Whoop Whoop - its that day again!!!! Strut your Stuff!!!
Brag away!!! show us those Beautiful Finishes!!!
Today - I am going to DOUBLE BRAG!!!
For My First Finish!!!
One of the fields that we hay was ready - and so we had hay on the trailer
I thought that would be a really cool spot to take a photo.
I might have been wrong,
there wasn't a flat spot to see the whole quilt!
and!! while I was standing there...
I was informed that I should UNLOAD the hay!
And here is the back
It is Bucking Broncos!!!
Too MUCH fun!
Cowboy Gingham measures 48 x 48 inches
Started in February and finished IN THE SAME YEAR
Gratuitous Knuckle Head shot
"We are Innocent!!! LET us OUT!!"
AND NOW!!! On to the Second Finish !
This is Forty Six
a String pieced appliqued Tulip quilt
Pieced by Julie ( Quilt Diva Julie)
and quilted ( and bound) by Quiltygirl !!!!
My Learning on this one - it is gorgeous - but!!!
She String pieced the Tulips - and the subtle differences in color - just made those Tulips STUNNING!!!!
Even MORE stunning that if it would have been one color Tulips....
While I was setting the Quilt up - I felt some eyes on me ( to the right center) and I looked up and saw!
Antelope!!!! I know its a bad photo - but I had my 25mm lens on to take Quilt photos!!!! I needed my longer lens!
A close up of the quilting
This panto is called
This is Julies Third one that will go to Mercyful Quilts for Hospice/Pallative Care
And because Julie has the best fabric tastes
Check out that back!!!
Thanks for sticking with me this far!! I had a lot of words built up !!!
And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.
( I reserve the right to remove you from the linky party if you don't link back)You all know I am pretty lenient in this party - but out respect for the title - at least include something that you are working on... the goal is to get our projects to the finish.... Strut your stuff!!
*****Link up****
*****The end *****
Find me at all these places: