

( Yes - you have to have a BIG imagination to get that!!)

And now.... what else do you think was in my piles?????

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Friday, August 04, 2023

A Plus Quilt finish!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

This finish might just be a miracle - it looks like I started this one in May! and can you believe it - I finished it in the same year!!! Oh heck ya!!!

It is all quilted, bound and washed - and I actually took it to my local Hospice already!!!

This was just a fun one to see if I could do it - and I grouped colors together from the charm pack - I've seen a lot of these types of quilts on the internet - and I just thought - I am sure I can do that... and then I learned that sometimes - you should look before leaping haha! 

But ! It all worked out!

I also finished this one up - it was all the leftover blocks from my Raspberry Fizz Quilts - that have already been delivered to Pathways Hospice. This one went with the Plus quilt this week ;-)

The stack of TWELVE Quilts , washed and ready to take to Pathways Hospice in Greeley!!!

Yay for fun finishes!!! and now it is your turn!! Brag away - tell us what you are up to!!!

Don't forget - if you want to play along with the next MysteryQuilts 4 Military.... the fabric requirements come came out Wednesday - so you want to join our group to get the info!!!

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Wednesday, August 02, 2023

Another Quilt of Valor Presentaiton

 It's kind of like Christmas around here - I have had a lot of presentations set up...

This one!!

Just love it!!!

This awesome group of Veterans had Army, Navy and Marines. We had one that was almost 100 - and we had a Husband and Wife Navy Team - it was just awesome!!!

We had quilts from

Ila, Ethel. Lorna, Our Colorado Group, Verna, Jeri and myself. 

If you look closely you will see two people wrapped in the same quilt. They are the Husband Wife team. We had discussed that maybe they would love a quilt they could use together - Little Bit and I recalled the Kevin the Quilter Sapphire Stars Mystery and we decided that would be a great Quilt to make for this team !! So Little Bit  and I made it for them!!! 

It was exciting to be able to award these Quilts of Valor to these amazing Veterans

Tuesday, August 01, 2023

La Gringa Salsa or La Salsa Gringa....

 You know - for those wimps like me!!!

My husbands garden is really producing this year - faster than last year I think!!

I decided rather than waiting for everything to overtake the kitchen - I would try to keep up - and!!

Made a batch of Las Gringa Salsa.... Its pretty yummy and for those that like heat - they can add in jalapenos in their bowl!!

Zucchini, Bell Peppers, Onions ⬆👆

Adding Corn and Tomatoes  ⬇

This batch made 14 Pints..

13 of the 14 popped... which was just perfect....

It left us a pint to taste test!!!

Years ago all the boys planted their own Zucchini plants and we were overwhelmed with them - so I learned a TON of Zucchini recipes!!!  This year ( finally) I think only 4 plants were planted - so even after this batch - I still have 4 left for eating...

That is , until someone looks in the garden again haha!!

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My Corner of the World