Friday, January 27, 2023

A Patriotic Finish and..... Finished (or not) Friday!!

It has been a CRAZY week... How has yours been???

Here is my finish for this week... so Glad that I only had to do the quilting to make it a finish!!

The Quilt was made by Barbara. She was one of the lovely QOV'ers who would make tops and send them to me. She sadly , passed away last year. So it was an honor to quilt this one .

Isn't it Gorgeous?

There is still snow - I mean icy miserable snow.. not the fun and fluffy kind.
Finding a dry spot to shoe/trim horses is almost impossible and the ice is scary.
My dad took a fall and it has been crazy .... that stupid ice gets you every time!

A close up of the quilting.  

Hope you got something progressing this week? It is now your turn to shine!!! Link away!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stay open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

******************Link Up ********************

********************The End***********************


Leanne Parsons said...

What a special finish! I hope your dad wasn't hurt when he fell on the ice. School is closed here this morning because the roads are all a sheet of glass.

Preeti said...

Oh my goodness, Alycia. that is a lot of triangles. such a labor of love. I am sure Barbara would've been so happy for your lovely quilting to complete this project. It is indeed gorgeous!

Kat Scribner said...

That quilt of valor is a real beauty. I hate ice too, except in my water. Always been afraid of it, obviously I was never on skates. Stay safe.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Barbara pieced a lovely top. Glad you got to put the finishing touches on it.

Vicki W said...

That quilt is beautiful! I agree, icy snow is no fun at all. I hope your Dad is OK and that no one else gets injured!

Nann said...

The QOV design is terrific! I'm sure the quilting process was a little bittersweet as you remembered your friend.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that your dad fell. I hope he is okay. Take care!

The quilt is stunning and a beautiful way to spend time remembering and honoring Barbara.

Marti said...

Yes, that is a beautiful quilt! It's so sad that Barbara didn't get to see it quilted. I'm sure she would have loved those stars as much as I do.

I hope your dad is okay. I remember falling on ice when I was younger and it hurt. It would hurt more now.

Snowcatcher said...

Boy, this one really got the salty water building in the tear ducts... What a special finish. The quilting is beautiful, and the quilt is such a great tribute to a marvelous woman. I, too, think she would be honored. I'm so sorry your dad took a spill. We have not been out at all this week, thanks to the snow and ice. Love the moisture; not so enthusiastic about the slipping a sliding!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a beautiful quilt, and a lovely one to honor both your friend who pieced it and a veteran! I hope your dad didn't get hurt. I'm being very careful with my mom in this stuff!

Delighted Hands said...

Oh, it turned out beutifully! Ice is a formidable opponent during winter! Be careful!

loulee said...

What a beautiful quilt. Hope your dad is ok after his fall.

Ivani said...

Sure is a gorgeous finished.
Sorry to hear your dad fell, hope he is OK

Michelle said...

I’m sorry about the loss of your friend and fellow QOVer. Her top is a beauty.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I hope your dad is ok. My son wouldn't let me on the patio the other day because of ice.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What a lovely quilt, made by you and your friend for a good cause. Take care on the ice, hope your dad is okay.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, beware of that ice! We have lots of snow but ice underneath, so a little bit treacherous. That is a great quilt - you did a great job quilting it. Take care and I hope that next week is less crazy?!

Bonnie said...

That is a lovely quilt. I like how those two different blocks play so well together. It's sad to hear of quilters who have died. But what a blessing that you could finish her quilt. Sorry about the ice but, please keep it there and don't send it to the Mid-Atlantic states.

quiltingbydawn said...

This quilt is beautiful and extra special! I really like how the courthouse steps work with the star blocks! Hope you dad is OK

cityquilter grace said...

ooh it's a beauty sorry to hear about your dad, hope nothing serious...