The children at school decided they wanted the newspaper to come see what they were doing. So they wrote a letter to the Greeley Tribune. A reporter came out to the school on Friday, and watched us sew for 2 hours, and took a lot of pictures. The kids were very excited. Today this article came out in the paper.
That is so cool! I'll bet the kids had a blast with the reporter! 3 more quilts from my weekly group will be heading your way shortly.
Great article. What a wonderful way to teach students to care for others.
Great article. Nice to acknowledge what you and the kids are doing. I loved it.
Nancy L
Oh Alycia! Thank you for posting that article; it completely brought me to "proud, happy" tears! I WILL get my quilt to you by deadline! PROMISE! The quilting I chose is time-consuming (about an hour per block).
Wonderful article Alycia! That is so cool what the kids are doing and what you are teaching them. Something they won't ever forget and the soldiers that benefit won't ever forget either.
My quilt is almost pieced! It will be done on time!
Bari B.
Very cool!
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