Tuesday, June 28, 2022

Chandelier QOV's are DONE ( well two of them)

 Two of the Chandelier quilts my sewing group was working on are now finished!!!

We all made the blocks

On one of them most of the rows were sewn

I finished putting the tops together

I quilted them

and then! I threw myself on the group - and they bound them!!! 😂🤣

Number one - Caught the Wind!!

And a close up of the quilting - because - I mean really!!!! 

Number two!
( I couldn't find a person when I was ready to take the photo!)

And a Close up of it's quilting!!

I have a few more to put together - but... they will be a little time in getting done... I have a few memory quilts to make for a friend ;-)

Oh and! I was so proud of myself - I told my husband I had every client quilt due in June done and delivered... and he said... that's good, July starts Friday.... Ha ha!!! Time just marches on!

Monday, June 27, 2022

Playing in the Strings

In January I decided to try to make a string (type) Block a day... and hopefully use up some of my stash!!!

The pile has gotten rather large - so I decided that maybe it was time to make a top or two and see what I could do!

We all know that I have a plethora of Red, Whites and Blues... so Ta da!!

This is the first top I started on! If you remember.... I made one called Inspired by Cynthia ( Click here for the full story) and I just kept going with this style - so why  not try it again with the blocks I have finished!!!

This is fully Topped and on my table while I find a backing for it....

But I couldn't stop there - I had made strings with my leftover teals 
and this was all I had - so you know I had to do something with them!!

Now this one is a top - and I found a really fun Hawaiian Print for the back....

Every time I think I am making a dent in my string bin... I trim a new quilt and BAM!!  Its full again... I see more stringing in the next week....

Happy Monday!!!

Linking to:

Monday Making  and Design Wall Monday

Friday, June 24, 2022

Cowboys.... Forty Six... and!!!! Finished (or not) Friday

 Whoop Whoop - its that day again!!!! Strut your Stuff!!! 

 Brag away!!! show us those Beautiful Finishes!!!

Today - I am going to DOUBLE BRAG!!!

For My First Finish!!!


One of the fields that we hay was ready - and so we had hay on the trailer
I thought that would be a really cool spot to take a photo.

I might have been wrong,
there wasn't a flat spot to see the whole quilt!

and!! while I was standing there... 
I was informed that I should UNLOAD the hay!

And here is the back

It is Bucking Broncos!!!
Too MUCH fun!

Cowboy Gingham measures 48 x 48 inches

Started in February and finished IN THE SAME YEAR

Gratuitous Knuckle Head shot
"We are Innocent!!! LET us OUT!!"

AND NOW!!! On to the Second Finish !
This is Forty Six
a String pieced appliqued Tulip quilt

Pieced by Julie ( Quilt Diva Julie)
and quilted ( and bound) by Quiltygirl !!!!

My Learning on this one - it is gorgeous - but!!! 

She String pieced the Tulips - and the subtle differences in color - just made those Tulips STUNNING!!!!  

Even MORE stunning that if it would have been one color Tulips.... 

While I was setting the Quilt up - I felt some eyes on me  ( to the right center) and I looked up and saw!

Antelope!!!!  I know its a bad photo - but I had my 25mm lens on to take Quilt photos!!!!   I needed my longer lens!

A close up of the quilting
This panto is called

This is Julies Third one that will go to Mercyful Quilts for Hospice/Pallative Care

And because Julie has the best fabric tastes
Check out that back!!!

Thanks for sticking with me this far!! I had a lot of words built up !!!

  • And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!
  • Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.

  • ( I reserve the right to remove you from the linky party if you don't link back)
  • You all know I am pretty lenient in this party - but out respect for the title - at least include something that you are working on... the goal is to get our projects to the finish.... 
  • Strut your stuff!!

  • *****Link up****

    *****The end *****

    Find me at all these places:

    Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

    Friday, June 17, 2022

    Forest Steppers finish and...... Finished ( or not) Friday

    This week has just flown by!!! I am not sure what makes them go faster or slower but holee cow... I was shocked to see Friday on the calendar!!

    We have been running sun up to sun down ( and maybe even later) these days. We ride at dawn, we haul hay/move cattle/ride other horses and mow till dark... its that time of year!

    I did manage to Squeeze in my  May Steppers Quilt this week tho!!!

    The color for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge was dark greens ( I think... its soooo long ago haha)

    And so!

    I will admit to running out of daylight to take its photo... so I turned on every light in the house to simulate the day ... I am sure I looked like a lighthouse on a hill!

    Did you know that if you try hard enough - spotlights work too.... I thought you might want to see the back.
    And!! it is bound and completely finished!

  • And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!
  • Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.

  • ( I reserve the right to remove you from the linky party if you don't link back)
  • You all know I am pretty lenient in this party - but out respect for the title - at least include something that you are working on... the goal is to get our projects to the finish.... 
  • Strut your stuff!!
  • ******Link up ******

    ***** the end*****

    Wednesday, June 15, 2022


    The Second Quilt in the awesome box that came from QuiltDiva Julie  is called


    I mean!! what a name right?

    Are you ready to see it???

    This one seemed better to hang on the cream trailer..... haha!

    Julie combined a lot of different blocks in this one
    But the theme?


    It was a bright sunny day - which I like for taking quilt photos, but it might have been to bright? I could see the quilting real well....

    But it was hard to get a good photo of the quilt!
    ( which is why above, there is one on my wood floor!(

    If I stepped back 
    I thought you could see more of the quilt, and less of the quilting...

    This one is Bound, and washed, and sitting with Drama Queen... almost ready to go to Mercyful Quilts.

    ( I have one more to quilt and finish and then the box will be full)

    Gratuitous Puppy Shot (here his is Bonnie haha!) You will note Puppy is old... but he still thinks he's a Puppy... I think he is 12 now??

    linking to:

    Midweek Makers

    Monday, June 13, 2022

    Churn Dash Design wall ... I think I am there!

     I am back to the Churn Dash quilt!

    I have been using these blocks as my Leader/Enders between other quilt tops... its just the way I roll ( haha)

    And each time I add a block I think... is this it? Is this how big it is supposed to be?

    I made the executive decision - that yes!! This is how big it is supposed to be. 
    It is wide enough that in the winter I can fit two of us under it, and! If its really cold I can convince K to snuggle, but!!! Puppy can sit at my feet and have a spot for him too!

    OR!! I can use it the other direction, for when Puppy thinks he should be on the couch with us!!

    I would like to say that was the master plan......you'll believe me right?

    Gratuitous walking with Puppy Shot  ;-)

    linking wiht: 

    Monday Making     and    design Wall Monday

    Friday, June 10, 2022

    You are the Drama Queen.... and !!! Finished ( or Not) Friday

    So the song running thru  my head is actually Dancing Queen from Abba - but! Don't you think Drama Queen fits?

    and DRAMA QUEEN - its the most awesome name for a Quilt!! 

    Here is how this one came about. 

    I was reading Bernie's Blog ( needle and foot ) and she was talking about the Positivity QAL .... in the comments Julie ( QuiltDiva Julie ) commented that she had quilts available but they needed to be quilted

    I admit... I am a stalker.... I emailed Julie and said - I have time to quilt them if you'd like .... and then my UPS man showed up and said  - Here is the box you are looking for. And I said Do you want to see what's inside?

    So we opened up the box and Drama Queen was on the top - and he laughed and said - do you all name your quilts?

    And I said No, but we should - cuz this is awesome...

    and so! Drama Queen yelled at us and said finish me FIRST!!!

    Photo Overload!!!

    Tip Number one - if you want Alycia to actually  finish something- provide pre-made binding.
    Julie did not know this ( nor did Alycia) but she included pre made binding and IT! WAS! SO! EASY! to bind.... apparently my non love of binding might come down to the making of said binding!

    Tip number two:  Stop gawking at all the COOL fabrics in said quilt.... or if you gawk - set a timer!

    Tip Number three - send photos to your kids and hear them say - oh Wow! That one is so cool. 

    Tip Number Four :   Texture is SO cool on such a full quilt such as the Drama Queen!

    Tip Number Five - when the Quilts name is Drama Queen - just know that SHE wants to steal the spotlight - so she will still outshine the quilting.... cuz you know - she is full of Drama!

    There you have it!
    Drama Queen
    Pieced by Julie the Quilt Diva
    Quilted by Quiltygirl
    Heading to Mercyful Quilts ( after I finish a few more to stuff the box)

    • And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!
    • Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.
    • ( I reserve the right to remove you from the linky party if you don't link back)
    • Strut your stuff!!
    ********Link Up ******


    Wednesday, June 08, 2022

    Positivity 2022

     Maybe you all have heard - but on the off chance you haven't....

    Preeti is Hosting the Positivity 2022 QAL this year ( again?)  

    This will benefit Mercyful Quilts, for Pallative/Hospice care in California . 

    She has come up with a great schedule, and wonderful block tutorial and a due date

    Due dates are VERY important... I hate being late to anything, therefore!  I need Due Dates.

    She provided a REALLY cool block tutorial, and I, being one of NO patience, decided to jump right in.

    Except....Sometimes I forget to read the instructions, and instead follow photos, and you know.... 

    My first quilt will look just a little bit different... but its all good!

    This is how it happened. I saw her instructions called for 2 1/2 strips and 5 inch squares. so I grabbed my 5 inch plaid square box. Because PLAID!! and I grabbed my 2 1/2 inch square bin and I got to making the blocks.

    And I had a stack of them, and decided it was time to turn in... chores start at 5 around here ....

    BUT!!! at 2:30 in the morning I sat upright and said - oops - I don't think I followed her instructions right... I can't cut and twist them..... So I pulled up her instructions, and read them... Oh!! 

    Did you know if you READ you can learn something 🤣😂😅

    But its all good - I like where this one is going, and after I finish it... I am really going to try her tutorial.  I think this will still be good for Positivity 2022 - and it will go there anyways ;-)

    My Mom always told me I should learn patience.... here is proof ;-)

    Head over to Preetis Blog and learn how you can participate


    Linking to:

    Midweek Makers

    Monday, June 06, 2022

    Plaid Stepper Progress

    I started this one when I didn't know what the color for our RSC was going to be in May

    and because Lois gave me a bag of plaids that just had to be dug into.....

    and now!!!

    Its a finish!!

    When it was up on the design wall I thought it was kind of Muddy in color... you know - it all blended in - but now that it is quilted and hanging in the sun... I disagree with myself!! I think there is a good variety of Plaids in there!!

    This is an up close for Judy - she asked about my flamingo clips - they are towel clips for pool chairs. I don't always have a pool - but! now I have my flamingos ( I also have margarita glasses haha)

    A quick shot of the back. I found this Grey shirting in my stash and I think it just worked SO very well!

    And you know... one more gratuitous shot - just in case you couldn't see the quilting ;-)

    A couple of you asked how many blocks I make for each quilt - and the answer is - I don't know.
    I just started sewing these strips together until I got tired, then I laid them up on the design wall - and Ta da!

    I actually had one extra - that will go into my block bin....
    again - here is the block tutorial Block Tutorial

    Have a great one!!!

    Linking to:

    Design Wall Monday

    Monday Making

    Friday, June 03, 2022

    Plaid Stop Tossing.... and ! Finished! ( or not) Friday

     Remember the Mystery quilt called Stop Tossing?

    I did the Patriotic one, and then!

    I really wanted to try one in Plaid... and so... with all the plaid that I possess.. what is to stop me ?

    There it is!!! - I would like you to note... I bound it.. oh ya! that is what caused the disturbance in the atmosphere!

    I think the plaid turned out so nice - and its so soft.
    I quilted swirls and stars in it ( it is a pantograph but I don't know the name)

    One more parting shot!

    This was a super easy, fun and fast mystery - I designed it - so the link at the top has all of the steps if you decide to want  make it. The previous patterns are in my Etsy store ;-)

    • Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)
    • Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project 

    • Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment
    • Link Ends Sunday at Noon ( my time)
    • Please - link back to this post so others can join in

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