Carla over at
Creatin' In the Sticks hosts the most fun and amazing blog hops!! I always add to my bucket list - and I love it!!
This time she put a call out for *My Favorite Block* and I knew I had to jump in!!
And do you know why? I was getting ready to start on another of !! My Favorite Block!!
Can you guess what it is?
Yep!!! The Churn Dash!! I even have one on my barn!! Which I need to update, we added on to the barn and moved the block to a higher even better location!! I can see it from my front room now!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt Co - it uses ALL 5 inch squares. and I LOVE to cut my leftovers into 5 inch squares
This is my Bin of 5 inch squares! It sits by my Sewing machine, so anytime I need a leader ender - I make a half square or a rail block. I just stitch them and put them in a pile...
Then on Sundays - I cut and iron what I have and keep on going..
And my wall fills up until I have 30 blocks - and Bam!! I put it into a quilt top!!
So the Tutorial that I use is here:
Churn Dash Block Tutorial
And then one day I wanted to make an 8 1/2 inch block and because sometimes Math Eludes me - I made a ton of sample blocks with different squares - using the same method - and Ta -da ! I have a measurement chart for you.... ( I mean there is no reason for math to be hard for you too!)
( Click on it - you can save it to your computer!!) Fun math right??

This is what I made with all of my Sample Blocks - and I awarded it to a Veteran and it was hilarious - I told him about the MATH that was required - and he got a kick out of it - turns out... He was also a math professor - so he appreciated my struggle!
Pretty Cool right?
And then!!! ( are you bored yet?) I saw this Modern Churn Dash in a
Modern Patchwork Magazine.
And I could go on until you were bored.. Or maybe you have already finished your breakfast.....
But !! I have one more!!!
I had all those squares in my bucket ( above) and I have been using them as leader enders.... but because today was the reveal of our favorite block!! I finished it!!!
And TA DA!!!
Here is my Scrappy Churn dash
and it didn't make a dent in my bucket
But now!
I want to do one in the opposite color way!!
So!!! FOR TONS of other Favorite blocks - check out this post:
and after the FInished Friday Link up - I will have the Friday Links posted too... Just in case!!
BECAUSE today is also FINISHED or NOT FINISHED FRIDAY!!! and man has it been a week!! I am so glad I have a finish to share!!
And now!! The links to the Friday Favorite Blocks:
Friday, September 13th
Go show some love!