Friday, December 17, 2021

Jelly Roll Waves... the Complete Finish!!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday

 Ohhhh Way back in 2019 Busy Hands Quilts hosted a Jelly Roll Waves QAL. I already had the pattern so I joined in and had some fun....

In my quest to finally finish some of the Tops that I have created... I AM FINISHED!!! with this one!!

and ... It is even bound!!

The Quilt Pattern is Called Jelly Roll Waves - designed by Busy Hands Quilts. 

I got it all quilted! ( oh ya!)

and made Super crazy back for it - it seemed to fit!

And bound it in solid blue and now!!! it is a FINISH!!!! Oh ya!! Happy Dancing here!!!

it's your turn!!

Show off you Finishes ( or not) and lets all ohh and ahhh!!!

REMEMBER - there will be NO Finished ( or not) Friday on the 24th of December... save them for the next week!!

******************************Link up***************


Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of  a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday  hosted by Anja Quilts


Vicki in MN said...

All those colors match your surroundings so well! Congrats on getting another quilt off your plate;)

Delighted Hands said...

What a nice finish! Good job to get an UFO transferred to the FO pile!!!

Debbie said...

I love the color scheme of your quilt.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the unusual fabric prints in your Jelly Roll Wave quilt. Terrific job!

Cathy said...

Oh! A delightful quilt of elegant fabrics! Congrats on the finish! Happy holidays!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Awesome quilt!!! Those colors!!!😍

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a beautiful quilt, Alycia! And speaking of beautiful quilts - I was going through some of my mom's things, and unwrapped a beautiful Quilt of Valor that was presented to my stepdad somewhere around 2012, I think. He was a WWII veteran and went on a Northern Colorado Honor Flight around that time. The quilt has a label that says AlyciaQuilts on it!

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Such a pretty quilt - congrats on the finish! I love the fabrics. Do you remember what jelly roll or fabric collection you used?

Miss Alissa said...

Way to go! I totally thought those fabrics were ties...there is an idea for my tie scraps!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Ooh, very nice! Congratulations on the fun finish (and the backing does seem perfect). :)

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Oh, what a great finish for today. I love those fabrics you used. It could take on a masculine vibe, if needed . . . or not. I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Vivian said...

Loving those fabrics, super fun quilt! Ahh, the joy of a WIP vanquished!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Jelly Roll Waves is awesome. Gorgeous fabric.

Sandy Panagos said...

That's a cute way to use a jelly roll. I like the quilting pattern you used.

Michele in Harrisburg said...

What a fun pattern. And definitely enhanced by your great fabric choices. Well done.

Michele said...

The movement in that pattern is really wonderful. Congrats on the finish.

Vicki W said...

I love this quilt. I'm just imagining how it could look different (but still great) in all kinds of other fabrics: black and white, hand dyes, my Nadelstern collection.

Kathleen said...

That quilt is a beauty! I love the back you chose, too!