Wednesday, February 28, 2024

a QOV presentation

There is a wonderful group of Veterans that our Quilt Of Valor group works with  and we had a great presentation the other day... but I think we need a bigger spot!!! HAHA!

on my phone this photo looks okay - but Making it big... might make it a little blurry - but!

Just Note the Smiles!!! We made some wonderful Vets really happy!

The quilts were made by!

  • Anna Marie
  • Alycia
  • Karen
  • Connie
  • Jeri
  • Michelle
  • Meredith
  • Liz 
  • Clare
  • Kim 
  • and!! our QOV group - there were 3 quilts that had blocks made by all of us.
I just love the happiness and healing these quilts bring!
I think this presentation brings us to 23 Awarded and 3 shared with another group.

Monday, February 26, 2024


 Our friends son plays baseball at KU ( Kansas). He is a Pitcher.

My husband told his friend we would love to come watch him play. If your in a warm location let us know. And he told us about Texas. We checked the weather, it said it was supposed to be in the 60's/

Texas forgot to tell us that a cold front was going to come thru.

I travel in Sweats - thank goodness! At least I had something warm haha! We landed and it was in the 50;s and it steadily dropped. Sorry Texas - we brought winter! 

It rained, It Winded, the temps dropped to 39 and did you know that HUMID cold is way worse than DRY cold? Oh my stars - it goes to your bones... and remember me? I LIKE COLD... but not Corpus Christie on the water cold... 

I did get a new Sweat shirt out of it tho!!!

They played 4 games - 1 game a day, so before the games - we got to explore,
Since it was raining hard we headed to the Aquarium.... It was dry inside!

I love studying the colors of animals and the contrasts - maybe that helps me in my color selections?

another day we went to the USS Lexington - please note who's name I am under!! I know how it ends for the other... so I chose wisely!!!

Also  - this sign made me laugh!! I decided that we should yell that when a Non Quilting Male comes in to our Quilt day!!!

Just to prove - we did watch Baseball and not just mess around. This is the coldest day there. After that game all the baseball people are talking baseball - and my question to the players.... "How did you stay warm?"   You have to ask the important things you know!!

Another day we headed to the beach - I figured you were probably going to get wet anyways - why not have fun. This is Padre Beack ( I think) they told me it was the North end - and all the party stuff for Spring Breaks is maybe 60 miles south?  

Not a big Partier - but I loved walking the shoreline!!

Sorry Texans that we brought cold weather - but you didn't have to accept it !!
Oh!! Back to the USS Lexington! I got a sweatshirt there - so I was wearing it to one of my Veteran Functions yesterday - and one of the Vets ... I call him Top Gun - he was in the Very First Class of Naval aviators to be a part of Top Gun  - said - hey!! I had to do 10 take offs and landing on that carrier!

That was so cool to me - and the Lex - its a SHORT runway!!! Oh boy!!

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti - my version - and !! Finished ( or not ) Friday!

Happy Happy Friday!!!

Oh man it has been a week!! We were in Texas for a little bit! But!! we had planned on warm and sunny, Corpus Christie on the other hand wanted 40's and flipping cold!!! I now have NEW sweatshirts to prove I was places haha!

Today I am going to show you MY finished ( and even bound!) Version of Stars Like Spaghetti!! If you haven't seen it yet and don't want to - close your eyes! Quick!!

If you played a long I hope you had fun, used a few scraps, and now have a Quilt ready for a Veteran!! 

I quilted it with an Star Panto ( and no I won't tell you which one, because i can't remember the name of it, and I am too lazy to go downstairs to look! - but you will still love me!)

My Little girl is pretty good at finding boo boos so I got a little worried when she stared - but she approved!!  This is her on Presidents day .. she is running for President of the ranch - and she is pretty sure she will win!

Stars Like Spaghetti - Strange name I know but if you didn't catch earlier:

"Once upon a Time I was driving in my car - and a song came on. Me, lots of times, hearing what I want to hear - heard *Stars Like Spaghetti* 

and my mind went immediately to a quilt design.  It wasn't until the third time I heard the song that I realized it was actually

Stars Like Confetti.  oops!! That would make a great quilt pattern too... but not this time."

And now it is your turn!!

Let's see what you have been up to!! Link up your direct post and strut your stuff!!!

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****************The end****************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

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Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #6 - and!! THE FINAL CLUE!!!


Whoo Hoo!!! You have done it! You have made ALL the blocks!!! 

It is time for the FINAL Step - you will see how it ALL goes together!!

In the interest of keeping it a secret for a few more days - I will not post the final here - but come back FRIDAY!! for Finished ( or not) Friday - and I will reveal my Finished Stars Like Spaghetti Quilt!!

Here is the FINAL CLUE PDF - Print it out!!!

Hope you enjoyed playing along!!

Many of you already have plans for your quilts, or even have the Veteran chosen. That is so awesome!! If you don't there are MANY groups across the Country that would love to have your Quilt to award to a Veteran Touched by war.  You can find out a lot of info at 

Look under how to donate, whos in my area, etc - you will find a GREAT spot for this quilt.

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, February 19, 2024

Red RSC Lightening Streak Quilt

I moved on to the REDs for RSC and I had an Idea .. but then I wondered if it would really work. I was told to play in EQ8 with it, but..... when I Was ready to design... I wasn't where my Computer was (oops)

So I drew!!!

and guess what?

I liked it!

What to you think?  It will be 63 x 81 - so perfect size for a QOV - and scrappy !! 

This is my Drawing - and design Ideas of sorts - each block is 9 1/2 inches square

I use 2 5 inch red scrappy squares to make the top half, then use a 5 x 9 1/2 inch Bar for the bottom half- and Voila!!!

Just so you know - my husband has lost his critique privileges' for 2 weeks!!!  I told him to look at the design wall and tell me what he saw - and he said it was PERFECT.... Ahem!!! It was NOT... 

Good thing QuiltyDog ran by really fast and blew a block off - or my Lightening streaks would have been crooked!!

And just a sneak - I got one of the January Quilts on the frame.... oh ya!!!
Only 62,000 more years till you see it bound haha!

Find me at all these places:

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Friday, February 16, 2024

QOV All around is DONE!!! and! Finished ( or not) Friday

I do NOT know what to name this quilt ! Or what I have called it - but today!!

I am calling it DONE!!!

It started as the 20 stars for 20 years quilt from QOV - and then it morphed into this...

and now!!! it is Quilted, ready to be bound by some other wonderful person - and I am calling it DONE!!!

I did come to remember that adding little small borders give you a lot of room for error -and one of them might have had to come off and get reattached so it didn't wave at everyone driving by.... oops

And I quilted it pretty densely - so it there were any waves.... they have been stilled haha!!

QuiltyDog - She was trying to help me cut binding and I told her to stop touching my fabric... this is her look... as in "Who me?" wasn't me!!!!

It is now your turn to show off!! What have you been up to? Did you get anything farther ahead in its quilting life?

*Link up your direct post
*Have fun and visit 
* start working on your next finish!!!
*Spread the word


****************The end******************

See you Soon!!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #5


Once upon a Time I was driving in my car - and a song came on. Me, lots of times, hearing what I want to hear - heard *Stars Like Spaghetti* 

and my mind went immediately to a quilt design.  It wasn't until the third time I heard the song that I realized it was actually

Stars Like Confetti.  oops!! That would make a great quilt pattern too... but not this time.

Today you are making a few more of these:

I used up a lot of Scraps, but.. of course, I can still find more:


Coming Late to the Mystery?  All the clues can be found in these posts:

Stars Like Spaghetti old clues

See you Next Wednesday the 21st for the next clue!!

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, February 12, 2024

Ohio Stars ( again)

 Remember this post?

Ohio Star Ideas

wellll I kept playing in EQ8 and have a few more to show you.  

These are Assuming that you are using blocks made by a group - but if you are making your own top I don't see why you couldn't make a few with just white corners. It gives you a whole Nother Look:


Someone on the last post asked what size the alternate blocks were . The Ohio star is 12 1/2 (unfinished) so the alternates would need to be 12 1/2 as well ;-)

I Spent Super bowl cutting kits for this block for our February Sew day ... It should be fun!!!

Friday, February 09, 2024

The Valentines Quilts are coming out... and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Friday you all!!!  it is time to get my house all Hearted up!!!!

Back in 2014 for the Rainbow scrap Challenge I did hearts!!!  So that Quilt is now out on the couch...

It was a fun one - each square in the heart is 3 1/2 inches - and most of them are tiny little scraps - you can see in the brown heart I just used squares... I did write a little tutorial for it ( not a whole pattern) and you have to see my crazy thought process: Scrappy Hearts Tute

This one came out too - It could also be out at Fourth of July I bet - but it was another fun scrap buster I did back in 2018. and its bigger than the heart Quilt, and my tallest son is home for a minute - so he needs this one!!

And of course!! as I showed pics someone asked how I made the blocks... so I showed my rough sketches.... Here you go Patriotic Heart Block   The cool thing about this block is I used my 2 1/2 inch strips and it still got Really Scrappy!!!

And now it is time for 
Finished!!!! ( or not) Friday!!!

We had a LOT of finishes last week - it was AWESOME!!!
and some new bloggers join in - so much FUN!!!

You know the drill!!!
*Link your Direct Post  
* Visit a lot of people
*Leave Sweet Comments 
* go stitch some more!!

*******************Link Up **************************

*********************The End*******************

Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Clue #4


This clue is THE SHORTEST Clue in the whole mystery!!! So do it! Catch up on all the others... it goes quick from here....

There is a Light at the End of the Mystery Tunnel... you can see it now... haha!!

This week you are making these:


Next Clue is Next Wednesday... Oh!! I think that is Valentines Day--- a day to LOVE quilting!! haha!

Come back Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday!!! There is SO much Inspirations!!!

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, February 05, 2024

Progress and moving into the REDS

 There is progress on my Green (and purple) Lightening streak quilts... 

Number 1 is now topped

Number 2 is Rowed

and number three is on the ironing board patiently awaiting its turn to get on the design wall....

I even started in on the reds for Februarys RSC color..

I have a little different idea for these - so I will just have to see if I can make that happen. Do you every get ideas that sound good, but then you just can't make them work?   Seems to happen to me a bit (oops)

And my Baby Girl - I think I forgot to show you here 7 month photo....

it seems to me she hasn't gotten any bigger in the last few weeks - and her appetite is not as large as it was... so either we are plateauing for a moment, or this is her size?  Either way - We LOVE her!!

Until she thinks she can bring my fabric for my quilts.... I am sure she thinks she is being helpful... but... I disagree ;)

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Friday, February 02, 2024

Pastel Plaids and ... Finished ( or not) Friday

My Pastel Plaids has been moved forward!!!

In October I went down a Quilting hole and saw the St Louis  16 patch tutorial from Sew Fresh Quilts - and I wanted to play.. and so !! I did!!!

I had some time to put this baby on the Longarm - crank up my George Strait Tunes... it was DEFINETLY a George Strait kind of moment... and

Ta Da!!

I think it ended up about 42 x 56 inches . 

It was some FUN quilting too!!!

Don't ask where it is going - it had no real reason to be created other than I wanted to - so it may have to sit a bit before it finds its forever home.... who knows where that might be...

and now it is time for your part in the show!!!
Show us what you have Finished ( or Not) this week.
Please use your direct link

Have fun visiting all the great finishes posted here too!!

****************Link up *********************

*******************The End**********************

Find me at all these places:

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