Monday, September 30, 2019

WINNERS!!! and.... dreamin' of the Ocean

That was so fun to read about ironing... I sorta thought I might get some snarky answers - but you all... I learned a lot about how we all think, and how we organize our quilting days!! LOOOVE it!!

So Iron EZ offered two free bottle holders to my readers and the winners are.....

Preeti of

and Beth - Beth doesn't blog but she was so excited... she never wins anything... so we helped change her luck!!

Thanks Quilters!!
and for those of you who didn't win - you can still purchase one with a 15% off Discount

Use code AQ15off at

And because I have you...
Ocean photos....

I absolutely LOVE where I live, and wouldn't trade it for anything. But I sure love it when we get a chance to see the ocean. 

I feel like I should be gearing up and heading out to fish on these boats... I would totally love that!
and then come home and make fresh clam chowder... oh ya!

and you know - the drama of Black and White - still one of my favorites

I found a sand dollar!
It was pretty whole, but I left it there
The picture took up less space in my bag ;-)

See you Wednesday for LONE RIDER Clue #5

Friday, September 27, 2019

GiveAway GIVEAWAY giveaway... oh!! And a Finish!!


The Finish!

You may have seen this one - it was a part of the All About Strings Blog hop - but!!
When it came to the time for the blog hop.... I didn't have it bound... and Now!! it is!!

I had great plans for a photo shoot... but at the last minute I had to deliver beef - and totally forgot my ideas - so they will have to be used on the next finish!!

AND now for the GIVEAWAY

Check this out!!
IT is the coolest gadget!!

I have a big board and I need the whole board.
So imagine how happy I was that this product came into my life!!

I first tried it at the front of my board - and I LOVED it!!

The Iron EZ was so easy to grab and I could use the whole board for my fabric

but then!!
I had to iron a backing and I thought - 
I wonder 

What it would be like on the side of my board

and I LOVED that too - I could use the WHOLE board!!

So!! Here is the cool thing - Game Products has offered to give away TWO
 of these COOL IRON EZ's to my blog readers!!  Isn't that cool!

and if you are not one of the Two to get a free one - they have offered a 15% off coupon if you order direct -

SO the 15% off code is AQ15off ---- and the website to order is:

Now!!! to earn a chance to win one of the TWO free IRON EZ's - you must answer a Question - are you ready??? It's really really tough!!


How many hours a day do you spend ironing your quilting projects?  ( I mean, I don't iron clothes anymore - we just wear them wrinkled!! ha ha)

Comments will close Sunday at Midnight - and please - make sure to leave a way to contact you if you are a no reply or anonymous commenter ;-)

Now it is also time to link up your Finished or Not Finished Projects - so I can OHH and AHHH



Linking to:
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at COnfessions of a Fabriholic
TGIF Friday at Kathleen Mcmusing
Peacock Party at Wendsy Quilts and more
Beauty Pageant at From Bolt to Beauty
off the Wall Friday at Nina Marie Sayer

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Fall in the High Country

We might have taken a drive to see if we could find a place to hike... that had color! I LOVE fall in Colorado.. and I love hiking so you know....

I found it!!

are those yellows not amazing??  God sure has an amazing sense of Color

( above) My Dad asked if this was a fixer upper?  ha ha!
I think the mice might have already moved in

I couldn't believe how many old building there were - I wish I knew the story behind them
Below - I could see this as an early ranchers cabin

The colors were just beautiful - and!! I wore a sweatshirt!! That was the best I think - It was 50deg, and got colder as the evening came on.

Wish you knew where the road went?

And just a little below where we hiked
The colors just disappeared
and it reminded me of summer still

Our country is just one of the prettiest isn't it?  Happy Stitching!!

Linking to:
Thankful Thursday
Little Things Thursday

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mystery A9 - LONE RIDER - Clue #4

we are on the downward slide....

Mystery A9 – Lone Rider
Clue 4

For this clue you will be using your 4 patches that you made in Clue 1, and the 4 ½ inch squares you cut in Clue 3.
You will be making 40 of these 8 ½ inch blocks!

So – First you sew a 4 patch to a solid patch.

 I pressed to the Solid piece – It’s an easy way to press.

After they are pressed – sew the right side to the left side – and voila – you have a solid block!

This clue – including pressing took me 1 hour and 20 minutes …

And here is the PDF link to it.... Just in case you need a great way to print or save:


Monday, September 23, 2019

SSSSQ Progress and!! another Churn Dash....

I have some progress on my Super Summer Sensational Scrap Quilt ( designed by Kevin the Quilter)

Finally Got the other 3 corners on
That was not hard at all with Kevin's great instructions
it was just - we got new Momma Cows
and I might have had too much fun watching them!

And here it is with some borders... 

Remember my Favorite Block post?

I was also going to post this photo in there

BUT then!!  I got to see it awarded!
So I was so happy to be able to show you both photos!

And because you know I can not stay away from the mountains
We headed up to the High Country to do some scouting

and we found Fall
( Contented Sigh)

And I wore a Sweatshirt
and All was good in the world.

The End

Linking up to:

Through My Lens - for my Fall photo
Our World Tuesday

Friday, September 20, 2019

Memory Quilt Finish

Happy Friday!!!
Hope you have had a great week and maybe got a lot of stitching done? 

I while ago I was asked to make a Memory Quilt  - and TODAY!!! It is finished!!

I am so happy - I will be able to get it make to its owner next week

I am totally missing my Quilt holders these days and am going to have to find another way to showcase my quilts... I have a hanging rack but its too much to put up and down... ( aka I am Lazy)

I quilted it with Bells and holly - I think it turned out good. AND!! You will notice that it is bound. AND!! I did it.... Ha ha!

And just in case you need a calming moment
before you go to read all of the awesome Blogs for this week

Finished or Not Finished Friday
Link up your direct post here - so I can Ohh and Ahh!!!



Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Storied Quilts
Peacock Party and Wendys Quilts and more
Beauty Pageant at From Bolt to Beauty

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Mystery A9 - LONE RIDER - Clue #3

Mystery A9 – Lone Rider

Clue 3
This is the easiest clue of the whole mystery!!
Are you ready?
You need to cut 80 - 4 ½ inch Light Squares.
Again – you can go totally scrappy –
Or use Yardage:
For Yardage
Cut 9 Wof Strips 4 ½ inches wide.
Subcut into 80 – 4 ½ inch Squares

Catch up on everything else  and enjoy your week!!

Here is the PDF Link
Lone Rider Clue #3 PDF

Monday, September 16, 2019

Simply Sensational Summer Scrap Quilt

Designed by Kevin the Quilter.... 

Is slowly but surely getting there!!!

I sorta like it!!  I tell you - Had I seen this I would have been - no way - Its too hard - but  I think that is the beauty of Mystery Quilts - You make something you may not have just because you are intimidated - and each time I learn something new... a new technique,  a new thought process, or just a new quilt idea in general .

I have the other three corners laid out and ready to stitch, and then we will keep on going and see what I make of it!!

And!! I cleaned in my studio a bit - I have 2 scrap boxes - these are the large boxes - They weigh about 8-10 pounds each and they are all yours... I have two - they are $20 for flat rate shipping - if you want one of them email me at:  AlyciaQuilts   @  Gmail . com ( remove the spaces)

First two to claim them - i can bill you thru paypal and Bam! They will be heading your way for lots of scrappy goodness!

Update... The Scraps are happly rehomed!! Whoot Whoot!!

and just because
It was a crazy busy week
and a crazier Weekend - but 
We all need some Serenity...

Off the coast of California.
I am ready to go back

In the meantime 
I will share the photos I took from my last trip....

and bore you to pieces
Scrappy Pieces
Ha ha

Friday, September 13, 2019

My Favorite Block....

Carla over at Creatin' In the Sticks hosts the most fun and amazing blog hops!! I always add to my bucket list - and I love it!!

This time she put a call out for *My Favorite Block*  and I knew I had to jump in!!

And do you know why? I was getting ready  to start on another of !! My Favorite Block!!

Can you guess what it is?

Yep!!! The Churn Dash!! I even have one on my barn!! Which I need to update, we added on to the barn and moved the block to a higher even better location!! I can see it from my front room now!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the Tutorial by Missouri Star Quilt Co - it uses ALL 5 inch squares. and I LOVE to cut my leftovers into 5 inch squares

This is my Bin of 5 inch squares! It sits by my Sewing machine, so anytime I need a leader ender - I make a half square or a rail block. I just stitch them and put them in a pile...

Then on Sundays - I cut and iron what I have and keep on going..

And my wall fills up until I have 30 blocks - and Bam!! I put it into a quilt top!!

So the Tutorial that I use is here:

Churn Dash Block Tutorial

And then one day I wanted to make an 8 1/2 inch block and because sometimes Math Eludes me - I made a ton of sample blocks with different squares - using the same method - and Ta -da ! I have a measurement chart for you.... ( I mean there is no reason for math to be hard for you too!)

( Click on it - you can save it to your computer!!)  Fun math right??

This is what I made with all of my Sample Blocks - and I awarded it to a Veteran and it was hilarious - I told him about the MATH that was required - and he got a kick out of it - turns out... He was also a math professor - so he appreciated my struggle!    
I also designed a Mystery Quilt using a Churn Dash! You can find the pattern here - I called it a Dash of Chains... Smart right?

 Pretty Cool right?

And then!!! ( are you bored yet?) I saw this Modern Churn Dash in a Modern Patchwork Magazine. 

And I could go on until you were bored.. Or maybe you have already finished your breakfast.....

But !! I have one more!!!

I had all those squares in my bucket ( above) and I have been using them as leader enders.... but because today was the reveal of our favorite block!!  I finished it!!!

And TA DA!!!
Here is my Scrappy Churn dash
and it didn't make a dent in my bucket
But now!
I want to do one in the opposite color way!!

So!!! FOR TONS of other Favorite blocks - check out this post:

and after the FInished Friday Link up - I will have the Friday Links posted too... Just in case!!

BECAUSE today is also FINISHED or NOT FINISHED FRIDAY!!! and man has it been a week!! I am so glad I have a finish to share!!



And now!! The links to the Friday Favorite Blocks:

Friday, September 13th

Go show some love!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Mystery A9 LONE RIDER... Clue # 2

Mystery A9 – Lone Rider
Clue 2

For this clue you will be using your Dark #2 (Red in my example) and your Light.

You will be making 40 – 8 ½ inch Half Squares.
So you can go totally scrappy or use width of Fabric. I know there are many ways to make them – this is mine.

1.   Cut 5 strips WOF Dark #2 and subcut them into 9 inch squares – you need 20

2.   Cut 5 Strip WOF Light and subcut them into 9 inch squares – you will need 20

I draw a line diagonally on my light – Some people don’t need this – I get easily distracted when sewing so I do!
Then sew ¼ inch on each side of the line.

Cut on the line
Open the half square up and press.
You will have 40 -  8 ½ inch Half Squares.


This clue took me 1 hour and 15 minutes from cut to press

A PDF for Clue #2
PDF for Mystery A9 Lone Rider Clue 2

Did anyone finish Clue #1? Comment so I can go check out your blog!!