Thursday, November 16, 2023

Cowboy Churn Dash is a Top!! and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!  It's the Friday before Thanksgiving - and you all... I am so ready for the kids to be home for a few days, and just hang out with the ones that make it here!!

I have to say that I Love this time of year - so many quilters are getting their Christmas Quilts ready, and lawsy mercy - I get to quilt them - SUCH FUN!!

The funniest thing tho - about 5 weeks ago a Client brought me 2 King sized quilts. I don't see a lot of King Sized quilts. But I need to make one for my new bed!! .... But!! Since that one  Client brought me hers - I have been brought ( Been Given? English left me for a moment)   8 more!!! 

Isn't that so funny how things go in trends??  

I did get this top to a finished stage!!

I had help trying to get a photo in the wind... and the cold, but I am not sure she got the idea?

She understood that she was supposed to get behind the quilt.....

But she couldn't figure out how to make it hold still.....

So she gave up - and decided it was better to sniff trees... but at least she tried!!!
When it is quilted - we will do a better job right?  

Now it is your turn - what is Finished ( or not) in your world?

Direct link please...

and who is having something other than Pumpkin Pie?

***************Link UP here ****************

**8 The end****

Linknig to:
Patchwork and Quilts   at Quilting patch
Oh Scrap!! at Quilting is more fun that houswork


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Kate said...

Hope everyone makes it home for the holiday. We are looking forward to spending time with Grad Girl, her Dad hasn't seen her since July. Very fun churn dash quilt. Give her a bit of time and she'll figure out how to hold a quilt top. Happy stitching this weekend.

Cathy said...

Guess your little helper doesn't know the ropes yet!

And what a fun Churn Dash! (It has been windy here too).

Linda said...

Love your churn dash! I have blocks cut to make a king sized bedspread/quilt for our bedroom. I already dread quilting it! Your helper looks like the best. :)

Delighted Hands said...

Such a pretty quilt and a fun photo shoot!!! When it is quilted, it won't be so flimsy and she can hide better! lol

Vivian said...

Great quilt and I think your helper thought she was supposed to check to see if all your seams were pressed the right way, LOL!! Got any queen size tops laying around? Add a couple of extra borders and voila, your first King sized top! Enjoy the holidays with your family!!

chrisknits said...

I'm over here quilting on my almost king sized quilt myself! It's good to be the King, LOL! Lovely plaid top you made, it will be a sweet quilt.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your Churn Dash looks amazing and love the border. Enjoy the weekend and Thanksgiving.

Anne-Marie said...

I quilt so many king size quilts. I have mostly lap sized or baby quilts left for this year and I am so excited to work on smaller quilts. :D

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I had to look up lawsy mercy...such a delightful phrase. Such a Southern US saying. So happy you have family coming home for the wonderful Thanksgiving. And so love the churn dash quilt top too.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Yahoo for the Cowboy Churn Dash! And hugs and kisses for your adorable helper. Happy Thanksgiving!

Bernie Kringel said...

I have. made one king size for our bed. I used wool batting and I love sleeping under it. Very warm but not heavy. I have another top about 1/2 done - It would be a treat to have two of them and be able to switch them out.
Love your churn dash top Alycia. Great fabrics. I have yet to make a churn dash quilt but it is so traditional so I need to. So many ideas and not enough time in the day.
Happy Thanksgiving. I am also looking forward to time with my family next week. Nothing better than that.

quiltingbydawn said...

Another great churn dash, Alycia. This time I could easily spot the plain block! Love it!

Sandra Walker said...

You've sure been churning (pun not originally intended ha) out the quilts! This one is bright, and the plaid one in the previous post is so soft. I adore your pibble girlie - how can she be five months already?! Such spunk! said...

It is interesting how things trend sometimes! Perhaps getting all those king size quilts to longarm is meant to have you get yours in the mix! We'll be eating pecan pie and marshmallow pumpkin cheesecake. My daughter is bringing the cheesecake. Love your churn dash and your "helper" certainly did her best to assist you!

Bonnie said...

I so don't like big quilts... silly of me as you only load it once but I still don't like doing them. And yet come January or so I'll have a big queen of my own to do. Sigh! Love the churn dash quilt. It is one of my favorite blocks.

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

Lovely churn dash quilt! You are doing well holding the quilt, both of you! The wind's fault ;)) Have fun quilting large quilts!
Thank you for sharing, and linking up.