Monday, January 30, 2023

December/ January Operation Christmas Child Knit Hats

Knitting hats.... okay - So I met a real knitter, and I had to specify Loom Knitting. Not because of her, because of me!! i told her I was knitting hats and she started talking all sorts of *real* knitting terms, and i swear.... it was like a foreign language....

So now, that I really know what I am doing now - and Know that it is called Loom Knitting....

I am s Loom Knitter haha!!

Here are my next group of hats, sadly it is December and January's combined... So I need to get moving!!

December's Hats  ^'

January's Hats ^   Blue was the RSC Color - so I went and grabbed all the blue I had left - and I truly only had enough for the hat on the left.... Which is good, I don't really want to start a stash of yarn. I think my husband would make me move out haha!!


Every time I post photos of the hats.. I get asked what pattern I use... and you all know I am a quilter ...not a knitter, so I never know how exactly to answer - but here is the what I do ;-)

We use these LOOMS:

and I followed this tutorial: Knit hat   and I made mine like this: 

To make the ones with a brim - you stitch 20 rows and fold in half ( back up on the loom) them make 30 more rows


I use the pink one for the kids hats, and the purple one for my husbands hats. 

and I just used the Green one to make my neighbor boys hats - they are 18mos and 3 mos - and they are so cute!!!!

Friday, January 27, 2023

A Patriotic Finish and..... Finished (or not) Friday!!

It has been a CRAZY week... How has yours been???

Here is my finish for this week... so Glad that I only had to do the quilting to make it a finish!!

The Quilt was made by Barbara. She was one of the lovely QOV'ers who would make tops and send them to me. She sadly , passed away last year. So it was an honor to quilt this one .

Isn't it Gorgeous?

There is still snow - I mean icy miserable snow.. not the fun and fluffy kind.
Finding a dry spot to shoe/trim horses is almost impossible and the ice is scary.
My dad took a fall and it has been crazy .... that stupid ice gets you every time!

A close up of the quilting.  

Hope you got something progressing this week? It is now your turn to shine!!! Link away!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stay open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Quilt Brief #2

 Maybe you saw my post of Design Brief #1 made by Stitch and Yarn?

Well - she has another design Brief up - and so....Design Brief #2  

I'll let you go read it, as I don't want to steal content - but its basically to design something you see in architecture, use black and white , and solid colors.

From My window by my computer, I see the grain silos and flaker mill.  I thought  I wonder if I could design something like that , that I would know what it is.

I have high hopes right? Only *I* need to know what it is haha!!

I have EQ7 and I am not fluent in it, but - I got to playing around and coloring things, and ..

this is what I came up with:

I put animal on there so you wouldn't think it was a spaceship, and I had to be careful as to how tall the silos were, and in what order.... think on that - you'll get it... it made my husband crack up and make a comment.

oh and!! Because I don't know how to erase lines in EQ I took the photo into photoshop and erased lines in the silos... almost all of them, I must have gotten a little tired by the time I came to the cow.

This one measures 51 x 63 - The Brief said Lap size... so that's pretty lap sized for my boys, their feet would still stick out!!! The blocks are 5 inches finished... and it will probably never be made - but was so fun to play around with shapes!!


Linking to:

MidWeek Makers

Monday, January 23, 2023

Blue RSC Blocks

 I did it!! I finally made a choice for my Rainbow Scrap Challenge for 2023!!

Last year I had decided to make as many quilts as possible out of a color.... and that was fun! But!! 

This year I already have 5 commissioned quilts to finish by the end of February ( you know... start to finish!!) and I just don't see whole RSC quilts happening for these two months...

So!! I designed a Block!!!

Churn Dashes are my absolute all time favorite block - but!!! I find myself drawn to flying geese.... and spinning stars and so!!!

That's where I went.... and Ta da!!

it does not go together as fast as my stepper and quick quilts of 2022.... and..

 I had to think of which way to keep the geese to make sure they flew around the star. 

Can't have one goose flying the wrong way you know... they have to stay in formation!!!

But with 12 of these - I may have a nice sized quilt... right?

Block size:  17 x 17 inches

Linking to:

Sew and Tell       

Design Wall Monday

Rainbow Scrap CHallenge

Friday, January 20, 2023

Falling Charms Finish and!! FInished ... Or not!! Friday!!

 Falling Charms is now done! Bound and ready to be seen!!

My Friend gave me a Charm pack and I just wanted to Dig Right in and see what I could do... so - this is what came of it!

My 6'7" son is the one holding it up... and...

its 32" x 32" .... How did he scrunch himself up so small???

I quilted it with Butterflies!!! I just felt we needed some happy Butterflies on this one, since most of the fabrics are Fruity and Florally !! 

Quilt Stats:  32 x 32 inches
Block Size: 7 inchs
Fabric Used:   I still can't see the end of the piles that I stacked ;-)

PS - this photo was taken before our last storm - as of today there is even more snow, and the drifts are bigger than my dog!!! 

Ta -da -  My First Hospice Donations for 2023.. Last year I was able to donate 40 quilts .... I don't have a goal or a plan for 2023- just want to spread a little love when I can. 

Still Quilting away - I am now taking Quilts to be Quilted in March - Email me for details

and Now!!!  it is time for you to show off!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stay open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Hiking along the Creek

There was a trail that we had been wanting to try, but timing hadn't worked out. When we were all together again we thought - lets go!! and then it snowed, enough that they closed the highway by our house. So we made cookies and tried again the next day.

Which was awesome ! We were the FIRST on the trail after the snowstorm!!!!  

And it was cold!!!! But you always forget how warm you get going up 2000 feet,... it was awesome!

 We started through this.... Lots of Snow and a little cloudy..

But Climbed high enough to get to this!!!

You could see Deer, and Elk prints, as well as a coyote, and Bunny - but no human prints!!!

Until us.... and ta da!!! A snow angel appeared!!!

I think snow and cloudy skies give you a good change to practice your Black and White Photography!!

And you know - one of my kids and I have almost perfected the Triple Play Photo... so we HAD to try it. Now serious question... how many of you hike with light sabers in your backpack??

Just being out here is so good for the soul... it smells so good. There is really nobody around and wow!!

There was supposed to be a creek, so we were careful about where we stepped - but I think since we took the high trail, the creek never passed us - we just meandered a long it.

our intent was to go to pizza for dinner on the way home, but our favorite pizza place was closed. Across the street was a Mexican Restaurant - and now! I have a NEW FAVORITE Mexican place. It was amazing!!! 
Now to just go back!!!

Happy Trails!!!

Linking to:

Monday, January 16, 2023

Quilt Briefs

 Do you read the blog Stitch and Yarn?  Somehow I cam across it and she has a Design Brief idea, and I thought - well this sounds kind of fun!!!

Design Brief Idea

Her idea was to use the Pantone Color of the year - which I can tell you I do not care for. But I pulled up my Graph Paper, and then moved into EQ and came up with a design, that used all the elements that she briefed us on:

Oh - and I used Red - its close to the color of the year..... but seeing Red always makes me think..
QOV - and so.... 
I started adding Blue... and brought the size up a bit...

And Ta da!!! I looks more Patriotic here... haha!!!  

That was a fun challenge - I have no idea if I will ever make this quilt - but that was a fun way to get the juices going...

And I just saw Design Brief Number 2:

Linking to:

Sew n Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Monday Musings at Song Bird Designs

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications

Friday, January 13, 2023

The Dash to Hawaii .... and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Just in case you want to know.. there is snow... there is snow on top of snow. While it might not be  the dire straights that other parts of the country are in.... I might be dreaming of oceans... and sun, and ....

Those dreams inspired me to finish:

The Dash To Hawaii... for while I am stitching it - I can dream of water, waves, and sun....

And then Back to reality - haha!!!

These Blue skies have not been seen regularly - we got about a 20 minute break then back to fog and drizzle.  But don't the happy prints make you think sun.... 

Looks like I forgot an up close of the quilting - but I quilted Hibiscus Flowers all over it - and I even used a Hawaiian theme backing... its just florally all over!!

We had snow again yesterday - and I got lazy and didn't want to dig my 4 wheeler out to go feed, so I used the kids sled.... They are too small for my kids now - but it was perfect for my grain buckets. My calves were staring at that sled like it would come to life and attack them!!!

That is my finish this week, and now -I had better get working on something for next week!!!!

Its your turn!!!
Link up and show us what you've got!!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

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Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Happy Jack

 Remember those photos of Ethels Quilts?  We took them at Happy Jack - but! 

Just because we got the Quilt shot..... didn't mean we were done!! There were miles of trails to take - and so ! We snowshoed!!!

and it was gorgeous!! we were the only Snowshoers out - but! We did see some mountain bikers with very fat snow tires on their bikes.

There were groups of Aspens. I love how they all huddle together. Of course, they share a root system so that makes sense. But when the spring comes - I want to come back here!!

Then we headed deep into the trees....

It's weird how the light comes thru the trees - all muted

I think that growth on the tree above is Mistletoe

Such a breath of Fresh air!

And even more snow. I love my snowshoes, but you do want to be on the packed down snow - you are not invincible in them.  As we were leaving a  new hiker was starting out,. He said - but? Do you really need snowshoes?   as he proceeded to step into a deep bank of snow up to his hips....I was real nice and said... well they worked for me.

We noticed he started back to the car as soon as we got in our car  ...hmmm

One last shot of the Aspen. I think they are just so unique!!

Happy Trails from Happy Jack!!!

Monday, January 09, 2023

Raspberry Fizz

 For my Next Pile of Fabrics:  Kind of like for the Next Trick up my sleeve....

I found a pile of Pinks and Creams. 

I wanted something that would go together fast, and make use of the fact that most of These were Width of Fabrics cuts, just not large cuts.

I have a lot of the Atkinson Design patterns and this book fell off my pile:

In the Middle of it is the Triple Treat pattern, and I said - Hey ! I have made this one before!!!

It was cowboy themed, and I can't find the photo - but I gave it to my Chiropractor!! that was back about 2008 ish! Hmm she may need a new quilt... but I digress...

Back to my Pink and Cream pile - that reminds me of Raspberry Fizz!!!

I started cutting and sorting, and I decided that the Creams -with Raspberry in the center would make Quilt Top Number 1

And the the Raspberries with Cream in the Center would make Quilt top Number 2

And then - last but not least - the leftovers ( in very poor lighting) made a tiny top of their own. I debated between tiny top, and table runner - and decided Tiny Top.

And there you go - One more Pile is Busted!!! 

And as  little side project - my QOV group is making these Framed 9 Patches : Pattern here:

For our January/February block - and I got a few knocked out!!

Linking to:

Oh SCrap!!  at Quilting is more fun than housework

Design Wall Monday at Small quilts and Doll QUilts

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

     Monday Musings at Song bird designs

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications

Friday, January 06, 2023

Blue Plaid Crumbs .... and FINISHED ( or not) FRIDAY!!!

It is the FIRST FINSIHED FRIDAY of the year!!!! 

 I have a finish!!! and I can't wait to see what you have been up to!!

This was called Plaid Crumbs with Blue, But I just changed it to Blue Plaid Crumbs... and that's still not a very good name, but it does describe it....and I am singing it in my head to the tune of Blue Suede Shoes.... by Elvis!!!!!

Ta da!!! We took this photo on a miserable cold, but beautifully sunny day!! In between storm 2 and 3 ( or was it 3 and 4?)  It's hard to complain about the cold when the sun is shining... plus... I really do like the cold.... 

Looks better with the sun on it - and see... cell phone!! I am getting better at my cell phone Photos!!

The feather quilting... I did some squared - ish Feathers on it... and!!! The Back!! Brings out the COWBOY in me haha!!!

  • Quilt Stats:  60 x 80 inches
  • Block Size 10 inches
  • Fabric used: Not enough... I still have crumbs!! 

and now!!! it is your turn to link up!! If you are new - it is Called Finished ( or not) Friday - so you can take it how you wish.

 I ( personally) try to make it a Finish each week - whether it be a whole quilt, or the Quilt top, or bringing the project to the next stage.... but that's me... I am competitive with myself!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stay open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

Link away:


******************The End*********************

Also Linking to:
Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts
TGIF Friday  at TGIF Friday

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook