Ask and you shall recieve!!!
These are the first 5 quilts out of 200 for the Warrior Games in May. I am so tickled. My friend Arlene is like a mega quilter and she and a group of folks make QOV's in Illinois. Pat - her driver angel just happened to be coming this way on Sunday ( from IL) and brought me these first 3 quilts. I like Pat!


These next two come from Carol in NY. She made these from the Not So Top Secret pattern. Warms my heart to know that people use that pattern for soldiers!!! And they are quilted so beautifully.
Thanks quilters - these are great. Now if you all could just build me a bigger studio * grin* .

Keep coming back for more eye candy - I sure have some great pictures to show you!
Oh Alycia!!!! Yay!!!!
My intentions are probably grander than what can be accomplished, but.... I DO have you in my mind for Warrior Games!!!
I particularly like the second one, the pink one. Great to see that the Not so secret pattern is still being used - lovely to see different colourways too! Keep up the good work everyone :)
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