My First goal for March was to finish the String quilt top. I had made the majority of the blocks in February - and I didn't want another UFO ( i didn't really say another did I?).
One of my other goals was to Quilt the 5th grade kids Quilts of Valor - I have 3 of the 10 done. But since I want to show you the kids that made the quilts with their quilts - you just get some little snippets.
This is a snippet of that quilt too....all in all I think I had a productive week, I wonder if I can do it again. I like marking things off my list!
Oh and exercise - I have been doing "ok" . I torqued my knee, or maybe it is torqued at me, so I have had to cut back the running part. I have been walking, and playing Basketball. My kid creamed me, but we had an audience at the rec center and they were cheering on my kids!!!
Today - my main exercise was trying to find two horses. I have some newbies to the place, and let them out in a different pasture - they hung around the water tank most of the day, until it got dark ( dummies) then they got lost. So the dog and I hiked about 2 miles and brought them home. They were happy. I guess tomorrow I should probably not let them stay out after dusk!!
See what everyone else is up to - or even join in the accountability challenge at Bari's blog. I swear this list making stuff is keeping me on track - as best as I can stay on track!!
Wow you got a lot done this week. Way to go.
I like the half log cabin blocks. There is a 3d effect in the picture that is very cool.
Keep up the good work!
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