Friday, September 27, 2019

GiveAway GIVEAWAY giveaway... oh!! And a Finish!!


The Finish!

You may have seen this one - it was a part of the All About Strings Blog hop - but!!
When it came to the time for the blog hop.... I didn't have it bound... and Now!! it is!!

I had great plans for a photo shoot... but at the last minute I had to deliver beef - and totally forgot my ideas - so they will have to be used on the next finish!!

AND now for the GIVEAWAY

Check this out!!
IT is the coolest gadget!!

I have a big board and I need the whole board.
So imagine how happy I was that this product came into my life!!

I first tried it at the front of my board - and I LOVED it!!

The Iron EZ was so easy to grab and I could use the whole board for my fabric

but then!!
I had to iron a backing and I thought - 
I wonder 

What it would be like on the side of my board

and I LOVED that too - I could use the WHOLE board!!

So!! Here is the cool thing - Game Products has offered to give away TWO
 of these COOL IRON EZ's to my blog readers!!  Isn't that cool!

and if you are not one of the Two to get a free one - they have offered a 15% off coupon if you order direct -

SO the 15% off code is AQ15off ---- and the website to order is:

Now!!! to earn a chance to win one of the TWO free IRON EZ's - you must answer a Question - are you ready??? It's really really tough!!


How many hours a day do you spend ironing your quilting projects?  ( I mean, I don't iron clothes anymore - we just wear them wrinkled!! ha ha)

Comments will close Sunday at Midnight - and please - make sure to leave a way to contact you if you are a no reply or anonymous commenter ;-)

Now it is also time to link up your Finished or Not Finished Projects - so I can OHH and AHHH



Linking to:
Can I Get a Whoop Whoop at COnfessions of a Fabriholic
TGIF Friday at Kathleen Mcmusing
Peacock Party at Wendsy Quilts and more
Beauty Pageant at From Bolt to Beauty
off the Wall Friday at Nina Marie Sayer


deebriese said...

I probably spend a good portion of my quilting time ironing..Im a freak about flat fabric. That quilt is gorgeous!

Rebecca Smith said...

I do bulk ironing when starting a new project so I can only iron for a few minutes,st days.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Love your quilt! Hmm, I spend time ironing it clumps, mot evenly. Some times I could spend an hour or more, some days none. I bit the bullet and bought the Best Press which I think is too expensive, but it works. I tried making my own with vodka, water and liquid starch, but it is not as good. When you iron as much fabric as I do, especially backs and borders, it has to be flat and wrinkle free. I don't use steam until the top is together as I find steam distorts the fabric pieces. Ok, so this is more than you wanted to know about ironing!

Anonymous said...

I probably spend 15 to 30 minutes a day ironing quilt projects. Would love to win. Thanks

Oneoldgoat1962 said...

This would be awesome! I love to iron fabric but like you, I do not iron clothes. I don't iron every day but when I do, I usually spend about a half hour doing so. I hope I commented on the right post :)

debbie said...

I looked at a new set of curtains I had just hung and thought they'd look nicer if I ironed them. Then I snickered and walked away who am I kidding,I don't iron clothes why would I ever press curtains? I do remember the laundry being put in the fridge before ironing and starching my dads handkerchiefs so stiff they were like paper,lol. I don't quilt everyday but I do have my iron set up right next to my machine for quick presses and my bigger set up for the big pieces. I really enjoy your blog and your photos!

Sarah Aldrich said...

Not hours, but I do press. I am not really a finger presser, I like a nice flat seam. Love the holder!!!!

Vicki in MN said...

Well I don't track the hours exactly, but there are many days I have the iron turned on for 6 hours or more. Piecing, pressing, piecing, pressing, I don't 'iron' them, LOL

Jayne said...

Love your finish! The quilting is just perfect! I have never timed myself with ironing! Depending on the project I could spend just as much time ironing as I do piecing! Like my current project!

grammajudyb said...

I am a constant presser! I have an ironing board for strips and yardage, I have a portable pressing board (that the cover is worn, on), and a large alpaca pressing mat to the right of my machine and I have a smaller wool pressing mat to travel with me! Yup, I'm a presser, so maybe total 1 hour of every sewing session.

Anonymous said...

I am retired and quilt a good amount of most days so my best guess is that I press/iron over an hour a day. But then at the end of the sew day getting ready for the next I go in and do serious ironing so that a fresh pile of fabrics are ready for life after Cheerios.

Cathy said...

Love the quilt. Great use of strings.

Iron?? Hmmm....maybe an hour a week total?

Debbie B said...

What a great product idea. So very handy. I do the sew awhile, get up and iron then go back to sewing system. Time doesn't get counted but it is definitely an important step. Thanks for the giveaway!

Quilt Mouse said...

I probably spend as much time ironing as I do at my sewing machine. I iron fabric before cutting & after each seam. Averaging it out, maybe an hour a day. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa said...

How many hours a day...well, most days, I don't get to quilt. On days that I do, I iron at most every step. And I also do NOT iron clothes. :) So if I can spend a full day quilting, that's probably an hour or so ironing...

Donna W said...

I am a presser! So, I spend a lot of time at the ironing board. I press fabrics before cutting, and press every seam. I like to get up from my machine to press----need to keep those joints moving. Have no idea how much time I spend pressing. Just part of the process and I enjoy it.

Preeti said...

Alycia, this is a gorgeous quilt, beautifully quilted. I love the bright burst of colors. The border and the quilting on the border is so yummy.
Ironing??? Well it must be done so I do it. I do iron a lot, after every seam, every single time.

Heather said...

Sooo much time ironing! I do not iron clothes, but I iron Best Press and iron fabric as I am ready to use them, then iron units, and blocks and rows and tops and backing and binding. So much ironing! Depends on the day or projects, but probably a couple of hours each day.

charityquilter said...

On a really good day spent in my sewing room I probably spend an hour or two total at the ironing board. Other not so productive days, maybe 15 or 20 minutes.

Connie said...

Generally it's about 4-5 hours if I am lucky. I saw a saying that said "Quilters won't die if you don't quilt every, but why take a chance?"

Yvonne said...

It feels like hours but I likely spend a few minutes on workdays ironing quilt fabric and more like 20 minutes to half an hour on a weekend day when I'm able to devote some time to quilting. I like to press at each stage of the quilting journey.

What a great gadget. Finally something that means one doesn't have to play the "where did I put that spray bottle" game.

Janis said...

Probably a couple hours a day as I sew almost everyday. Longer if I am getting backings ready.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! Great post and great question. I hop up and press all the time - each seam gets pressed before I start the next step. It's good exercise, too, in theory. I keep the iron and ironing board in a different room. I'm certain I haven't lost an ounce this way, but I tell myself that I'm getting steps in anyway. I love how your quilt turned out, and I especially LOVE the ghost quilting of the squares to mimic the actual ones. FABULOUS! I also love the piano border offset on two sides. You have to be pleased with this finish?!! Plus strings to me means you were using up leftovers from other projects . . . so it's nearly free on top of all the other pluses. Win/win/win all around. ~smile~ Roseanne
P.S. I never noticed before that you took over for Myra. I'm going to add a link to my website!

Marcia in TX said...

Some days it is an hour or two, some days, not much. I iron every step of the way. And, yes, my spray bottle is in the way of the fabric when I iron yardage, backings, rows or a flimsy.

sewgra said...

well, I don't spend hours pressing, but some time most days. I only use the iron for quilting and fabric postcards for the most part. I am bad about moving my spray bottle out of the way and winding up having to look for it next time. This would be good to remedy that!
Pat in Louisiana, USA

DJ said...

Love your finish, beautiful quilt. I usually spend one to two hours when I have a bag or box of scraps to press. Due to physical limitations, I usually break it up into 15 minutes at a time. I would love to win. Thanks for making these available to some lucky quilter.

Liz Davis said...

I spend lots of time ironing those qult of valor blocks. I always say ironing is the key to geetting a wonderful finished product. These bottle holders are soooo cool.

Cherie said...

I might iron an hour--maybe. I try to condense my steps so I am doing things consistently and not going back and forth plus--it is hot right now so when it is 100 outside less time ironing is better. I do a lot of finger pressing :) It works.

Joy said...

Pretty cool gadget!

Tami C said...

I tend to iron in spurts and don't mind ironing now that I'm retired. I have a small ironing board, so this would be a great treat!

Janet rice said...

It depends on the project and how far along I am with said project......but an average would be an hour and a half each day. And of course I don’t iron clothes either ..... lol!

Janet Rice said...

Pressing quilt pieces and quilt tops can take me 1-3 hours a day depending on the project.
And I don’t do clothes anymore either.....did so many military uniforms when I was in the Navy I met the quota for that years ago 😂

Snowcatcher said...

The quilting on this one is so beautiful! I'm really digging the design, too!

Sue Edberg said...

I don't have a clue as to how much time I spend ironing on a daily basis. I do press all my fabric before I cut so I get better and more accurate cuts. I also press all my seams as I am piecing and I also press my entire top when it is finished to be sure all the seams are nice and flat. I do iron all my backing fabrics before I put them on the longarm. Most days I turn the iron on when I go into my sewing area and it stays on until I am ready to leave - sometimes 4-5 hours or more and other days only a couple of hours. Nothing is set in stone. I would love to win this Cool Iron EZ! ( sue @ asdfwordpro . com ) (remove the spaces)!!!!!

Sandi H said...

Probably 30 minutes to an hour. But some days none if I’m out shopping for fabric to iron ��!

Beth said...

I love ironing. I miss ironing my husband's shirts. He is now retired and doesn't where those shirts anymore. I only press fabric now. I may iron a hour a day. When I have problems with a quilt top on the machine. I spray the problem with water and starch, it helps to straighten the bottom of the quilt top.
Beth Mulkey

Rosyquilter said...

Interesting question but while I try to do a minimum of pressing, my blocks come out much nicer with pressing throughout with the iron rather than finger pressing. Like other quilters making comments, I stitch as much as I can, chain piecing and then I head to the ironing board and press everything and on and on I go. I do take the time to press fat quarters before I cut them and get those creases gone! I would say that I spend at least an hour a day in front of my ironing board on average... some days less, some days more. But 6 times of 10 minutes is what I 'think' I probably do in a a few hours of sewing.

Anonymous said...

Hummmm ... it seems that I spend about as much time pressing my blocks as I do sewing. So, I must spend about 15-20 min per day pressing. And, I ALWAYS use starch on my new fabrics (after washing, of course), so this starch holder would help loads! Thank you for an opportunity to win. I LOVE your blog! (lynnstck[at]

Tina W. In Oregon said...

I always pre-wash my fabric and of course you need to iron it afterward! I actually enjoy ironing so never count the time involved. I’d love to win one of the spray bottle holders! Thanks for the opportunity.
Tina in Oregon.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

I think I press maybe 30-45 minutes when I'm sewing.

KatieQ said...

Some days the iron doesn't seem to leave my hand and other days, I can manage to get away with 15 to 30 minutes. It is rare that I don't have a group of blocks or some backing that needs pressing.

sheesh said...

It all depends on what project I'm currently working on. I do understand that ironing is essential to how your finished project looks. So all in all I spend about half my time ironing.....but they look great !!!!


Farm Quilter said...

Most of my ironing is when I first get fabric because I wash and iron it all before putting it on my shelves or cutting board (I don't like all the chemicals on fabric). Those ironing marathons can last for hours!!! When I'm piecing a quilt, the iron is always on because every seam needs to be pressed before more fabric is sewn together!! I probably spend 1-2 hours a day with the iron when I piecing a quilt.

Kathleen said...

I am thinking for 2 hours sewing, its an hour of sewing. Just a guess. I do love the looks of this and it does drive me nuts not to have a space for water and starch sprayers.

GranChris said...

This looks like a good idea. Now I need a really great iron.

Kathy E. said...

Love your strings quilt and all of its glorious color! I would guess that I spend almost as much time ironing/pressing as I do sewing! I like my seams flat as a pancake and my iron is always on! duchick at gmail dot com

Sandi1100 said...

I prewash my fabric so it always needs to be ironed before I cut. I always press between steps but don't know how many hours a day I iron. Thanks for a chance to enter the give away.

kupton52 said...

I think I spend about 10 to 15 percent of my time sewing on pressing. I am a stickler for starching and pressing...I like crisp pieces and a sharp seam line. Thanks for the chance to win...this little gadget would be a handy addition to anyone's sewing space.

Barbara Winkler said...

Don't PRESS every day, only when my Quilts of Valor need it! Blocks take quite a while, but the quilt top and or back don't need as much time. But, this gizmo would be great!

NJ Girl said...

AH...I still iron my clothes and my pillowcases so I could bc really use that little holder.
On days when I prewash a lot of fabric I spent an hour or more ironing.
On days when I am piecing its more like 45 minutes.

Carol said...

Ha, call me crazy, I love to iron. What, did that block get just a little wrinkled while waiting to join the quilt? Maybe it just needs a tiny press, right there on the edge. I long for the smell of hot cotton, I even iron clothes. I know, that's warped!
I probably spend upwards of an hour a day at my ironing station. I just added little LED lights above it, now that's dedication.
Thanks for the giveaway!

BettyK said...

From 10 to 30 minutes on days that I sew.

Anonymous said...

Very innovative quilt. Love it. I think I iron about one hour if I’m sewing for several.i enjoy the ironing part.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I tend to iron my fabrics all at once (a couple of hours) then I only iron when I'm piecing the blocks.

Becky G in SC said...

Hmm. I keep a small iron beside my sewing table so I can press as I piece. Hubby gave me one of those over-the-door ironing boards which I use to press larger projects. I probably spend 1/4th of my time in my sewing room at the ironing board and the rest sewing. I also long arm so I have an iron in that room too just 'in case' while quilting.

Darrell said...

I only spend about an average of 1 to 2 hours a day at the ironing board, off and on, as with my disability I can not stand for too long at a time. I am one of those who iron my fabrics for storage so they are not wrinkled like they can be as they were on the bolt, and so they fit into my storage system. I love this spray bottle holder idea as it would keep my spray bottle close by for easy access (not on a nearby surface). Thanks for the chance to win such a useful device.

dquilterguy48329 at prodigy dot net

Donna R said...

I press ALL the time when I’m sewing. So, on those days, or when I’m getting ready to cut, probably hour and a half. What a clever idea, because my bottle of Best Press is always falling off the board. Love your blog...

tesuque said...

If I have dyed samples for quilt projects I may spend a couple hours at the ironing board. For dyed yardage I'm more likely to use my mangle.

jagarland said...

I am retired and since my husband cooks I can sew all day.
I turn the iron on in the morning, sew and iron about 7 hours.
so I press all my little quilt pieces about 7 hours almost daily. lots of quilts get done for charity
Joan Garland

Karen Dicken said...

Yes, I'm ironing all the time... I think this holder would come in very handy!!!

earth visitor said...

That is a hard question because I don't press everyday but save it up and press once a week most of the time. I usually spend about 4 to 5 hours that day so if
I spread it out I guess it would be close to 45 mins per day of sewing

that bottle and holder look so helpful, I'm always knock my spray bottle off the ironing board

rahobbit at yahoo dot com

Quilting Babcia said...

It's hard to pin down, but a best guess would be around an hour on average, and 99 percent of the time it's not clothing! Thinking strongly about getting a wool pressing pad to try to achieve flatter seam joints, especially those pesky HST corners.

Linda said...

When I iron it is usually around 5 hours at a time. A couple times a week. Thanks for the chance to win.

berylthepearl said...

I love to iron...clothes, anything. And when quilting the iron is always on, except when it shuts off automatically. I press and starch and iron as much as I can. The holder looks useful! Thanks!

Rebecca Grace said...

That little bottle holder is AWESOME! Let’s see, if I’m having a sewing day, the iron is on the whole time, so maybe 4-5 hours?

Renea said...

Probably the same time of sewing is my ironing. Half and half of my time in my sewing room. I still iron my work clothes. Someday I will be retired and then no ironing of clothes anymore. LOL

B. Lee said...

Unfortunately I can't quilt every day. However, I do try to do several projects at a time, and when I get to a point where a lot needs ironing, then I'll bring out the iron and spend a good hour or so getting everything just right

Kim said...

Though I am not a fan of ironing I have to confess I seem to iron a lot...clothes, quilts, doilies, tablecloths etc. I know, I sad. =) As for your quilt, oh my, is it beautiful. The design is fabulous, dancing with colour and as for the is inspired! As for the giveaway, please don't enter me. You would have to mortgage your house to pay for the postage.

Kathleen said...

Thanks too for the TGIFF linkup....I'll be linking up to yours once this note is done!

TBrooks said...

When I am full-on engaged in quilting projects I iron press about 1.5 to 2 hours each day. I press before cutting, then each seam after sewn, the binding, and again when the quilt top is complete. Pressing ensures that my seams are flat, blocks are the size I desire, and especially the curved seams don't rumple - all of which make me a happy camper and keep me from grumbling.

BTW, the string quilt is lovely. My eye fills in the "missing" blocks thanks to the quilting stitches. I'm going to suggest a similar challenge for a local quilting group whose members have been wondering what to do with their variety of leftover strings.

Thanks for all you do in the quilting world.

BarefootThunder said...

some days, about an hour. other days can be a few hours... depends on the project.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Iron clothes?? LOL I never though about how much I iron, but I bet it's an hour if you add up all the little minutes. Yeah for finishing!