Friday, October 30, 2020

Colorado and Angel Quilt... and Finished Friday

 Happy Friday you all!!

Today's Finish is a quilt that was Pieced by Deb.... Deb showed our Whole QOV group how to make these cool blocks .... named  Colorado.... then she added some special blocks that she made - called Angel blocks and Created this top!

now - there is a background to the Angel blocks ( in the corners) Her Mom - was one of My first supporters in Quilts of Valor - She taught me how to do so much, and just knew all these little quilting secrets - and she was the best.  She presented a Quilt to one of our Veterans and he kept calling her, and the band of quilters... his angels.... and so! Deb made these angel Blocks to keep watch over Colorado.

    And I took photos in the mountains - because you all... what is Colorado known for???

I really enjoyed Quilting this one, and know that it will go to a Veteran who will love it!

Now - what have you been working on?

  • * Link a direct link to the Quilty Post you want to share
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!


Find me at all these places:

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Thursday, October 29, 2020


 YAY!! you have made it through another week!! Hope you all got your Clue #2 all done...

If you are just joining in - 

all if the info can be found in the TAB at the TOP OF THE PAGE called A11  !! 

Yep - I try to make it all very very easy on you.... ( try.. being the ultimate word)


I have gotten some comments that I can't respond to - One - a person wanted to use this quilt for the Quilts of Valor Backlog - That is SO SO awesome!! But! you didn't give me a way to contact you - so! You can either email me, or email Nancy at and she can tell you where to send your quilt.

Someone wanted to know if the two clues were all there is... well - no - I won't leave you without a finished quilt... that would be just plain mean, and even tho I can be devious ( just kidding) I really wouldn't do that to a quilter - I hate having UFO's!

Again - all the clues and the info (including when the last clue will be) is in the posts listed under the A11 Tab ;-)

All right quilters.... stitch away!!

If you are interested in being in a chat group


Find me at all these places:

    Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Happy Half Square Project Block NINETEEN

 I know we have seen very similar blocks before - but... the Light Dark combo is different... I promise. 

Happy Half Square 


Because all of my blocks will turn into Quilts of Valor - I am staying Patriotic
So I chose to use Blue on one side and red on the other..

If you wanted to spice it up a bit - you can move the colors around
Just remember for this one - your geese are Snow geese ( ha ha - light geese)

Ms Kat did her magic again!!
And here are some cool Mock ups of how the quilts could look with this whole block

Number 4 ( below) is my favorite!

Maybe Next year instead of Happy Half Square Blocks - I should start my list of Happy Half Square quilts?  Haha!!

So remember - if you are new to the blog -these are all made out of Half square Triangles - Size is totally YOUR CHOICE!! You can ask me what the size is.... but I won't answer - you need to make them in the size you would like. I am using 5 inch squares, that stitch into 4 1/2 inch half squares and then I make my blocks.... yours are YOUR CHOICE!

To see all of the blocks so far:

Happy Wednesday!!!

Monday, October 26, 2020

I read.... my book report


I am not sure how I found this book.. but I am glad that I did.  It is Fiction - but it is just such a great perspective of the life and times of Jackie Kennedy and .. of course - President Kennedy.

I have read a few books about that time period -most seem to focus on President Kennedy, his family, or are from the perspective of the Secret Service Agents. All great perspectives - however this one is written from Jackie's Perspective, and the things that she went through ..

First Meeting Jack, marrying him, and through her life - I really liked it, and thought it was a very well written book.

What have you read lately? Leave me a comment - I am searching for a new book to read 

Friday, October 23, 2020

A Patriotic Quilt of Valor and...... Finished (or not) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!! Cold is in the air - we may get snow... it's awesome.. any moisture for our state ( Colorado)  will be accepted at this moment!! Fires are just too big and too scary right now.....

My Finish this week is a Quilting Finish!  Charlene made this top as a Quilt of Valor - and I love it!! I was the lucky one to get to quilt it... and of course, when I went hiking... I had to take it with me... right?

It was being held up, and I had my camera up, Mask and Sunglasses on... and this gentlemen gets out of his car and says - WOW - did you make that!! and I said well - sorta, My friend made the top -  I did the quilting, and then of course, he wanted to get close.  and we said sure... he was masked as well.

He made me laugh - he says I can't see your face - are you mad that I want to see it, or are you happy?  I laughed and said -I'm happy - and I'm smiling... you just can't tell!!!  Gotta love those masks right??



Isn't this just cool?
I love the scrappiness of the blocks - and the blue setting
Just makes my heart so happy!

And I am sure that you want to see where I was!
Roads to this place are closed now - due to two huge fires...
Makes me so sad

Now it is time for you to show off!!

  • *Link a direct link to the Quilty Post
  • * Visit at least three others - leave a comment - you may make a new friend
  • *Add a link back in your post - let others see all the Quilty goodness!

****************************************************************** ****************************************************************************** .

Thursday, October 22, 2020


 YAY!! you have made it through another week!! Hope you all got your Clue #1 all done...

If you are just joining in - 

all if the info can be found in the TAB at the TOP OF THE PAGE called A11  !! 

Yep - I try to make it all very very easy on you.... ( try.. being the ultimate word)


and start stitching away!

If you are interested in being in a chat group


Find me at all these places:

    Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Happy Half Square Block EIGHTEEN

 Surprise - my 18 is completely done this time!! haha!!

Welcome to:

Happy Half Square Block EIGHTEEN

Isn't this one fun?

and here is your drawing for it!

I sent it to Kat ( ) and she did her magic - and now I have another one I want to make THE WHOLE QUILT of!!!

It's this one!! I want to make THIS one!!!

DO you have a Favorite??

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

To Do Tuesday

 I sorta missed last Tuesday - but.... it was hiking day - so its all good!

My list was to:

  • start another Shoo Fly quilt    
      Got some blocks done and a lot of parts for more, I pre prepped them and and using them for LEader/Enders

  • and start another Greek Key quilt
  Got two rounds on this one 

So for this week:
 *I will keep working on the shoo flys and the Greek Keys - and also - 
adding this to the list:

I did a couple last week .... and thought - I can make one a day... 
so here I am with this weeks batch:

Plus - you know - whatever other start that I dig into again.. ha ha... there are so many fun things - plus I am also working on my second mystery of A11.... its really fun to stitch along with everyone:

Linking up with  for To do Tuesday

Monday, October 19, 2020

Sewcialites blocks

 I tell you what - I am in a starting phase... and I may be in WAY over my head - but.... 

I have the fabric!! why not .... right??

Fat Quarter Shop  is doing a Block of the week thing too... just like my Happy Half Squares - but! they are doing all of the designing... and I get to play with one more projects.

I have the first three blocks done, there are four so far, but! I was too lazy to go downstairs and choose a fabric on sunday - so I shall do it today.... 

I won't think about that today — I'll think about that tomorrow." -Scarlet O'Hara, Gone with the Wind. . Scarlett O'Hara

Hope you all had a good weekend - ours was quite smoky - the way the wind blows, the smoke is right at our house, along with the ash and the deeply burning smell. I feel so bad for all of those evacuated - its just scary. When I went hiking - I went where they are now evacuated - and that is kinda scary. I was pretty sure I was far from the fire, but that thing just blew up and moved in....

Doesn't look like there is a fire to the north does it - so so crazy!!

have a great quilty day!!

go finish Clue #1  ... 2 will be here Thursday!!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making

Friday, October 16, 2020

A wedding ring photo shoot - and...... Finished (or not) Friday

 I figured since I was going to play hooky I should take my quilt with me and see what I could see.... and!

the wind was  little blowy - but I think I got some okay photos of the Wedding Ring quilt!

Ta -da - and Unbound Double wedding Ring quilt

I really wanted the quilting to show up - but sometimes 
I think the sun can be too bright.
of which, I am not complaining - I would prefer too sunny than the smoke that we have been having.

A little close up

one of the things that I noticed is that a lot of the peach fabric was 100% cotton, then someone must have ran out, as there is some cotton Poly mix, especially in the borders. This fabric made the quilting a little tougher in spots - as it wasn't as stretchy and nice to work with .

and then - just to prove that I really was in the mountains.

here is the History of this Quilt if you are interested:  Double Wedding ring info

and now it is your turn!! Show us your awesome finishes!!

  • Please provide a direct link - i hate to delete links - but it has to go to your specific post - not just your blog please.
  • link back to this post so that others have a chance to ohh and ahhh over these awesome quilts.
  • visit at least 3 blogs - leave a comment - let's create a community~!



linking to:

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 Oh today is the day you have all been waiting for... I know it!!

CLUE #1  for the MYSTERY A11


and you will learn how to create this:

Happy Mystery quilting!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Happy Half Square Block Seventeen

Probably you all think that I am just perfect by now.. and that I always get everything done on time, and that I probably deserve an A.... but I just want you to know... its an illusion!!

One: Yesterday one of my sons showed up and we played hooky and went hiking..... 
Two:   I sorta forgot what day it was, 

            Did I mention the Hooky thing??
Three:  I woke up really early and sat up and went - wait!! I think this morning may be Wednesday!!!

So.... Block Seventeen is in it's RAW form....  you like RAW right?

I had my half squares prepared - but alas.... they are not sewn together... but!!

Welcome to 
Happy Half Square Block SEVENTEEN

and here is your layout drawing.

Dawg says... what is up!

Why do you not know what day it is ALL the time?

Horse says.... heck fire girlfriend
I am keeping an eye on you!

alright you all - today is Wednesday.... that means that TOMORROW is THURSDAY!!
CLUE #1 day.... and ... I am ready for that!!

Monday, October 12, 2020

More Double wedding ring... and a new start!!! ( its plaid!!)

 Happy Monday Morning!!

I have news.... both good and bad... first the good... I have finished my Double Wedding Ring quilt... the bad... the wind was howling - as in - we could not see the barns for the blowing dirt - and so... I didn't take my quilt outside - goodness! it might get dirty - so you will have to see it one more time... in all its glory ;-)

Here are a few more photos of it during the quilting tho!

I am a huge fan of Kimmy B owner of KimmyQuilt  she is just one of the most amazing teachers - and she gets you to understand how to see things in your head. Anyways she sells these really cool MELON Rulers - and you use them to get looks like this!

some of these blocks had too much fabrics - so you see how I kinda smushed some of it together?  I tried to take a good photo, but once I pulled it off the frame - these puckers kinda just blend in...

this was one of the better borders - so it made finding a straight line a little rough, but again - this is not someones family heirloom - it is becoming mine, so its all good, and I am glad to just have quilted it rather than fix it!

A flat view

another funky border - the cool thing here, is I could kinda gather up the fullness of this side and make it behave.  

When I first started I tried to make my Melon quilting all the same size - as I started working through it I had an epiphany moment! What if I made each melon go to the edge of the melon ( as best I could) would that help keep the bubbles down?   and it DID!!!!  So each melon is not exactly the same size of quilting, but it is the same pattern, and the same ratio within the melon... ya... I used math..

Okay - just kidding - I used my eye and made the feathers fit... didn't want you to think I was a genious or anything..... 

oh look .... squirrel..... In my blog reading I was reading Cluck Cluck Sew's blog and she talked about a block a day and then she had a little tutorial, and then on that tutorial is had a 5inch square size ... and you all know that I have 4 million batrillion 5 inch squares....  and

ta da!! A new project was born.... oh sigh....

Not really - I love new projects - and you know... I have the fabric - so why not!!

Happy Monday!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making

MidWeek Makers