*edited to make a seperate post for each of the QOV groups in 5th grade*
I also wanted to get Step 5 of my Carolina Christmas done - I didn't - I think this last week I didn't even sew on it, I might have ironed some pieces - but that would be it. Oh well... It will be there when I get to it. (grin)
My Munchkin had a birthday, and we took in treats to share. His teacher has them do a poster all about them, and he got to share it with his classmates. His favorite thing at school: Lunch. His favorite things and home - Breakfast, Dinner and Snacks!
We met a soldier from Ft Carson. He has been injured 3 times, and has been in the Wounded Warrior unit, but missed our quilt deliveries - so we caught up with him. Because he had recieved 3 different injuries, they are not letting him go back overseas. ( kind of makes sense to me). But a

Last but not least - as quilts are taking over my house I am finding some things that I will never finish. This started as a Saturday Sampler. The picture shows what is finished. There are 3 applique packs, and a picture of the final pattern, and fabric scraps from what was made. No
Quilters Accountability Goals - I think that today I will just set goals for the next week....
Goal 1: To keep taking pictures of all the BEAUTIFUL Quilts of Valor arriving for the Warrior Games.
Goal 2: Bind One more 5th grade quilt.
I think that might be enough *grin*
Check out what others are doing at http://crossroadsquilts.wordpress.com/