Friday, August 04, 2023

A Plus Quilt finish!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

This finish might just be a miracle - it looks like I started this one in May! and can you believe it - I finished it in the same year!!! Oh heck ya!!!

It is all quilted, bound and washed - and I actually took it to my local Hospice already!!!

This was just a fun one to see if I could do it - and I grouped colors together from the charm pack - I've seen a lot of these types of quilts on the internet - and I just thought - I am sure I can do that... and then I learned that sometimes - you should look before leaping haha! 

But ! It all worked out!

I also finished this one up - it was all the leftover blocks from my Raspberry Fizz Quilts - that have already been delivered to Pathways Hospice. This one went with the Plus quilt this week ;-)

The stack of TWELVE Quilts , washed and ready to take to Pathways Hospice in Greeley!!!

Yay for fun finishes!!! and now it is your turn!! Brag away - tell us what you are up to!!!

Don't forget - if you want to play along with the next MysteryQuilts 4 Military.... the fabric requirements come came out Wednesday - so you want to join our group to get the info!!!

*Link up a Finished ( or not) Post

*please provide a direct link

* Visit and leave encouraging words!!!

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*****************The end******************

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Kat Scribner said...

You've got lots of great finishes to share today, Alycia.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

I always like the plus quilt design! Yours is so pretty with the combination of different prints and colors. I bet it will be loved!

Delighted Hands said...

What beautiful works to show for your time! The comfort they bring will be just right.

Chantal said...

Twelve quilts for the donation! Wow! You are so generous. God bless you. ;^)

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Wow, congratulations on 2 full finishes and being able to deliver 12 quilts to hospice this week. I'm sure they deeply appreciate your generosity.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

How very wonderful you are to donate those lovely quilts! SO appreciated I'm sure!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What a wonderful donation, 12 quilts for Hospice! Great finishes, and beautiful quilting!

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely charity quilts, Alycia! I find I can only do a planned scrappy layout like that if I can physically lay it out on my design wall before I start sewing (and even then, mistakes can happen)! I think your plus quilt turned out great and I really like that quilting pattern you used on it.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your Plus Quilt is gorgeous. Wow on the quilting!!! A beautiful stack of quilts that will be much appreciated. You have such a giving heart. Have a great weekend, Alycia.

Vicki W said...

What a nice donation stack and I love the quilting design you used on the plus quilt.