The first quilt today for the Warrior Games comes from Jan H of Az/CO. She won these blocks at her guild and then put them into this sampler quilt. She also quilted it. I have a feeling it was in some type of quilt show, because it had a label pinned to the front of it.... How awesome is that?
The Log Cabin Quilt of Valor comes from Nancy P in GA. It totally has the WOW factor! I hope you can click on the pictures and make them bigger to check them out. Just a beautiful log cabin.
Next comes a USA quilt ( great idea) from Cindy H in Washington. Seriously - do you know how much fun it is to see these quilts?
The next Two quilts come from Andi S in AZ. The one on the left is the Boxy Stars pattern from Bonnie at Quiltville.com.
The one on the right is called Freeze Frame and is found on Judy L.s blog - PatchworkTimes.com . I have this pattern on my to do list, now seeing one in person - I want to start tomorrow!!!

These two quilts came in these pillowcases... I thought they were unique!
These two quilts came in these pillowcases... I thought they were unique!
Then before I wore out - I broke into the 2 huge boxes that came from the Indian Creek Quilters in FL. And here are 2 of the many that are to come. Aren't they lovely?
The Red and white one really pops. I love the simplicity and the beauty of it.
Now before you go - I got an email today and I asked if I could share it.
I ran on to your website just by following links, and I wanted to give you and your quilters a personal thank you for all you for our soldiers. My daughter is in the Army (MP and a sergeant ) and she will be participating in the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs. She is so excited and honored to be representing her unit! She is stationed in the WTU in Kaiserslautern Germany.
There have been so many times I wished I could just gather her in my arms to comfort her – you should know that for both parents and soldiers the love and concern that goes into your quilts is the next best thing to a hug! I hope you meet your goal of being able to give each soldier at the games a quilt – I am sooooooo not talented that way, but I will certainly pass the word on to the folks here at our local quilt shop!
Thank you all so much!
I ran on to your website just by following links, and I wanted to give you and your quilters a personal thank you for all you for our soldiers. My daughter is in the Army (MP and a sergeant ) and she will be participating in the Warrior Games in Colorado Springs. She is so excited and honored to be representing her unit! She is stationed in the WTU in Kaiserslautern Germany.
There have been so many times I wished I could just gather her in my arms to comfort her – you should know that for both parents and soldiers the love and concern that goes into your quilts is the next best thing to a hug! I hope you meet your goal of being able to give each soldier at the games a quilt – I am sooooooo not talented that way, but I will certainly pass the word on to the folks here at our local quilt shop!
Thank you all so much!
Aww, that letter is so sweet. That mothers sentiment reflects many of the army family members that I know.
My husband is an Army reserve Chaplain stationed now in Iraq. I also have a nephew who was injured in Aphganistan and recovered at Walter Reed for nearly two years. He was the recipient of a Quilt of Valor. He and his wife cherish the quilt as an object of sincerity and thanks.
You are doing such a wonderful work by creating these beautiful QOVs. I know that the soldiers appreciate all the love and compassion that goes into each stitch.
I'm always amazed and delighted by all the wonderful quilts you are donated. I found out recently at a local(ish) quilt shop to me collects quilts for wounded soldiers in the UK. I'm definately going to make something for them :)
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