Friday, August 18, 2023

A Flannely Finish and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday you all!!! This week just came up quick didn't it? 

One of my sons was visiting and I said - Hey - what is Today... and he said Thursday - and I went oh boy!!! Tomorrow is Friday... and guess what? Tomorrow is already here!!!

Hope everyone had a great week!

I did manage to sneak a finish in!!!

The sun was setting when we took these and the skies were just SO pretty... but its sometimes hard to get a photo of the quilting this way...

But I tried.... and maybe you can see a little of it - 

I used a Wild animal print on the back - I thought maybe it would give it that woodsy, cabin vibe.... it has canoes, tents, moose, and outdoorsy stuff on it

We also finished loading the pod and now it resides at my house, One of my sons came back from overseas, so I got to pick him up at the airport - flight delays and all... so glad he is back for a bit!  and we took all the shreddables to be shredded ... I have to say that is quite a chore, and a drive - but it felt good to get that done. We might have gotten another surprise this week too... but that one will have to wait...


It is now your turn to Brag!! Show off those finishes.. ( or not!!)  and let us see all the good things!!

*************Link up********* *******the End***********


Preeti said...

I love this quilt so very much. It has that strong, masculine and yet protective vibe about it. It is like jumping up in Dad's arms when he came home from work, like knowing that I'd be warm and secure in his embrace. If I write any more I'd be bawling my eyes out. Kudos to you, Alycia!!!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Wow, beautiful quilt, I love these plaid fabrics. Great outside photo!

Julie in GA said...

I love the scrappy plaids along with the wild animal print backing! It definitely has an outdoorsy vibe.

Gretchen Weaver said...

This plaid quilt is beautiful! It fits into your home quite well, perfect for a ranch. Happy stitching!

maggie fellow said...

the quilt looks wonderful and cozy

Kate said...

Enjoy time with the son that's home. A very fun finish, those plaids are really cool.

Delighted Hands said...

I do love your plaid quilts! How pretty and the backing really sets it off! Good to tick off those errands--and a son visit is a wonderful time!

Chantal said...

What's not to love about a plaid flannel quilt? I just love everything even the colour combo is perfect. For a humble quilt, it sure has a Wow factor. Great job! ;^)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The backing looks great and the whole quilt has a very cozy feeling. Congratulations on the finish (I supposed I need to stop being so proud of your bindings - you've been doing them a lot)!!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Ooooh, plaid flannel! Love it, so cozy! And the outdoorsy backing is perfect for it. Yay you! Enjoy having your son home for awhile.

Dirt Road Quilter said...

Three cheers for making progress on the not so fun stuff, a beautiful plaid quilt finish and for having your boy stateside again! Makes my heart happy for you!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

This week did pass quickly. What a fabulous quilt and love the backing that you chose. Have a great weekend and enjoy visiting with your son.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Great flannel quilt, I love it! What's the pattern? I'm getting all discombobulated trying to figure it out. How nice to have a visit with your son, have a lovely week.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your scrappy flannels.

Momma Llama said...

Oh , WOW! Another inspiring quilt,and it is flannel. My husband likes this one, so I told him I just might cut up the flannel shirts he has in the closet that he never wears. to my surprise, he said OK. I will need to add more flannels, but at least I have a starting point.

Vivian said...

Oooh, I love flannel quilts and teamed with plaids?!? Score! Can't you just see someone wrapped up in that on a cool Fall night?