I have been thinking ( gasp - I know!) and organizing ( yes - I get it, something is in the air!) and quilting today. The quilting part has been the funnest, and most challenging today. The quilt was a baby quilt, that they added fabrics to to make it queen sized.... so I had to piece batts, and really think about it! I think it turned out great if I do say so myself.
Anyways here is what I was thinking and organizing
- Quilt Tops for Quilts of Valor -
Here is my thought - feel free to shoot me, I am too far away for it to hurt!
I have sent out a lot of tops to other longarmers, many have already been posted on the blog, and some more are to come back in for binding. I have tops here from people, and groups, and others that I have bugged into making something. Enough to keep my QOV quilting time full. So ( see this is where the thinking comes in) If you are wanting to donate a top still, there are 2 ways to do this.
First - You can go thru the QOVF.org website, and request a Longarmer. Send them the top and the backing and have the Longarmer send the finished quilt to me. If it is not bound, I will have my wonderful Binding ladies ( the Greeley Gals) do it, because they love me ... still. If you don't want it to come here - you can then fill out the destination form - again at the QOVF.org . They will tell you a place to send it. Those people run a tight ship!! They are there for you ( and me!!)
Second - If you want to send the top and backing to me - go for it. But... I can not promise that it will be quilted in time for this years delivery - but rest assured it will get to a soldier. Because that is what I am all about - getting these quilts into the hands of a soldier! If I can, I will get it done for this year, but I still have 3 children to raise - and feed. Apparently children need food EVERY day - not just once or twice a week. Not like fish! Who knew? So no promises.
I am sure there are lots of other ways - but those are the 2 I pondered today as I was working. I don't want to discourage anyone - as this is a truly WORTHY project. The soldiers - these quilts mean so much to them. Don't believe me - find a soldier and present him a QOV.... its the truth!
A few years ago my family presented a QOV to a VietNam Vet in my parents' church. The man thanks me every time we see him. Seriously - every time, and his wife, she hugs me every time to thank us for his quilt. Its amazing. He takes it with him to the VA for treatment, he snuggles in it at home....
Okay - Thanks for listening. I have a new quilt loaded - and I can't wait to see how it quilts up. It is a pretty Brown and Cream Quilt of Valor!! Have a good one.

= Oh and because you might need a picture - here is my Eagle. He lives on the place, and he dive bombs my house - and this is his power pole - that just happens to bring the power into my house.