Our friends son plays baseball at KU ( Kansas). He is a Pitcher.
My husband told his friend we would love to come watch him play. If your in a warm location let us know. And he told us about Texas. We checked the weather, it said it was supposed to be in the 60's/
Texas forgot to tell us that a cold front was going to come thru.
I travel in Sweats - thank goodness! At least I had something warm haha! We landed and it was in the 50;s and it steadily dropped. Sorry Texas - we brought winter!
It rained, It Winded, the temps dropped to 39 and did you know that HUMID cold is way worse than DRY cold? Oh my stars - it goes to your bones... and remember me? I LIKE COLD... but not Corpus Christie on the water cold...
I did get a new Sweat shirt out of it tho!!!
They played 4 games - 1 game a day, so before the games - we got to explore,
Since it was raining hard we headed to the Aquarium.... It was dry inside!
I love studying the colors of animals and the contrasts - maybe that helps me in my color selections?
another day we went to the USS Lexington - please note who's name I am under!! I know how it ends for the other... so I chose wisely!!!
Also - this sign made me laugh!! I decided that we should yell that when a Non Quilting Male comes in to our Quilt day!!!

Just to prove - we did watch Baseball and not just mess around. This is the coldest day there. After that game all the baseball people are talking baseball - and my question to the players.... "How did you stay warm?" You have to ask the important things you know!!
Another day we headed to the beach - I figured you were probably going to get wet anyways - why not have fun. This is Padre Beack ( I think) they told me it was the North end - and all the party stuff for Spring Breaks is maybe 60 miles south?
Not a big Partier - but I loved walking the shoreline!!
Sorry Texans that we brought cold weather - but you didn't have to accept it !!
Oh!! Back to the USS Lexington! I got a sweatshirt there - so I was wearing it to one of my Veteran Functions yesterday - and one of the Vets ... I call him Top Gun - he was in the Very First Class of Naval aviators to be a part of Top Gun - said - hey!! I had to do 10 take offs and landing on that carrier!
That was so cool to me - and the Lex - its a SHORT runway!!! Oh boy!!