Monday, November 27, 2023

Lightening Streak Top

A while back I had to make a couple of blocks for a group charity quilt - and the person coordinating it wanted the blocks to be SUPER SUPER scrappy - as it 16-18 fabrics of the same colorway per block.

I had to use Yellows and Teals 

You know that if I had to have that much fabric out - I needed to cut it up... it just COULD not go back in my stash. ( only because I would never find it again!)

Because I am a fan of 5 inch squares ... I cut a lot of 5 inch squares... and then started playing, using them as leader enders..... 

And then I added a 5 inch strip to the 2 patches ( 5 inches x 9 1/2 inch) and made 9 1/2 in blocks.
and the next thing I knew - I was asking KC to hold it up so I could show you what I made...

Good Night... that went together fast!!! I put them 7 x 7   - so it is 63 x 63 ish in size...

Unfortunately that did not use up all the yellow that I cut up... but I moved on to the teal - so we will see what becomes of those... 

Now!! I have yellow scraps to use up tho - when that color called for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!!

Don't forget to come back Friday and link up to 

Finished ( or not) Friday - its lots of fun to see everyones progress on quilty things!

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Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Sew n Tell

Monday Musings

Midweek Makers

Oh SCrap

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Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thankful November Week 4

 Just a few more things I Found to be grateful for:

The idea of being thankful for something each day didn’t seem hard at the first post - but for some reason today I feel like I’m reaching . And nothing bad has happened , it was actually a great day - but trying to find the specific thing to be grateful for is hard for me today.

So since I’m reaching - I’m thankful that I remembered to take the turkey out to defrost and it’s almost there .

One year my Dad and Mom came to the house on Wednesday and asked where the turkey was . I answered … the freezer .

Oops. Apparently I had not gotten the Butterball memo that turkey’s didn’t defrost over night .

The steak sure tasted good that year !! 

Love the sunsets around here 🙂 and the smells in my house !!

I’m thankful for pumpkin pie … and the kids heading our way !

Ps - I still can not master the gluten free pie crust so I went with the impossible pumpkin pie and it’s yummy !!!

( yep i taste tested) 🥧

This will be my last post of my intentional gratefullness project this year 😀

I think (for me ) that trying to be intentional about finding a thankful each day helped my attitude and helped my focus .

And as of today … I can go back to being the grinch 🤣🤣

Ha ha !!!
Thanks for hanging out with me these last few weeks ❤️❤️ 

Friday, November 24, 2023

A 2024 Patriotic Mystery and!! Finished!! ( Or not) Friday!!

Around here we might over eat on Thanksgiving... okay - Not overeat as much as Overcook... which means I am off duty for a few days until they clean up all the leftovers!! Go me!!

So!! what is this about a new mystery? Well!! 

I have written a new mystery - Oh boy!!! Apparently I got inspired and got ahead of myself haha!

But with all the Cool Mysteries and Winter Quilt a longs I thought it would be best to wait until 2024 to start it....

I will tell you some secrets about it
it will finish at 64 x 80
It will be a scrappy one - yes you can use yardage - I will have that figured as well - but!

1 1/2 in strips of lights
2 1/2 inch strips of Red and Blues

and a few 3 1/2 inch strips thrown in for good measure..

maybe (but DON"T force yourself!!) if you are tidying up from other projects - you can start piling some of these size scraps in a bin.....

There you go! That is your pre-warning. 

Now!! I do these mysteries because they are fun and I love them - but! I also am trying to encourage us to make at least one Quilt of Valor a year. These Quilts are SO healing to so many Veterans - that it just warms my heart to see them awarded, and to see the smiles that they bring. I want to share that joy with you!!

There are many groups that have a waiting list of Veterans - and they would be very happy to have your quilt. Many of you ask where the patterns are after the Mystery is retired - they (most of them) are in my Etsy shop ( Alycia Quiltygirl) - and they are downloadable. I do not make a lot of money on  them - and that is not the intent - the intent is to offer them free first, and then make enough money to keep my QOV group in Supplies and Fabrics... and Cover our Veterans Touched by War!

Win Win! Right?

and that my quilters!! is My Finished Friday!!!

Now it is your turn to show off, Strut your stuff, tell us what you have been up to!!

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***************Happy Friday!!*******************

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Monday, November 20, 2023

Patriotic Design wall

 I am starting to get into that End of Year Organizing thing... 

Well... not really - but it made me sound all organized like - but I really shouldn't tell fibs like that!

In emptying my parents POD there was an antique table that I wanted. Its one of those that fold down to a rectangle and up to a circle. It was my Grandmas and I just liked it - so I added it to the end of my sewing table.  ( again ---- fib - my youngest son did it for me because he rocks!!)

In doing so, I can pile more stuff!! That I will just admit to! But in the *stuff* are a few projects not done... and now...

This one ( above) A whole bunch of us made blocks and we all shared them - and the others are already in quilts, and a few people actually finished theirs. I took some blocks and obviously Mine needed to marinate... but now... its on its way to being done!!  ( and yep!! a QOV)

Next Quilts of Valor hosted a Mystery - maybe it was called "20 stars for 20 years" ?  and I started and then life, and now.... I have ideas of how to finish it up - I am not sure I am going to follow the instructions...I think I see a different way I'd like to finish it and get it up to QOV size....

The little scary part of this is... I might be getting my Sewjo back full time... or I might have just jinxed it.  

Oh and on the quilting front - I just started an Antique quilt for a client from 1880!!! Oh My Stars - I love it.. this is my favorite block....

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Sunday, November 19, 2023

Thankful November Week 3


I am one of those who says “you had me at chocolate. “

A few years ago my dad decided to buy a car exactly like mine, but he decided he better call and make sure it was OK because he was getting the exact same color as my car.

So I jokingly said yes you may buy that car as long as you bring me chocolate once a month.

yesterday, my sweet friend brought chocolate to me at church, and it made me laugh and bring back a sweet memory of my dad, giving me a bag of chocolate every so often just to remind me that it was OK that we had the same car in the same color ❤️❤️

I’m thankful for sweet friends, sweet memories - and of course chocolate!! 🍫

I recieved this book from my Veteran friend when I was awarding quilts ( Quilts of Valor ) .

Mike said “Thought maybe you would be interested in my story. “

Yes please! My favorite thing is peoples stories.

Yesterday I was able to start his book , and needless to say …. I am almost done ! It’s fascinating.

I’m thankful that He thought of me. And I’m grateful for those who have made this country great 🇺🇸 
interested in the book? you can find it here:

From sunrise to sun almost setting … I am thankful that I get to be a part of providing good yummy beef 🥩 to folks .

Today was a delivery day and I loved chatting with my customers and learning more about them . And I fell in love with the little boy who told me he could eat hamburgers every day !!!

Today was a “get it done” day … and I am very thankful for days like today .

I like feeling like I got at least one thing done on my to do list✔️

I’m thankful today that this guy is home …. there were no blizzards ( which usually happens when his plane lands in a warm place )

No gates left open , animals all followed the rules …. The dog … eh not so much …

But the house is still standing !!

Ps - don’t tell him I miss him when he’s gone , I’ll never live it down!!!

My little buddy turned 5 months today . She’s also my thankful for today.

She’s wild ,crazy and a little bit of a terror - but we love her and she is sweet (when she’s sleeping - just kidding )

She likes to try everything… including hay…. Little goofball 🙂

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Thursday, November 16, 2023

Cowboy Churn Dash is a Top!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!  It's the Friday before Thanksgiving - and you all... I am so ready for the kids to be home for a few days, and just hang out with the ones that make it here!!

I have to say that I Love this time of year - so many quilters are getting their Christmas Quilts ready, and lawsy mercy - I get to quilt them - SUCH FUN!!

The funniest thing tho - about 5 weeks ago a Client brought me 2 King sized quilts. I don't see a lot of King Sized quilts. But I need to make one for my new bed!! .... But!! Since that one  Client brought me hers - I have been brought ( Been Given? English left me for a moment)   8 more!!! 

Isn't that so funny how things go in trends??  

I did get this top to a finished stage!!

I had help trying to get a photo in the wind... and the cold, but I am not sure she got the idea?

She understood that she was supposed to get behind the quilt.....

But she couldn't figure out how to make it hold still.....

So she gave up - and decided it was better to sniff trees... but at least she tried!!!
When it is quilted - we will do a better job right?  

Now it is your turn - what is Finished ( or not) in your world?

Direct link please...

and who is having something other than Pumpkin Pie?

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**8 The end****

Linknig to:
Patchwork and Quilts   at Quilting patch
Oh Scrap!! at Quilting is more fun that houswork


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Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Playing in the Plaids

 I got back to my fast easy 16 patch blocks - and !

Ta da!!

Well - the wind sure doesn't help me take photos - but! I made 12 blocks - and I think it is a cute sized quilt.

These are all shirt plaids. A while back in my yonder years, I owned a clothing company. It has since been sold, sold again and now has a new name - but!! I started it haha!! ( I was the first Maternity Clothing company on the internet!!!)

But back then... when you sampled fabrics, they would send you a swatch of the fabrics to see if you liked them - and one of my manufacturers loved to send me 1/2 or whole yards... and I did not complain.

When I sold the company I got to keep the samples - and ta da!! My Plaid stash was born!!!

now!! it is my duty to use them ! ( right?  I mean I can use that as an excuse to not do laundry right???)


Monday, November 13, 2023

Thankful November week 2

 Ready for the next weeks Thankfuls??

Hiking - for me - helps me cultivate an attitude of gratitude. I am free from the daily to-do lists , and the feeling that I must ”get something done “ .

My gratitude today is that I have a husband who loves to hike with me , and no matter where we are , he is willing to check out the local trails .

This weekend it was the Salt Lick Trail …. Who wouldn’t be curious about that ?

This is going to be a weird one to be thankful for - but bear with me....

Today I am Thankful that it is Emptied!!! 3 months ago I loaded all the stuff that was my parents, in this pod so that I could put their house on the market. I told myself 6 months - that was the limit on keeping this pod of things...

But today... 3 months later it is emptied!! Go me!

Now that does not mean that all the things have been sorted thru, it just means that I have done the first sort haha!

I’m a fan of natural colors , and I am pretty sure God has a few art skills 🤣

I’m thankful I get to see landscapes like this , and even more grateful my dog will walk them with me.

I’m also thankful that my husband mows fire breaks for me , they make amazing walking trails around the place 🚜

This one is a memory photo - but! 6 years ago I got to go to the Bob Hope Medal of Honor Gala with my Friends Rowdy and Renee.

Its one of those things that wouldn't have happened except thru the connection of Quilts. Rowdy was one of my QOV recipients and we have been friends ever since.

A Friendship that I am extremely Grateful for ( not just because he and his wife take me places😂)

Even tho we don't see each other every day - I always know that Rowdy and Renee are there and I can reach out, and when Rowdy sends crazy messages like * I am glad to know you * it totally makes my day.

Today I am thankful for friends near and far, and the connections we make.

Nov 11
In continuing with what I am thankful for each day ….

I am so thankful for all the photos being posted today of folks favorite Veterans. I love how their service is remembered. It is so impressive!!

I love seeing who served and what branch. ❤️🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸

Nov 12

This is my buddy … he is nicknamed the hungry hippo - as in he is always hungry and will definitely let you know when it is time to eat !

He is my thankful for today . Yesterday after all my “duties” were done ( awarding quilts is an awesome duty )

I was so happy to come home and go for a relaxing ride on him , but as the sun set - his hunger kicked in , he was the first to remind us hay should be his reward !!

He was an accidental ( or so I tell Kelly that ) purchase . I bought him when he was 9 months old , while holding a 2 mo old child in my arms.

He has grown up with us , and is pretty all around . He’s been calf roped and team roped off of , done lots of ranch work and now I shoot off of him .

See why he might be my favorite?

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