Friday, January 20, 2023

Falling Charms Finish and!! FInished ... Or not!! Friday!!

 Falling Charms is now done! Bound and ready to be seen!!

My Friend gave me a Charm pack and I just wanted to Dig Right in and see what I could do... so - this is what came of it!

My 6'7" son is the one holding it up... and...

its 32" x 32" .... How did he scrunch himself up so small???

I quilted it with Butterflies!!! I just felt we needed some happy Butterflies on this one, since most of the fabrics are Fruity and Florally !! 

Quilt Stats:  32 x 32 inches
Block Size: 7 inchs
Fabric Used:   I still can't see the end of the piles that I stacked ;-)

PS - this photo was taken before our last storm - as of today there is even more snow, and the drifts are bigger than my dog!!! 

Ta -da -  My First Hospice Donations for 2023.. Last year I was able to donate 40 quilts .... I don't have a goal or a plan for 2023- just want to spread a little love when I can. 

Still Quilting away - I am now taking Quilts to be Quilted in March - Email me for details

and Now!!!  it is time for you to show off!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stay open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

**************Link Up Here ******************

****************The End********************

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Kate said...

Very fun finish! Love that butterfly quilting, a nice reminder of spring when you have snow on the ground.

Vicki in MN said...

You are a blessing to those in need, 40 quilts way to go! I won't get that many done this year, but I am trying!

Cathy said...

Charming quilt! And oh, that quilting! So much fun.

And I do love the look of a pile of quilts- kudos to you,Alycia, on that pile for hospice!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute butterfly quilting.

Michelle said...

Such a sweet quilt.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh wow, your 6'7" son did a lot better hiding behind your 32" finish than my 6'2" husband did... but I think the wind was a big factor for my husband, LOL. Looks great!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That is a cute one, and such a perfect design for a charm pack! Is it your own design? We might need a tutorial! I think your 6'7" son must be very flexible! :)

Snowcatcher said...

Perfect use of a summery charm pack, and oh, my, those butterflies!!! I'm in love! Also so touched you have donated so many quilts to hospice. I'm lucky to get one a year done and donated. Keep right on inspiring all of us!

Kris said...

Love the butterfly motif. Just what is needed to brighten a childs day.

loulee said...

What a lovely little finish.

Kathleen said...

So many donation quilts, you are spreading a lot of love! Love this quilt and so nice to know it will comfort someone in hospice.

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great finish- love the butterfly quilting. You are inspiring!

Susan said...

I love what came of it! It's so pretty.

Delighted Hands said...

What a beautiful little charm quilt! Nice job on the quilting, too!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

That looks like a fun fast quilt. Stay warm and cozy with all of that snow.

Amy Johnson said...

I'm so impressed with anyone who can finish a quilt. I tend to start them but never finish them. Your's is lovely!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I enjoyed your hiking photos. Isn't being out in the frosty fresh air the greatest feeling!
Also love this Falling Charms quilt. I wish I enjoyed machine stitching better to get things done faster.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow, great charity quilts, nice job! I also love the Falling Charms, with all the beautiful butterfly quilting.

Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Great finish!