Friday, September 29, 2023

Layer Cake Loop finish!! and!! Finished! (or not) Friday!!!

 My Layer Cake Loop top has hit is FINISHED!! stage for me!!!

I wasn't 100% sure where it was destined to go when I started it, but!!! I know that we have a backlog of need for Quilts of Valor in other states ( Colorado is doing pretty well yay!!)  ... and so!

It will go in the to be bound pile for our Sew day ... Binding is our October theme  and then I will find a state that needs it!!!

One of our QOV Members requested a quilt for her father in another state, and found out it would be quite a while as they were filling requests in the order they recieved them ( totally makes sense)  and her Father was way down there.

So we cheated - we made him a quilt and contacted that state coordinator to see if she would be willing to take our quilt and award it. She was!!!  and the award happened ,.... 

But since we jumped the line - I thought it would be nice if we could send her a quilt or two to help get there Veterans Covered.

So Layer Cake Loop is a Fat Quarter Shop pattern Here  Layer Cake Loop at FQS
But I did not cut the Layer cakes down - I re did the math so I used a Whole piece and built around that.. so Mine is 60 x 75 ish....

Do you have a quilt that would make a Great Quilt of Valor - here is the link to the info and how to get it to a group or State Coordinator to award: Quilts of Valor - Make a quilt

Now you know what time it is???
Time for you to SHOW US WHAT YOU HAVE!!!

*Direct link to your post please!!!


****************The end*********************

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Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Teal Rainbow Scrap challenge Buffalo Plaid quilt

 Heck fire - that's a title right??  

The RSC color of September is Aqua - and I have taken creative liberties - I can't get to the Aqua...

But the Teal and the Hawaiian just jumped right out at me - so I attempted another Buffalo Plaid quilt...

I think this is a fun one!!! And of course!! it uses some of my Hawaiian themed stash... you might think I have used it all - but I think my bin would beg to differ... altho!! I am getting down to small pieces!!

I am thinking to quilt it with something beachy... it may be a bit because ( bless you my quilty clients) my Clients have brought me some of THE MOST amazing Quilts to quilt!! I love it - and I am excited to get up each day and dig right in!!!  

And then of course - you need to see my baby right?  She is just the best ( and the worst!!) She is so fun - we are now fetching quite impressively - until she decides she is hungry... and then it is a mad dash to the food bin, and she sits patiently until you *get* that she is hungry...

I will be linking up to:

In the meantime check out some of these Clothing patterns that I have found and have listed  - I think they are SO fun!!! and they were my Grandmas... She was THE BEST seamstress . One funny - my uncle told my boys that his mom used to make his boxers... my boys Howled!!!!

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Tuesday, September 26, 2023

A book!!! I read a book!

 It is called *Don't forget to write*  and I am pretty sure that I got it for free on my Kindle/Prime reading thingy ( technical terms are eluding me right now)

But!! I liked it!!

it is set in 1960 - and the main character is a little bit of a trouble maker - but! her mischief is because she is boy crazy and does not like to be told what to do... now you know why I liked it... the not being told what to do part!!!

Marilyn Gets sent to her Great aunts - who is a Matchmaker... and it is quite charming.

The Great Aunt in this novel reminds me of my Grandfathers sister... she was a Character!!

When I was 18 I drove a different Great Aunt (J) across the country ( California to Michigan) so she could hang out with her family... of course  Great Aunt A was there... My Grandfathers Sister.

Great Aunt A decided that she should take me into town to get ice cream, and so we did!! And we passed a construction crew - where she immediately wolf whistled at the crew... I am pretty sure that my face has not seen such a shade of red as it did that day.... 

She was Hilarious, nothing fazed her, she was stubborn, and bossy, and did everything her way!!

And Marilyns Great Aunt in the novel - very much reminded me of her...

its a fun read.....

Monday, September 25, 2023

All Over the Place

I am kind of all over the place right now in my Quilting Journey. Not at a fork in the road - just kinda wanting to touch all the plants on the trail  haha!!

It has been a lot of re-organizing , sorting, keeping and culling for the last 7 months - and EVERY time I start playing with fabrics I want to make something else.... so my piles ( for my pile projects) are growing... but alas the time in the day does not grow... ( Why????)

I figure - I already have the fabric .. why not keep starting new things? And if I finish - yay - if not.... well.... I learned something, or had some fun or enjoyed myself.

Then I went to a quilt lecture, and the speaker ( who was wonderful btw) said she had been cleaning her moms Quilting stash and was so overwhelmed the the amount of unfinished projects. She was sort of angry that her mother had not finished so many things. So the Speaker made herself a sign that said 

'Just Finish it"

I got that, but at the same time... I don't. 

Who says we have to finish everything that we start? 

Who says that if we don't finish it we have wasted our time?

I have found some things that I haven't finished, and I probably won't... so I put them in a decide later pile. That way... I can think on them - do I want to take the time, do I want to pass them on? Who would benefit from this? or.... is it better to use as a rag?  ( and yes - that is acceptable too)

My Mom was an Author. She had books published... but in her files... she has tons of stories that are half baked. Ideas that swirled in her head and never made it to the printed page. I believe that is a form of creativity too... 

By no means, is anyone angry with her for not finishing each and every idea that comes into her head. However she is allowed to write them down, noodle them for a while, and then file them...


All that to say - I started a new thing - without finishing something else. And it made me happy!!

As I was rearranging to make more room - I stumbled across these 5 Cowboys FQ's - and I did not want to put them away.... I wanted to hold them, and use them, and create!! So I am !

Of course - I went to my Go to Pattern... Not a lot of thought for me to make these... which again!! Just what I was looking for!!!  and Ta da!!

Five Churn Dashes are done

And my cowgirl heart is Happy!!

Now to figure out how to get more time in the day..... You'll share that with me right??

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Friday, September 22, 2023

Four Corners and!! Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!!

Welcome to another edition of Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

I just love seeing what everyone gets done or attempts to work on every week!! My bucket list is long!!

This week - the Mystery Four Corners ( A23-1) finished up - and of course... I had to have one done right???

Here is Mine!

It was a fun and fast quilt!!!   My sew group did it as a Mystery in a Day - and we had such a fun time. Everyone worked in groups .. and we finished 4 of them - too much fun!!

Here is a close up of the quilting:

At our Sew day last week - a few of them brought their tops back - and it was fun to see the design Variations ( there were 4 ways to lay the quilt out)

That is my finish for this week!! Yay!! and now it is your turn!! Brag Away!!!

  • Please provide a Direct link
  • Visit lots of others
  • Tell me your Favorite zucchini dish

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**************The End**********************

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Linked to:
Patchwork and Quilts at QuiltingPatch

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Operation Christmas Child Hats

 Oh my heavens!!!

Operation Christmas Child Hats are starting to roll in!!!!

I am so excited - the goal for this year was 700 Hats and so many of you decided to help my friend M out - and YAY me - I am the go between and I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!!!

Sue in Az asked if she could help out this year - and of course I said yes!!!

Look what she mailed out!!

So!!1 Gloria... she sent me THREE boxes of hats... but funny of all funnies - Box 2 and 3 arrived.... and we wondered where box #1 went.... it apparently went on a detour - but I just picked it up - so here are the contents of box 2 and 3

THAT IS EIGHTY SIX hats!!! Oh my!!! ( and I still have box #1 to spread out!!!)

Then!!! I had a garage sale at my dads this summer and took my looming with me... my friend Clare was sitting there with me and she asked what I was up to so I told her... 

and look what she just brought me!!

Ah!! Mazing!!! Go Clare!!!

This is the Loom we use...

Loom for Hats and more

and this is the tutorial I used

you tube knit hat  but then you start searching around and there are a lot of kinds of hats you can make...

Now I need to go see what is in my hat box too... I have a feeling I did not keep up with these awesome Knitters

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Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Jelly Roll Race Day

Saturday was National jelly roll day..

And for those of you who do not quilt ….

It’s a roll of 2 1/2 inch strips off fabric ….

Not a yummy gooey jelly roll like grandma used to make

( yes I too feel your pain about that !! )
So my Quilt of Valor sew group got together and all 21 of us started a jelly roll quilt !!!
This is one of the first tops completed by Jeri F !!
Soon we should have 20 more of them to brag about and get ready to award them to Veterans touched by War

Our Class leader was Olive - she taught us the concept and had lots of fun ideas to add blocks to them!!

The coolest thing - All I had to do was provide the Jelly Rolls - Olive took over the sew day - the quilters quilted like the wind... I LOVED it!!!

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Monday, September 18, 2023

What is Black and White and Yellow all over???

(its really supposed to be read all over - and a newspaper.... but... I am a quilter... go with it!!)

Remember my Out of the Box Potholder? Well.... I found more Yellow Black and white scraps so I just kept making crumb blocks... and now I am here:

I asked my husband what is a complementary color that would go with this as a setting fabric - he said navy... I did not see that.... 

so I took some scrappy strips of Navy, White and Black and laid them up there... and I am pretty sure I have come up with a complete different plan that I was originally thinking... so maybe I will work on that this week and see if I can make it happen!!

( I was not a fan of any of the strips - but I ran out of time to do more experiments... this week - fingers crossed!)

You did note I got a late start this morning - but Look what I got to see before I Came in!!! The days are getting shorter, the sunrise is later in the morning, and I wore a sweatshirt to do chores... Fall is in the air!!!

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Friday, September 15, 2023

Yellow and Blue Buffalo Gingham and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Friday Morning my awesome friends!!

What has got me happy today?  The Temps are cooling into the 70's, we had a bit of rain, all the hay is gathered out of the fields and in the barn... Its looking good!!!!

I was able to sneak this one onto the long arm this week, and Surprise of all surprises.. I got it bound!! In the same week... and... because I try to tire Puppy Girl out before I quilt... we had quite a fun photo walk!!

I used a vintage looking cowboy print in blue - that is just so cute!! I need to make more quilts out of it!!! and a Stripe and a Yellow - it turned out bright and happy. ( but not exactly what I saw in my mind)

I had a fun scrappy back in my Backings pile that I pulled out - and I thought it just complimented this quilt. Added to the fun and happy whim about it.

Quilted it with an allover design that added texture and whimsy....

And ta da!!!   A finish!!!

I am all excited to see what you have finished ( or not) this week!!

I have been doing a little listing in my Etsy shop .. kind of fun updating that!! and of course hoping someone else likes what you make haha!

You all know the drill!!!

  • Link up your direct post
  • Visit others and leave a kind word
  • Start stitching for next week!!!

****Link up Here****

*****************The end***************

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Wednesday, September 13, 2023

PotHolders and Puppies

 A group that I am in issued a challenge - out of the box Potholders... or something like that - 

The intent being to make a potholder/MugRug that is not in the shape of a square or a rectangle... which as you know - is what shape I turn just about every block into... 

I got out some scraps and got to piecing - and even piecing weird scraps - it turned out pretty rectangular.

So I sliced it, and curved some edges - and this is what I came up with.

Even after making the slice, I still note that I tried to square it up - I guess my brain sees flat edges better .... but!! I had more fun quilting it.... 

That is the quilted side... and then I ironed it to flatten it out a but - Curved edged and binding... seriously - it took me a gazillion, Million quilts to semi tolerate binding quilts... and now - I throw in Curves... oh my!! 

What have I been drinking!!!

I hope someone in our Challenge group likes it..

and now for the Puppy part - Man they grow quick!!

She sits so pretty!!! She is driven by food and fetching... well I am not quite sure it is really Fetching - she loves to chase the throw toys - its about 50/50 if she brings them back... but she is getting it...

I think we love her...

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Aqua Spinning Goose for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 Did you know that Aqua is not really a color I have much of in my stash?   I think because I buy it and use it right away - its one of my favorite colors....

But I had fun looking thru some fabrics that I thought could work!!

Here is what I came up with 

(and  YES!! I did get Septembers done before the end of the month - go me!!)

Ta da!!!

Look Close - there are Parrots on that big star... Parrots!! I LOVE it!!!! okay - it really made me laugh - I was in a margarita mood.....

And now here are all of them on the wall so far!!! I have been playing around with ideas as to how to set them, we will have to see what colors come next - and If I want more blocks...

Life is getting back to normal-ish now!! I have still been quilting for Clients 🤠!!!!!, other things have slowed down ( no more house cleaning haha)... but now that my parents house is on the market and the BIG part of sorting is done ( oh yes!! I still have more but its in the barn!!) I feel like my routines are taking shape again.

For those of you who have still be allowing me to quilt for you - Thank you for continuing to do so - it has helped me keep my sanity... and now that I am getting back to normal - I feel like I can take on my normal load of Quilts!! so!! I am ready if you have quilts that need All Over Designs - Hit me Up!!

Friday, September 08, 2023

Our Sew Group QOV and !!! Finished!!! *or not* Friday!!

This is our Group Quilt Of Valor!!! Each month someone teaches us a new block - and they have it pre-cut so we can stitch as many as she has cut!  Some quilters make a million - some make one.... ( Me!! Okay Me!! I make one!!)   

But it is so fun to all be together and stitch and gab and make fun of others. ( okay - again Me!! they make fun of me!!!)

Karen K taught us this block and then she took all the blocks and made them into tops.  Because I am the Lone Wolf... with one block - I volunteered to Quilt it... I mean at least I could do that haha!!

It will go in our To be Bound pile - and go to our Binding Sew day in October - where all the wonderful quilters will bind till their hearts are content !!

I saw this book on someone's blog and it intrigued me. Its actually a good book, It was a little slow in getting started, and the main character needed to find herself - but then it got good. She is dealing with things we have all done/ or are doing - like me now - cleaning out my parents belongings. 

( Which BTW - thank you for all the comments and suggestions about that - it really helped me to know that others had to do this , and know what they did. Helps me be stronger!!)

Any ways - it was a fun read  and now I want to start a museum.  Or maybe I will just start calling my house a museum and no one can get part with  anything!!!!

Lets get on with the good stuff.... 
  • What did you finish ( or not) this week? 
  • Did you get some great stitching time in with the holiday?  
  • Did you BBQ???

We got the last of the big Furniture out of the house - and it is now on the market.... Know anyone moving to Colorado - I have a house they need!!!!

*****************Link up ******************

******************The end*****************

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