Friday, April 14, 2023

Ethels QOV and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!!

Hope your week has been amazing!! We had Cold, Grey Skies, super sunny skies and even hit 86 - all in the same week!!! Its awesome!!

But!! I got a Quilt of Valor Quilted... I am kinda surprised, but maybe not really - this is the first one I have quilted this year!!!! 

I think Ethel did a great job with this panel, and I'm excited to get it back to her to bind!

Look at that amazing green grass!!!  Does it not make you think spring?  
Well - Last year - we put down turf grass - and man am I so glad we did... Its not quite spring yet - but!! I have green grass!!!!  LOVE it!!! ( plus it helps melt the snow!)

That is my great personal finish this week!

I finished two memory quilts for a dear friend, and have a T shirt quilt about 1/2 way done - so it's been very quilty around here!! LOVE it!!!

Now it is your turn!!

Lets link up your Finished ( or not) post this week!!! Pick your favorite - provide the direct link...

and away we go!!

Make sure to Link back... someone said I should remove all links that don't link back.. don't make me work that hard please ;-)  I just like to visit every page and see the pretties!!!

Visit a lot of folks - and leave a sweet comment!

***************Link up ***********************

**************The End*****************

Find me at all these places:

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Kate said...

Very cool QOV's! Hasn't it been just nuts this spring. We've had 80's most of the week, but we go back to the 60's tomorrow.

JoAnne said...

I wondered where you could find green grass in Colorado! Beautiful quilt and quilting!

Vicki in MN said...

You had a really productive week it sounds. Great quilting on the QOV. We too had 80's for three days, feels so awesome!

grammajudyb said...

I like Ethel’ s way with the panel! That’s a ton of stars! But very cool! I’ve been busy all week, so just read your whole week’s worth of posts! Absolutely love the Blue/teal and brown crumby rail fence quilt! I’ve never raised pigs, but think is cute they love marshmallows, but then who doesn’t? I hope Milkshake gets over her jealous streak! Just like kids, you can love them all the same! ;❤️

Michelle at said...

What a beauty!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Beautiful quilting and teamwork. I bet Ethyl will get it bound quickly!

Snowcatcher said...

86?!? Holy moly! Seems way too early for that! But I know lots of folks are gettin' really tired of winter... Beautiful quilt. My grandmother's name was Ethel, too, so this one has a special place in my heart. Both she and you did a terrific job on it!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

That panel-it is a panel I think, is so beautiful and the quilting lines also beautiful. My goodness you are productive and I'm very impressed with your green grass!

Anorina @SameliasMum said...

Great quilt! Yay for warmer weather and green grass. Enjoy your weekend.

Delighted Hands said...

that is a beauty of a quilt--nice job with your part! Glad the turf is so green and healthy looking!

Nancy said...

That's a beautiful quilt, Alycia. I really like the idea of the panel in the center surrounded by stars. Perfect!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Busy, busy, Alycia! I find it hard to believe that's the first QOV you've quilted this year. Slacker!! :P

Kathleen said...

You did a fabulous job quilting this quilt and it sounds like you had a good week in the studio! Hooray for that. We got up to the 60s in Maine (on an island) so that was sweet, looking forward to more warmth (although we are back in April showers this week).

Rebecca Grace said...

Lovely QOV! How funny about the turf grass -- I wouldn't have guessed from the photo if you hadn't 'fessed up! I briefly considered turf grass for our backyard in an area where we're having trouble keeping grass alive (because it's the path where my dog races back and forth a hundred thousand times per day, chasing his ball). Decided against it after hearing that it can get really hot in the sun and burn his paws -- we do get some high temperatures in the Carolinas. But I can see how that same quality is a plus for melting stubborn snow when you're DONE with winter and ready for Spring!