Thursday, November 09, 2023

Veterans Day, QOV and !!! Finished!! or not! Friday!!

And I should Also Say Happy Birthday to the Marines!!!

Veterans Day, and those days leading up to it, sort of turn into a Christmas if you will. We have many groups that like to have presentations on that day...or before.... because there are only so many hours on the 11th!!

The group above was amazing!! Well truthfully they all are, but each time I bring random people together - the way they interact and the way the Dynamic shift amaze me!

The two standing on the ends were both Air Force, and were both a little shy - Once they found out they were both AF - the talking began!! and it was so cool, and so very healing for both of them.

The Three in the middle are also Law Enforcement - and Some of the coolest folks you will meet - but!!
The little lady up front!! She is 96 years old and I love her.

She was barely 5 foot tall, and she walked in and wanted a tour of our sewing room. She ohhed and Awwwed over every quilt, and she held my arm the whole time. Lawsy Mercy was she a doll. Oh - She was in the Navy during WWII, as was her husband. and her stories - LOVE them!!

I got to Visit my Favorite Breakfast Veterans - and award another 10 Quilts. We had a WWII Vet again - you all - if you have not had a chance to sit with one... I highly recommend it.

Their perspective on life is much more realistic ( in my opinion). Very few of them have had an easy life, but they have shown that Hard Work, and Duty is VERY important!!

We had a Long May She Wave quilt, and TWO Dakota Inspired quilts, and a Stop Tossing
Made my heart happy!!

The book below was gifted to me by one of my Veterans
I have not had a chance to dig in yet, but I have to tell you Sunday Evening... that is my plan
 ( along with a glass of wine!! )

I have a few more presentations set up, so my big finish for the week is getting all of these prepped and labeled, and my speech practiced . Not so much my speech, but the names and branches of service, as well as the stories I get to tell about each Vet!!

Now---- What's Happening in your world??? Spill Sister!! and Brother!!!

****Direct Link Pretty Please******

****************The end*********************

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Kate said...

Looks like both were great groups of veterans.

Linda said...

Alycia this is so heart-warming. Those folks so richly deserve the attention and time you give them. Those quilts will for sure wrap them in love for all time. How cool that you make a presentation with a speech. I've always said that if I could go back in time with my knowledge of life, I would enlist in the military because of the work ethic, the sense of duty, plus the long-term benefits of being in the military.

Cathy said...

Oh, Alycia, what a spectacular post. I admire your work with the veterans.

Nann said...

Each of your QOV awards events is a memorable occasion. Wonderful!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

My husband is a Vietnam veteran, and he wears a hat that identifies him as a veteran. I can't tell you the number of times I have lost him in a store, and when I finally find him, he has been stopped by someone and they are talking about their military service. Sometimes it brings tears to my eyes. Your QOV presentations are amazing, Alycia, and so appreciated, I am sure!

Leanne Parsons said...

What wonderful pictures! Lovely quilts are such a great way to honour people for their service ❤

Kathleen said...

Wonderful way to celebrate our veterans on this their weekend of remembrance.

Sara said...

Wonderful QOV experience! For the recipients as well as those doing the awards. Our group will give 4 quilts tomorrow. I awarded a quilt to a Korean veteran last spring. He had also written a book about his experience, and he signed one and gave it to me. Such an honor!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm so glad the two AF vets opened up when they met one another, and I was curious about the woman in front; she does sound like a doll!

Tired Teacher said...

Six QOV presented this morning at the senior center. It was fantastic to see the place packed with family and friends. This was the first time the center honored veterans, and I hope it will become an annual event.

Chantal said...

Bravo, Alycia, for the wonderful work you do. By the sound of it, they too, will remember this day forever and think of each other every time they look at their quilts. Awesome! ;^)

Vivian said...

You are one of the best ambassadors for the Quilts of Valor program! Every time I read an account of one of your presentations, I am moved by the stories of how getting a quilt touches these veterans. The work of your group brings new pride of their service to our country and it's fantastic how it brings the different branches of the military together. Enjoy that Sunday book read!!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a great turn out you had for the lead up to Veteran's day. I was raised by two WWII Veterans (Navy and Waves) and my husband's father was also a WWII vet, he flew for the army - a gunner in a B24. Yes, the tales are fascinating and harrowing, at least from father-in-law. My mother was a Code Girl in Washington, DC. They were sworn to secrecy during and after the war. So she didn't share much more than she carried the daily "brief" to the White House.

Delighted Hands said...

What an amazing gifting!!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Happy Veterans Day! It's wonderful to see the work you and your group do for our nation's veterans. We owe them so much. Love the WWII Navy veteran!

Bonnie said...

My dad served in WW II but I don't ever remember him talking about it. He left his college NROTC unit and joined up. After 30 years he retired. We lived in a lot of places mostly close to an ocean. I make some patriotic quilts and give them to veterans through our own presentation. My most recent quilts (2 of them) were donated to veterans and their families through Valor Ranch here in Va. They want any color/style quilt which is easier for me than the patriotic colors as I've run through most of them. I'll be adding one of your mystery quilts to my list to be quilted so I can have more quilts ready for their next session.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, how wonderful to have the opportunity to present these quilts to veterans, especially at this time of the year. Thanks for the party and good luck with the rest of the quilts and presentations.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

That book may be a tough read. Vietnam was very different than WWII.