Friday, April 28, 2023

Hawaiian Churn Dash and ... Finished!!! ( or not) Friday!!!

 I came to a decision... and I followed it, and now I have a Finished top.. and many others on the way!!!

I will start with the finish.. I always like that part better anyways!!

You may remember this photo ( below) ? From one of my Design wall posts?
I had already made a Quilt with all my Hawaiian 5 inch squares.... Dash to Hawaii

But I still had 5 inch squares left over - so I started making churns as leaders and enders until I got tired, and then I made 9 patches , until I got tired... then I tried to see what I had... and I got dizzy....

I stepped back for a minute and started playing with teal sashing... and now!!

I have a finished top!!! Whoop Whoop.... Oh! I will tell you.... I wasn't sure about the border since it was a different shade of teal that the sashing... but! 

It WORKS!!!  I tell you -- It does ;-)

now on to see what I can do with all of those Hawaiian Nine patches!! Well, don't laugh - I already know - I have a plan.... so stay tuned....

Its your turn!!!
Link up and show us what you've got!!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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****************** The end**************

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, April 24, 2023

Purple Rainbow Scrap Challenge progress - My Spinning Goose!!

I am so proud.... I am getting my Purple Spinning goose done BEFORE the end of the month!! Go me!! I'll take the win!!! Are you ready???

Ta da!!! I love the purple plaids in this one... I didn't know - but I think Purple might be one of my favorite colors... well, at least for today haha!

and now all of them so far!!

Knitting... I didn't report for March.. the color was Green - I had teal... so I made Teal hats...

But then - I had scraps... okay!! WHO KNEW that you could accumulate Knitting Scraps!!!
My Scrappy hat.... 

Of course, I ran out of scraps ( you can see where) so I grabbed a Teal Purple variegated yarn to finish it.
the jury is still out on if I like this hat or not...

NOW it is time to move to Purple - so I have this muted purple in my bags - I pulled it and and combining it with the rest of the Teal variegated which means... this hat MAY be finished by MAY!!!

Every time I post photos of the hats.. I get asked what pattern I use... and you all know I am a quilter ...not a knitter, so I never know how exactly to answer - but here is the what I do ;-)

We use these LOOMS:

and I followed this tutorial: Knit hat   and I made mine like this: 

To make the ones with a brim - you stitch 20 rows and fold in half ( back up on the loom) them make 30 more rows


I use the pink one for the kids hats, and the purple one for my husbands hats. 

Linking up to:

Design Wall Monday at Small quilts and Doll Quilts

Sew and Tell At Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at Songbird Desings

Midweek Makers at Quilt fabrications

Rainbow Scrap Challenge at So Scrappy

Finished (or not) friday at Alycia Quilts!!!!

Patchwork and Quilts at Quilting Patch

Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than housework

Friday, April 21, 2023

Quilting like the Wind.... and Finished!! (or not) Friday!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!

I'm flashing back a few years.... I found this photo in a box at my parents house, and just grinned...

My Dad started as a volunteer firefighter, and worked up to Chief. There is a Quilting group called Firehouse quilts and I had quilted a BUNCH of the quilts for them.  My Dad asked if they could have some... and some they got!!! 

Firehouse Quilts packages them in ziploc bags so they could be stored in the ambulances, and the kids and I made the delivery. My Mom loved to write so she wrote a story about them for their local paper - and this was the photo she used.... too cute right???

So back to me!! I have been quilting. it's so cool to see all the Variety of quilts that clients make - this one... FOOTBALL!!!  LOVE it!!!

My Clients son wanted some theme quilts for his friends - and one was a Peanuts Quilt... LOVE it!

Last photo ... SPRING has to be coming right? Wednesday was a pretty nice day, until it wasn't - and we got wind and snow and super cold....  this little bloom seems to have made it.... Fingers Crossed!!!

Back to you!!!!  it is Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

* Link up a direct link to your post

* Link back to this one ( pretty please)

* Visit a lot of other blogs and show the love

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**** The End****

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, April 17, 2023

The making of a Churn Dash scrappy jumble of a mess..... and more!

 Aka - How a Quilt idea goes bad,.... and then maybe redeems itself!!


Remember Dash To Hawaii?  I had a bunch of 5 inch squares left over, so I thought... lets make Scrappy Churndashes.

And then I had to make some memory quilts and I thought - lets make some Hawaiian 9 patches as leader ender blocks...

and then.... I thought - lets make them into a quilt...

I put them up on the design wall , walked a little bit away - and wondered what I had been drinking at the time.. cuz man!! I sure felt dizzy now!!!!

Of course, I had to leave that up for an hour or two... wanted to see what the dog did, and what the husband did... they fell down too!!! 

Back to the Design wall... I decided to separate them out to see what I thought....

Nope still not working for me on the 9 patches.....

But hey!! Those churns are starting to look better.....

what if.. I used a solid to break them up????  *Breaking up is hard to dooooo*

I think I am on to something.... say tuned.... my goal is to make something of these before they make me fall down again!!!

Ps... did you see that Bernie at Needle and Foot and Preeti at SewPreeti are co-hosting the Positivity Quilt Along for 2023.... here is the Link    check it out.....

Linky parties are also in the sidebar.... but I like linking directly too - so here you go!

Design Wall Mondayat Small quilts and Doll Quilts ( plus its her birthday!!!)

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at Song Bird designs

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Needle Turn Thursday at my Quilt infatuation

Oh Scrap at Quilting is More Fun than Housework

Friday, April 14, 2023

Ethels QOV and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!!

Hope your week has been amazing!! We had Cold, Grey Skies, super sunny skies and even hit 86 - all in the same week!!! Its awesome!!

But!! I got a Quilt of Valor Quilted... I am kinda surprised, but maybe not really - this is the first one I have quilted this year!!!! 

I think Ethel did a great job with this panel, and I'm excited to get it back to her to bind!

Look at that amazing green grass!!!  Does it not make you think spring?  
Well - Last year - we put down turf grass - and man am I so glad we did... Its not quite spring yet - but!! I have green grass!!!!  LOVE it!!! ( plus it helps melt the snow!)

That is my great personal finish this week!

I finished two memory quilts for a dear friend, and have a T shirt quilt about 1/2 way done - so it's been very quilty around here!! LOVE it!!!

Now it is your turn!!

Lets link up your Finished ( or not) post this week!!! Pick your favorite - provide the direct link...

and away we go!!

Make sure to Link back... someone said I should remove all links that don't link back.. don't make me work that hard please ;-)  I just like to visit every page and see the pretties!!!

Visit a lot of folks - and leave a sweet comment!

***************Link up ***********************

**************The End*****************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

The Tale of Two pigs ( pt2)

 Good Morning from the Ranch...

Milkshake would like you to know.. that she!! Is just as important as those tiny creatures we all ohhed and awwed over..... she is not a fan of them!!!

But aren't they so cute all snuggled in their straw home!!!

This is what greets me each morning - aren't they so cute!!!
Oh well, and I introduced them to marsh mellows - so you know - they expect one EACH morning, and if I don't bring them one.... they are very vocal about it!!!

Just so you know - Pigs have teeth - so I am very careful as to how I give them their marshmellows!!!

Because we don't really have a permanent pig set up - and we didn't expect the snow and wind to keep coming - even in APRIL!!! Their straw home is temporary.  AS soon as we get consistently warm weather - their real house will be moved in!

So I read them a story - one about all the different kind of pig houses....

 and I am not sure they understood...

Cuz Cam and Mitch - well they huffed and they puffed and they are gnawing their house down!!!

See how they are attacking that bottom bale.... Stinkers!!! ( PS It has been replaced now... I am a great house builder!)

This is Cam eating his Morning Marshmellow.... its a little challenging to hold the marshmellow and the camera !!!

Mitch... oh Mitchy... he has figured out digging in the dirt...

Back to Milkshake.... she is all worn out from watching them... either that or she thinks if she ignored them they will go away!!!

Have a great day!!!!

Monday, April 10, 2023

Crumby Rail Fence in the round ( ish)

 Once upon a time - Cynthia over at Quilting is more fun that Housework said - I could use some rail fence blocks for the compassion quilts that I am making for my local Hospital.. and I said - Hey I can (kinda) stitch straight lines!!!

So I pulled out the Blues and Tans ( and oops a little bit of teal) that she asked for and spent an enjoyable morning stitching blocks for her.  I picked the best - mailed them off, and then looked at my sewing table

Boy did I have a LOT of scraps left, and boy did I make a MESS!!!

Then life happened, I piled those scraps on the lid of a bucket ( filled with other scraps) and went on.

Spring Cleaning hit!!! and I pulled those scraps back out again, and went to work. 

I put everything into 5 1/2 inch squares - and Oh! My ! Stars!!! there were a lot!!

I started throwing them up on the design wall and a plan came to me! 

And I  kept working  - and hey!! How many of you get Hulu?  Brothers and Sisters is on there. I watched a few episodes years ago when it was on TV... but... kids..... Too many events haha!

So on came another episode and then:

But!!! I still had more color blocks,.... and so... I started another round... ish!!

When my husband came up for lunch ( he works in the basement a few days a week) He Said!!

Oh heck fire - I like that!!! and so... I stopped

( okay - I also only have 2 blocks left)

Who knew that I could make a whole nother quilt out of the leftovers?? 

Tip #1 - Make sure your rotary Blades are sharp... Get them here

Tip #2 - Watch a fun show... you won't want to leave until you run out of blocks!!

Now!!! Just to make you aware Cynthia is running another little Block drive - and!!! it is CHURN DASHES... oh you know I have to make at least one..... 

I think I have until May to get a few to her!

PS - don't forget - Friday ( here!!) is Finished (or not) Friday!! Come Link up!

Linking up with:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts

Monday Musings  at Song Bird Designs

Sew and Tell  at Melva Loves Scraps

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications

Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt Infatuation

Finished( or not) Friday at Alycia Quilts

Oh! scrap! at quilting is more fun than housework

Friday, April 07, 2023

Double Wedding Ring and ................... Finished!! (or not) Friday!!!

A client called and said I have a Quilt top, and I don't know what to do with it. I want it to be usable - can you help?   And I thought  - You know? I may be equipped to do this!! 😂🤣

So she brought me this double wedding ring top.

I had to repair a few seams first, and try to soak some stains out. A few stains wouldn't come out - but! at least it is clean!! 

And TA DA!!

The sun even cooperated to get a few well lighted photos!!!

This is not the whole thing - it is quite large, but I didn't want it to hang on the ground.  - Note - the right side was squared off - so I had 3 scalloped sides and one flat ... interesting.

I am glad that she chose an all over design - I think it helped to tame some of the burbles in this quilt. Which for a hand pieced quilt was rather well done!!!

Panto used is : Feathers a la Mode  (Click Here) 

Quilt Holders: Flamingo Clips   Margarita Clips

And now it is your turn to brag away!! Show us what you have finished... or not!!

* Link up a direct link to your post

* Link back to this one ( pretty please)

* Visit a lot of other blogs and show the love

*Tell me what you favorite Easter tradition is!

************** The End*******************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, April 06, 2023

The Tale of Two Pigs

Once upon a time I went shopping... Of course, it was at a sale barn where the most amazing animals showed up. And I fell in love and I had to buy something!!!

I mean - you are there, they are there.... kinda of like fabric shopping - you can't go into a fabric store without getting a little something right??

and so... I got Something.. times TWO!!!

Here they come!!!! ( Notice the snow on the roof on the top right?)

We loaded them up and took them home. Now here's the thing with Pigs - they are not fans of cold, and the temps dropped from like 50 to almost 20 by the time we got home, so I hooked a heat lamp up in the trailer as soon as I got stopped to warm them up...

and got them a little water. Travel makes them thirsty!!

Now they are all warmed up and ready to go to their new home....but they weren't sure about leaving the trailer...

but then they saw their new home!!
and they got all excited !! I mean I read them the Big Bad Wolf story and they thought the Straw house sounded the best... they knew they were safe from wolves here, and they knew they could burrow in the straw.. things were looking up!!

Meet  Cam!!! and Mitch!!!

They posed - just for you!!!

Don't they just look all happy burrowed down in there!!!

Stay tuned for more adventures.... 

Linking to:

My Corner of the World