Friday, December 31, 2021

Entropy = the Quilt ... and Finished ( or not) Friday

 In October I started the Entropy Quilt - it was a  quilt a long with Squats and Running Stitches.

Got the Blocks Finished at my Mountain retreat and now..

I present you with...

The Finish......

it's mostly Blue Plaids on white  - with one little pink block in there.
I just Loved that pink so it had to go in it!!!

I had a boy home... so I took advantage - and the wind was blowing - poor boy!

I used that Grunge Polka dot in Blue in the back. It might be just me, but I had trouble getting my tension right on it- I don't know if its a tighter weave or what - but It took me a minute to get my bobbin right - and I haven't had to change the tension on my machine for Years.... ( okay maybe months but still!!!)

Just a side note - I finished this Steppers Quilt:  and I gave it to my Cowboy Friend. I asked him if he was a People of the Plaid - like me and he laughed and showed me his newest Plaid shirt !!!

I have him the quilt, and the next week he told me his wife did not like me anymore.. What???  Well she says he gets up, starts the coffee, then gets on his couch and snuggles in his quilt, and she has to yell at him to go do chores.... Alright - I can take that haha!!

After taking a week off - I am betting there are a few new Finishes to link to?

Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)

Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

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Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Also - Linking to:

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Decembers Operation Christmas Hats

 After I had all the family hats made - i went back to knitting for M and her Shoebox project.

This is what I finished for the Month of December:

TWELVE hats ... I am surprised , but not really, we spent some time in the car, and the nights get  dark early in December.

The top 4 and the ones with Pink - those are all Sherrills yarns! She graciously sent me a box of yarn and I have just about knitted it all up for Operation Christmas Child. My friend M collects things all year round and then puts together a trillion Shoeboxs. She like to include a hat - and so! I decided to help...

By the way - did you know that Joanns holds a Billion sales on yarn from Thanksgiving to Christmas - and then the day after Christmas they start selling their storage systems.....  I think I see a Brilliant marketing plan haha!

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Family Hats

 You may remember I learned to make Hats.... just hats... don't stress me with anything else yet.

But! I decided that we all needed hats - so I made one for the entire family, and! we set out to walk the pasture and find a place we could take a photo.

It was a little sunshiny - and we couldn't figure if we wanted to squint, or have shadows. So we went for the no squint part.  I even got Puppy to wear his hat for the photo - yay!

These went to my Brother and his family ( above)

These went to my SIL and her family

and My dad got a blue one - and I forgot to take a photo of him wearing it!
I guess I shall track him down.

Oh and two went to my MIL and FIL
Hopefully they will send a photo.

Now the Whole Family is covered... I am back to making them for Operation Christmas

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Quarter Log Cabin in Blue... a Finish!


I like it when I get to finish things!
I have had a pile sitting there waiting for me, and for some reason.... I have been able to get to it this week!!! I'm so happy!!! and now.... I can add back to the pile right??

This is my Quarter Log Cabin Block quilt - I finished the top in August ( 2021... go figure) and now it is completely done... Yay!!

I did some fun funky QUilting on it

and used a Blue back... so I can call this *something Bluesy*

Oh it measures 38 x 51 inches and I will have it listed in my Quiltygirl Etsy Store.

Hopefully someone needs a  lap quilt.. or a baby quilt?

Linking to:

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Monday, December 27, 2021

Greek Key Log Cabin Quilt of Valor


Hey!!! I just looked up when I started this one... and!! proud to say... It's not a million years ago!!!

This is a Greek Key Log Cabin - and I used the Block on Board Log Cabin die from AccuQuilt - and patriotic fabrics and... I am in love!!

I used a star print for the borders - and there are actually 4 borders.... the wind was blowing ( again) when I was taking the photo!!!

But it is all quilted and will go to one of my Quilting Friends to get its binding and Quilt of Valor Label!!


Hope you all had a Great Christmas!!
( I have photos!!!)

Linking to:

Friday, December 24, 2021

Happy Christmas Eve

 I hope you are enjoying your day!

Remember *Finished ( or not) is on vacation today - we will resume on the 31st !!

I made a Hat jut for Puppy...... and tried it on him....

He gave up hahaha!!!  

Thursday, December 23, 2021

More Christmas Baking

 I think I have saved all of my baking up for the few days everyone will be here!

I made Truffles!

This ought to fatten them all up right?

I had leftover dipping chocolate - so I dipped pretzels and now we are 400#s!! Holee cow those are addicting!! I only made about 20 and now... I have been ordered to make WAY more than that!!!

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Pasture Plod

 The rest of the world did a Turkey Trot... 

We did a Pasture Plod

But Puppy did not go with us. it is so dry and so weedy right now I worried about his sweet little paws...

So I got him a present:

Puppy Shoes!!!! he was not really sure he liked them and kept making faces at us, until he got into the stickery places - and he could just run.....

Puppy made it about a mile until he gave up - and resorted to the way he likes to Plod the best.... from his perch up high....  

Puppy has it made!!!

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Orange Cookies .... The recipe

 So many of you asked for the Orange Cookie recipe.... 

I will oblige 

Its a top secret recipe tho

If you make them - you must send tasting samples...

Here you go:

Combine in a mixing bowl ( as in cream them - this is an old recipe card)

  •  1 1/2 Cups white sugar
  • 1 cup Sour Cream
  • 1 1/2 cups shortening ( I use butter)
  • 2 eggs
  • 5 cups flour ( I used one for one Gluten free flour)
  • 2 tsp Baking soda
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • Juice and rind of Two oranges  ( so! I used orange juice - and used 2/3 of a cup)
Bake at 350 on lightly sprayed backing sheets for 10-15 minutes. 
Frost when still warm ( but not too warm or the frosting gets clear)

Use the juice and rind from 1 orange and about 1 box of powdered sugar 

*I use all gluten free ingredients
*I bake them on cookies sheets lined with parchment pater and a light spray of pam
*after 2 minutes of cooling on the cookie sheet I take them off to the counter
* after 5 minutes of cooling I put the frosting on

None of that is scientific = but - Gluten free flours can either be too soft or too dry - so this method makes them cookie like - and everyone eats them before I can get them in the freezer.... ( when they are home!)

Monday, December 20, 2021

Lifesavers .... the Quilt

 When I showed you my design wall a while back ( or maybe it was on facebook) someone said these blocks reminded them of LifeSavers... and so... I think that will be forever what I see with this one.

First - the jumble on the design wall!

All the blocks are finished - I had two strips of Blue left... so yay!! all the scraps have been used!

That's just a colorful mess right?? But! I used the scraps - and holee cow - there were a lot!

I pulled all the LifeSavers Blocks together and this is what I came up with.

I do have two extra blocks - but! I think I can make a placemat or something of them.  This is pinned and ready to top....

and then I started playing with the strings... I am not sure I like this layout yet - but maybe it will grow on me, or maybe I will see a better plan

Those green ones... hmm - not real sure I like them there - or even if I like them in this top - but! It can sit there for a while a ruminate ( that is a BIG word coming from me right??)

Anyways - that is where I am now... Slow progress - but still forward.

Linking to:

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, December 17, 2021

Jelly Roll Waves... the Complete Finish!!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday

 Ohhhh Way back in 2019 Busy Hands Quilts hosted a Jelly Roll Waves QAL. I already had the pattern so I joined in and had some fun....

In my quest to finally finish some of the Tops that I have created... I AM FINISHED!!! with this one!!

and ... It is even bound!!

The Quilt Pattern is Called Jelly Roll Waves - designed by Busy Hands Quilts. 

I got it all quilted! ( oh ya!)

and made Super crazy back for it - it seemed to fit!

And bound it in solid blue and now!!! it is a FINISH!!!! Oh ya!! Happy Dancing here!!!

it's your turn!!

Show off you Finishes ( or not) and lets all ohh and ahhh!!!

REMEMBER - there will be NO Finished ( or not) Friday on the 24th of December... save them for the next week!!

******************************Link up***************


Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of  a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday  hosted by Anja Quilts

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Orange Cookies

 I will admit - I am not a BIG Christmas baker..

I truly do not like leftovers, and I do not like cookies and cakes much longer than 2 days after they are made - so I try really hard to just make what we will eat, and freeze the rest. I make Cookies into balls and freeze them in ziplocs - easy peasy to just pull out what you want to eat.....

Okay But!!

My Mom loved to bake for Christmas - and I think she would make a dozen different types of cookies. One of the Favorites that she made was Orange Cookies. 

So I attempted them - and you know what - they were good!

We ate enough to be full, shared with my Dad and the rest are in the freezer waiting *waiting* for my kids to come home!!!!  I think my Mom would be proud.

Oh ya - and! These are Gluten and Nut free !!

Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Ranch Chores and Horse Selfies

 The wind has been howling here... and the snow just is not falling. But the weeds sure come a rolling across the place... until! They hit my gates and fences and Blech!


We have had many clean up days. Truthfully - I am ready for some snow. (Actually - we NEED some snow - our place is going to dry right up)

We just ended up taking this fence down ,and removing the weeds. I am thinking at Christmas we will string it again - but it was fulllllllll

The first of my Horse Selfies - this little mare is ranch raised and I love her, but she wouldn't pose. and then she tried to nibble my ear... that did not feel good... stinker!

We are super careful when burning and have a water tank on the 4 Wheeler just in case. I also carry wet towels and a couple of Shovels. I have to be honest - I am terrified of fire - so we might be a little extra cautious....  but we burned about 3000 million gatrillion tumbleweeds....

Horse Selfie Number 2 - this is my boy. He was my husbands calf roping horse, and he needs to not run so hard - so his pace fits me!!! well, he still tries to go a little faster than I want when we are competing, but he is learning.

When you have a drought - and you can't bear to get rid of horses ( or my baby calves - that aren't so baby anymore)   you go shopping.....

I kinda think that if we spend that much on hay..... my fabric budget ought to go up right??? haha!

( don't tell my husband I said that!!)

Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Day 7 - The Freedom Trail

 We only had a few hours in Boston until we had to get to the Airport... sadly Vacations must end...

So we got in an Uber and Went to the Constitution and figured we would follow the Freedom Trail back towards our Hotel ( we were close to the end of it) Grab our stuff and get to the Airport.!

The USS Constitution!  There is a rumor that one of our historical relatives stowed away on this ship. And the once discovered was put to work.... hmmmm

This is the other ship docked on the other side - I thought it was cool!

The Freedom Trail actually starts at Bunker hill - and we could see the monument from the Constitution site

This ( below) is not historical - but we were in front of the stadium where the Celtics play  - so K wanted proof that we were there. (Ps I did tell you that east coast weather plays havoc on a girls hair right?)

I had printed a map of the Freedom Trail before I left home - so we kept putting the next location into our phones and following the phone maps...

So we found the Copps Hill Cemetary
there were tons of apartments around it and then we found

The North Church

I thought it was pretty cool. But one of the things that was different to me - is life just keeps happening around these Historical Sites... there were parks and apartments and stores....

You have to see it in Black and White - My favorite!

Then we plugged in Paul Reveres House

and saw it and the courtyard next to it.

We also saw the sight of the Boston Massacre. March 5th 1770 - Dr Ben Avery Ware told us a lot about it, and of course you have to google it more. 


These Cemetaries are also all over 
This one had famous people like Sam Adams
Benjamin Franklin
Paul Revere
and more - but they are just there - it the middle of peoples daily commutes

For each site we were putting the next one in our Phone maps - and I kept thinking - you know
if they are going to call it a trail - there should be markers or something around.

And then I noticed the sidewalk

I pointed it out and my dear sweet caring husband looks at me as says
You mean you didn't know that is what we have been following.

Oh boy...   and look - I even found a marker that confirmed that we really had been following the *trail*

our Duck Boat Tour Guide had told us that in the olden days a lot of folks couldn't read - so there were these little symbols put out in front of stores - like a tea cup, and spoon, and we found this one. But I am not sure what it is.... maybe a shaving kit thing?

Let's just say I am glad I can read

there is inspiration for Quilts!!!

and MORE!!

and MORE

Here's another one -
a super old historical Church - with a skyscraper right next to it!

We completed the Whole Freedom Trail - our brains were buzzing and Look what we found!!

after that - we hurried back to the hotel, Packed up and headed to the airport....

Its good to be back home again....

( except the Laundry and the cooking and... hahahahaha!!)