Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Happy Half Square Block FIFTEEN

 I have changed sizes of my next blocks - but seeing as you aren't measuring what mine come out as.... you won't be able to tell - haha!

BUT!! I have been making a bunch of the Disappearing Shoo Fly blocks - and with the half squares, you only get one - and then have a left over - so! the leftovers are becoming my HHST blocks.... which is great - Double Trouble - Two Quilts in one!

So !! here is       Happy Half Square Block FIFTEEN

I think that the blocks take on a whole new look with the color of the background fabrics - and I am finding a lot of the beige's left in my buckets - as I start to think they wash the blocks out.... I am going to have to think of ways I want to use them!

See you tomorrow for the Fabric Requirements of:

PS - while I was playing in photoshop creating that banner - check out the new banner I made for my Etsy store.... 

someday when I open Photoshop - I am going to be so happy, and know how everything works, instead of yelling at my computer to just do what I want ;-)

I have to tell you how much I love Kat!! she has volunteered to take these blocks and make mock up quilts of them - and I LOVE it... i think it is really fun!  Here are some cool mock ups of this one!

I truly love the on point 
and if you pretend you are a great seamstress
those blues make another pin wheel!

Enjoy!!!  and get those UFOs done!!

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

To do Tuesday

 my last week list:

#1 Greek Key blocks into a top ( of sorts) ✔

#2 More Modern Bonus Block✔

here they are all laid out in the monthly order- I kinda ran out of the original scraps I was using - so have added others along the way.... 

#3 More Disappearing Shoo Flys ✔

they are growing!! then I decided to make one in the opposite colorway - like dark where the lights should be... I don't like it:

#4 Prep for the NEXT Mystery Quilt 4 Military mystery!!  ✔

got my graphics done - the clues written and in pdf form and I am ready to rock and roll!

here is the post about it:

A11 mystery

and this weeks list:

  • I have a wedding to photograph - so that is 2 days out of my week. ( but it should be a blast)
  • More shoo Fly blocks - enough to start a top
  • and quilt this:

I think... it will be a fun week!!

Linking up to:

To Do Tuesday at Home Sewn by Us

Monday, September 28, 2020

Double Wedding ring Quilt... Antique ( I think)

 I got a call from a friend in town - she said - my husband has been attending a lot of auctions and he bought a box of quilts. I want you to have them...

I so I headed into town to see the treasures he had found!  and they were awesome - they were tops, not finished quilts - which truly - was all the better.

I pulled this one out and laid it on the floor, and both of our mouths dropped. Arlene said - I am pretty sure I know why this one was NEVER finished....  and a challenge began:

Not only are there hills.... there are Valleys... and some of them are quite tall, and some of them are quite deep.

Most of the fabrics are true 30's prints - but check out that top corner.... don't you wish you knew the story as to how those rings came about.... some of the fabrics look old - but... they do not match the rest of the quilt... AT ALL 

Can you also see the borders? they are not squared, or flat, or even stretchable for that matter. you can feel the tightness in this fabric - and I kinda think there is selvedge in it....

Most of the rings are fairly the same size - but some of them kinda double over on themselves...

BUT!! I am going to quilt this puppy... as is... it is not a family heirloom to me, and it looks like a lot of fun to try to tame this one.... it may never be square - but I am going to try for....


Yep - I am not even sure I care if it lays flat - but I will try to see what I can do!!

Wish me luck - and fun... I am sorta looking forward to quilting something that isn't for show, or for a present, or for perfection... i got this!! haha!

Linking to:

Design wall monday     Monday Making    LAL at Rebecca Grace

Friday, September 25, 2020

masks and..... FINISHED FRIDAY

 I didn't get a lot of things finished this week ... but I sure got a LOT of things started.... so that is great... as in ... I will have Future Finished Friday things.... right?

The big thing finished is a new mask for my Dad and a new one for me... I have to wear them a couple of days a week for 8 hours at a time... and they kinda give me a bi focal type vision.

So I found some little metal pieces , made a little casing and stitched them for over your nose. I tested mine - Dad will get his this weekend - and we will see if those make us not so dizzy!!

The top is mine - cuz Purple.... and Dad gets the Firefighter one... cuz retired Fire Chief

Also - in case you missed it - a NEW mystery is starting

And now.... it is your turn....

Share your Finishes ( or not Finishes)



Thursday, September 24, 2020

Mystery Quilts 4 Military NEW MYSTERY

 Whoop Whoop!!

Who is ready to start a New Mystery????

<a href=''>Background photo created by freepik -</a>

Fall is in the air, I have been changing out my quilts, I am inspired... and so...  new mystery has been created..

Finish up all those UFOs, and quilt projects and lets get ready for a New one!!  

Here is my timeline:

Fabric Requirements posted October 1st

First Clue   October 15th

and a clue a week until we are done....
definitely done before thanksgiving.....

who is with me???

PS - we do have a Mystery Chat group.... you can join us here: MysteryQuilts4Military

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Happy Half Square Block Fourteen

     Can you believe it 

-  we are on 


I really like this one too - it looks like and hourglass to me.
you know the sands of time
( okay if anyone gets that - I will laugh - 
that was a big show for my roommates when I was in college)

and here is the drawing of it.

I really like that it is three colored - but I can see it as 5 colors ( you know 4 bolds and a background print)  I think it would be the cutest baby quilt!!

And now... for the Famous Kat Mockups!! ( be sure to visit her blog too !)

this is what I think would make the cutest baby quilt
In lots of bright colors!

but I think i like the layout below the best!!


hope to see you back tomorrow... I have a NEW announcement!!!

linking to :

Midweek Makers

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

To Do Tuesday

 Wow- this list actually helped me stay focused this week... that is until my husband wanted to go golfing.... i had to go - right?  ha ha... there was dinner involved!!!

alright - so first on my list was to finish this:

And I did... no thanks to my wheel - haha!! my machine started shaking horribly and it was making me not happy. Here is one positive of covid... are you ready? I mean, sit down!  my husband is now 100% working from home... so I called him and said... help... and he walked from his half of the basement and helped my fix up the wheel... and BAM! I was back in action...

So yay! 1 big thing is done...

Next - I finished all of my greek key blocks for this plaid one...
So it becomes To Do #1 - put the top together...

I am pretty sure I am going to add a border, but i don't have that planned yet. so to get these blocks together - will be great!

next was to get my September More Modern BOM block done - and then this week!! she released a BONUS BLOCK!!

So that will be my To do #2 - get that bonus block done!!

then I wanted to get my disappearing shoo fly organized - and so - I got all the blocks I had ( three were made by me) up on the wall - and I have parts to make more blocks ready - so I will keep working on that.....

And last was to get my RSC blocks done... and I did!!  Somehow I have 10 colors finished as of this month - so somewhere a long the line... I cheated - or didn't follow instructions, or a combo of both!!

Anyways all of my colors are now done!! So yay me!!

my this week list:

#1 Greek Key blocks into a top ( of sorts)

#2 More Modern Bonus Block

#3 More Disappearing Shoo Flys

#4 Prep for the NEXT Mystery Quilt 4 Military mystery!!

Linking to:

To Do Tuesday

Monday, September 21, 2020

Disappearing Shoo Fly blocks

 are up on the design wall today!!

My QOV group is making these, and some are starting to arrive, and I made some.... and I have a few in progress - so I need to finish those!!  

But! here is where we are so far!

I made that one with the brown background -I think it might be pulled and be a label or something.... but three of them I made - 4 of them Cindi made and 10 of them Kathy made... and I need to make some more to catch up with them!!

the block is called Disappearing Shoo Fly  - it is a Missouri Star quilt company pattern.

I like how it is coming along!!

linked to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making

Friday, September 18, 2020

The Blocks.... and finished (or not) finished Friday

 Thursday night I yelled - Oh no!! I don't have a Finish for Friday... and my husband said... well you could say you finished loading hay... I said yuck!! no... that is not quilty related....

He said... you could say you finally finished figuring out why you were having machine troubles ( lost a screw on a wheel ( longarm) )  and I said ...No!! Yuck ... that is boring - and a little bit frustrating...

He said... well... go drink a bottle of wine ( or whine)  and I kicked him out... Just kidding... I made him go do chores... and I finished....


Ta- da!!! All of my Greek Key blocks are now finished!!!

And just to prove that we did finish the hay.... its all loaded....

and restacked so we can drive on the highway

and home... because - ol merry Mare here... she wants some!!

And now!!! It is your turn! Show me ( or even tell me) What you got finished!!!  and.... if you got a bottle of whine for it - ha ha! 

I think my allergy pills have made me goofy!!



Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Happy Half Square Block Thirteen

Welcome to Week THIRTEEN of the Happy Half Square Project!!

( new to it? there is a tab on top that will show you all the past ones)

SO!! I loved Block eleven, but it wasn't quite what I wanted - and so.... I found a way to flip the geese! Go me ( sometimes - change is hard)   and I really like this version a lot!!! 

Here is the drawing of it!

and now for the magic - Kat really outdid herself this time!!
and now I want to start a WHOLE NOTHER QUILT!!

are you ready??

That top one is kinda  .. Modern looking

But this one on point... I love it!!

add some sashing!!

now I like this one .... its my kinda crazy!

Now looke!! alternate some colors!!
Ohh la la 

Hope you like this one!!
See you next week for Block 14!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

To Do Tuesday

 I have not done one of these in years.... Or at least that I have made public - but I follow Home Sewn By Us - and they post a list every Tuesday - and they are SO productive!!  ( it can only rub off right?)

So - here goes.... and keep your fingers crossed something gets accomplished - okay??

 1. Finish Quilting this one:  It is a Client quilt - and it is HUGE - I mean.. really huge!! but so pretty!  and of course I love feathers:

2. Finish my Greek key Blocks 

3: prep my More Modern BOM blocks for this month:   here are some of them...  I am actually caught up to September - I just don't have a photo of them all on the wall

4:  Keep working on my Disappearing Shoo Fly blocks - this is out Block of the quarter for my QOV group.... 

5:   Get this months Rainbow Scrap Challenge blocks done - 

I think the color this month is red - but the only color I have left in my stash pack is yellow - so I will just pretend my yellow is red this month - or I will claim that I am color blind haha!

6:  and very last - get a few more masks made for my Dad. He has to do rehab three days a week and they require masks - and you know he has to look good right? none of those cheap blue ones for him!! 

linking up to:

To Do Tuesday  and hopefully quilting like crazy to finish my list!

Longarm Linky party

Free Motion Mavericks