Friday, December 31, 2021

Entropy = the Quilt ... and Finished ( or not) Friday

 In October I started the Entropy Quilt - it was a  quilt a long with Squats and Running Stitches.

Got the Blocks Finished at my Mountain retreat and now..

I present you with...

The Finish......

it's mostly Blue Plaids on white  - with one little pink block in there.
I just Loved that pink so it had to go in it!!!

I had a boy home... so I took advantage - and the wind was blowing - poor boy!

I used that Grunge Polka dot in Blue in the back. It might be just me, but I had trouble getting my tension right on it- I don't know if its a tighter weave or what - but It took me a minute to get my bobbin right - and I haven't had to change the tension on my machine for Years.... ( okay maybe months but still!!!)

Just a side note - I finished this Steppers Quilt:  and I gave it to my Cowboy Friend. I asked him if he was a People of the Plaid - like me and he laughed and showed me his newest Plaid shirt !!!

I have him the quilt, and the next week he told me his wife did not like me anymore.. What???  Well she says he gets up, starts the coffee, then gets on his couch and snuggles in his quilt, and she has to yell at him to go do chores.... Alright - I can take that haha!!

After taking a week off - I am betting there are a few new Finishes to link to?

Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)

Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

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Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Also - Linking to:


Gretchen Weaver said...

The quilt is so cute! I love the splash of color the pink makes, happy stitching!

swooze said...

Oh my gosh I’m in love with this quilt!

Kathleen said...

Love that finish - the touch of pink is just perfect. Too funny about your friend’s husband…we knew quilts had powers but chore prevention?? Happy New Year!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your Entropy Quilt and the interesting modern quilting motif.

Sandra Walker said...

Ooh this is one fantastic finish Alycia! I love that you put that pink in there, makes me smile. :-)

Quiltdivajulie said...

I like your Entropy finish a LOT!

Celine said...

Lovely quilt, well done! Happy new year

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

What an expert quilt holder; he did well and it's hard to tell he was battling the wind! Congratulations on being able to wrap up the year with another beautiful finish.

Linda Swanekamp said...

What a striking quilt! Love the smattering of different fabrics. I am having trouble with Blogger- in some blogs, I can't click in and leave a comment and in yours, I can't click in the search box as I wanted to see more about Entropy.

Chantal said...

Congratulations on this beautiful finish. I really like it. My boys always ask for black quilts. I just might make one like that. Thanks for the inspiration. All the best for the New Year. ;^)

The Joyful Quilter said...

Fabulous quilt finish, Alycia!! Wishing you a happy and healthy new year.

Kate said...

A very fun finish! That splash of pink is perfect. You've been finishing up a few things here at the end of the year. Congrats on all the progress. Loved the hat family photo, too cute with your puppy in on the act too. (I thought it was a baby at first and thought wow I am way behind on blog reading to have missed that!). Hope you had a very happy new year.

Rebecca Grace said...

Your Entropy quilt came out great, Alycia! I love that splash of pink from the one "rebel" block. Happy New Year!

Kathleen said...

Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

Vicki W said...

That one pink block makes Entropy extra special!

Snowcatcher said...

My goodness, what a fun story!!! I love the quilt; I hope to work on my hst project this year, at least a bit, and your quilt gives me hope! Happy new year!