Thursday, December 16, 2021

Orange Cookies

 I will admit - I am not a BIG Christmas baker..

I truly do not like leftovers, and I do not like cookies and cakes much longer than 2 days after they are made - so I try really hard to just make what we will eat, and freeze the rest. I make Cookies into balls and freeze them in ziplocs - easy peasy to just pull out what you want to eat.....

Okay But!!

My Mom loved to bake for Christmas - and I think she would make a dozen different types of cookies. One of the Favorites that she made was Orange Cookies. 

So I attempted them - and you know what - they were good!

We ate enough to be full, shared with my Dad and the rest are in the freezer waiting *waiting* for my kids to come home!!!!  I think my Mom would be proud.

Oh ya - and! These are Gluten and Nut free !!


Shelina said...

I made some apple coffee cake last week, and I also froze it in serving size containers so I wouldn't have to eat it all in one go.

Rosalie Booth said...

How about posting the recipe?

Rebecca Smith said...

I don’t bake a lot but when I do I like to make cookies I don’t find in the local stores. These sound like ones I’d like.

Delighted Hands said...

I like to eat the cookies--making them, not so much! These look delicious!

Ivani said...

Receipe, please!

tealeafquilts said...

These sound wonderful. Recipe?

WeedyMama said...

I used to make LOTS of cookies. Not any more. No one wants them (and I made good cookies). I will make a couple batches of cinnamon rolls and one-half the recipe for a pull-apart coffee cake. That's it. Maybe a pumpkin pie.

Orange cookies? sounds interesting.