Friday, December 16, 2022

Ethels Quilts of Valor and !!! Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!!

 Happy Friday!!!

To those who have had blizzards... Much sympathy to you... this wind... Blows!!! Oh my gosh - I am over the wind!!!

My Friend Ethel has been a faithful QOV'er from the beginning with me!! I started machine quilting them in 2003 and in 2004 decided to teach 100 5th graders how to quilt.... kinda forgetting I still did NOT know how to bind!!! Ethel jumped in and helped so we could get our Quilts to the Soldiers at Fort Carson!!

and since then - she is a QOV machine!!!

These are her latest two that I quilted 

I also might have gone Snowshoeing in Wyoming to get these photos.... or maybe

it was just to see the skies!!  I love this one - where she fussy cut the Eagles in the Hearts on the quilt. I am sure a Veteran is going to LOVE this one!!!

And next!!

Check out that Eagle Border!!! Doesn't that just frame this quilt beautifully??

She does such Great work!!! its an honor to quilt her quilts....

and Now... it is your turn!! Brag away!!!

Link up to your Direct post

Visit lots of links and leave some love

Link back to this post so everyone can join in!!!

and get to work on the next project!! haha!!

**************Link up ************************

***********************The END*************************


Gretchen Weaver said...

The quilts are beautiful! Ethel did a great job. I love the background of the sunshine and blue skies, so different than here in the great lakes region. We've got gray and gloom. Happy stitching!

Anonymous said...

These quilts are beautiful and I'm certain they will be appreciated. Blue skies and snow- no better backdrop. But hold on- you taught 100 fifth graders to quilt??? WHAT???? I would love to hear about this! I taught 42 fifth graders to knit- oh my oh my what a challenge- but I have been thinking about how to go about teaching kids to quilt. Any information would be helpful.

Vicki in MN said...

Both are such beautiful quilts, you gals make a great team.

Michelle said...

Both of these quilts are beautiful and will be well-loved.

Snowcatcher said...

Those really are awesome. I love the fussy-cut hearts. My goodness, I needed this burst of joy this week! Thank you for all you do for our veterans!

Sue in Scottsdale, AZ said...

Beautiful quilts and a gorgeous blue sky. Love it all!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Ethel's quilts are beautiful with beautiful quilting too. Also what a background to showcase those vibrant colours!

Kathleen said...

Such wonderful quilts and wonderful of you to be her quilting angel! Thanks for hosting this finish it up party...always glad when I can link up.

grammajudyb said...

Oh my! Both the quilts are fabulous. I especially like the Eagles in the hearts in the stars, but the Trip Around the World is great use of fabric and the eagle border just sets it off! Lots of snow in Wyoming, but you probably knew that already. Hope all your peeps are safe!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Beautiful quilts and photography. Looks like you two make a wonderful team!

Kate said...

Very cool QOV's! I agree, Ethel makes exceptional quilts. We are so over the wind here too. It would be so much nicer without it.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful piecing, great quilting--you and Ethel are a terrific team!

Delighted Hands said...

Her quilts are beautiful! Nice job on the continued efforts!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

They are both amazing!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, those are beautiful quilts. You are both amazing quilters for QOV. I hope that you had a great time in the snow - it looks beautiful and crisp! Thanks for the linking party :-) Take care.

Norma said...

These are gorgeous QOVs. I'm sure the recipients will love these!