First on The Quilt of Valor Front... I got another 5th grade quilt quilted. And I quilted a quilt sent to me from Patsy M of the Pueblo West Quilters in Pueblo CO. It will get bound this weekend and then be ready for the Warrior Games.
Next - I wanted to get a Baby Quilt done for my cousin who is in the process of adopting a little
And the last thing that I have been working on this month - step 5 of the Carolina Crossroads. It is by no means finished, but I think I have a good start on step 5.
So all in all I think that progress is being made?
For a couple of our spring break days we just hung around the house in the day, then hit the gym in the afternoon. The oldest still had swim practice - no rest for High schoolers!
So we played Wii. We had issues splitting the TV in half - so we marked it with tape!!!
We spent a day at the Denver Museum -
again getting home in time for swim practice. Just in case you ever wondered what Wrangler Man looks like, here he is all cleaned up. I was trying to horn in on the picture - not sure it worked to my favor tho!!
We spent some time at the target range. Both ours, and the 4-H one. Ours was much more fun, the sun was shining. When we headed to the 4-H range the temps had dropped from 65 to 30, and the snow was moving in.
And last - but defineatly not least we headed up to Cameron Pass and went SnowShoeing. It was a heck of a climb, and I now think a "moderate" trail should be for tough people - not wimps like me. We climbed for 2 whole miles, it was nuts!
So beautiful though. It had snowed the day before so everything was just clean and pristine. I was surprised that it was so windy at the top, but during the climb the wind didn't bother us at all.
well - thats all for me. Today was a snow day as a huge storm moved in last night. So this morning I did chores in about 10 inches of snow, and tonite I did them in mud. It got up to 40 deg today. A great day to have a snow day!! We LOVED it!
Head on over to Bari's to see what others are up to
That is great Progress especially during Spring Break! Keep up the Good Work.
Way to go, Alycia! I love that baby quilt. The colors are gorgeous....and minkee on the back....what more could a baby ask for?
I envy your snowshoeing expedition. That looks like so much fun! I am glad you took time to spend with Wrangler Man and the kids over the break. It is SO worth it!
I can't wait to see your Carolina Christmas finished up. Those colors are cool!
Great work and great fun!
Your CC blocks look great!
Love that dog bone fabric!
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