Friday, June 24, 2022

Cowboys.... Forty Six... and!!!! Finished (or not) Friday

 Whoop Whoop - its that day again!!!! Strut your Stuff!!! 

 Brag away!!! show us those Beautiful Finishes!!!

Today - I am going to DOUBLE BRAG!!!

For My First Finish!!!


One of the fields that we hay was ready - and so we had hay on the trailer
I thought that would be a really cool spot to take a photo.

I might have been wrong,
there wasn't a flat spot to see the whole quilt!

and!! while I was standing there... 
I was informed that I should UNLOAD the hay!

And here is the back

It is Bucking Broncos!!!
Too MUCH fun!

Cowboy Gingham measures 48 x 48 inches

Started in February and finished IN THE SAME YEAR

Gratuitous Knuckle Head shot
"We are Innocent!!! LET us OUT!!"

AND NOW!!! On to the Second Finish !
This is Forty Six
a String pieced appliqued Tulip quilt

Pieced by Julie ( Quilt Diva Julie)
and quilted ( and bound) by Quiltygirl !!!!

My Learning on this one - it is gorgeous - but!!! 

She String pieced the Tulips - and the subtle differences in color - just made those Tulips STUNNING!!!!  

Even MORE stunning that if it would have been one color Tulips.... 

While I was setting the Quilt up - I felt some eyes on me  ( to the right center) and I looked up and saw!

Antelope!!!!  I know its a bad photo - but I had my 25mm lens on to take Quilt photos!!!!   I needed my longer lens!

A close up of the quilting
This panto is called

This is Julies Third one that will go to Mercyful Quilts for Hospice/Pallative Care

And because Julie has the best fabric tastes
Check out that back!!!

Thanks for sticking with me this far!! I had a lot of words built up !!!

  • And now.... it is your turn!! Link up your finishes for this week!
  • Help us make the linky party grow and Provide a link back ON YOUR POST - to this post.

  • ( I reserve the right to remove you from the linky party if you don't link back)
  • You all know I am pretty lenient in this party - but out respect for the title - at least include something that you are working on... the goal is to get our projects to the finish.... 
  • Strut your stuff!!

  • *****Link up****

    *****The end *****

    Find me at all these places:

    Etsy           Instagram           Facebook


    Debra said...

    Your clothes pins are too cute!! As is your quilt.

    Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

    I love how Julie used teal for the background on her purple tulips!!! Very bold! And of course I love a good gingham quilt! I can relate--trying to find a flat spot for quilt photos!?!

    chrisknits said...

    Lovely finishes today!! I am seeing more and more of the Buffalo Check style quilts around, I made a pillow, but now I am thinking I need to do a baby quilt in this style just to have fun with it. The Tulips are stunning!!

    Home Sewn By Us said...

    Good morning Alycia! Oh boy . . . I can see by just scrolling to the comment link that there is a squirrel project headed my way. By looking at a portion of the very first picture I can see that I LOVE this finish. Buffalo check/gingham . . . OMG. So pretty. Now, I have to read and see what the horses are up to! HAHA - while you were standing there. heehee Isn't that what you say to a youngster?! Unload while you're just standing there! Let us OUT, or do you have an apple for me?? Or perhaps a sugar cube?!! Those faces - I just want to come pet them and talk quietly and listen to what they have to say. All six ears are listening to you!! Great job on the quilting, too. Now that I've written an epistle . . . thank you for the linky party. I'm thrilled to finally have something to share. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

    Quiltdivajulie said...

    I think your quilting on Forty-Six absolutely turns the quilt into something VERY special. I hope whoever receives it through the Mercyful program feels the same way. And your photo of the knuckleheads (horses) is great!

    LA Paylor said...

    I watch freesian horses on youtube... love love horses and your photo!

    Vicki in MN said...

    Oh that tulip is so stunning while your gingham is just plain fun!

    Melva said...

    Great shots of those finishes. :) Unload the hay??? What? I have no time for this! lol. ;)

    Bernie Kringel said...

    Great post this morning Alycia. Your photos are so cool. The tulip quilt is amazing and Mercy Hospital will be so grateful! Julie certainly has an incredible eye for color, right?

    Quilter Kathy said...

    TWO finishes?!? Well done!

    Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

    Oh getting to see the antelope is such a special treat! And I agree the tulips are more lovely because of the strip piecing. Hooray for two finishes this week, that's excellent. :)

    Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

    Two finishes. In one week! Don't set the bar too high for the rest of us please :)

    WeedyMama said...

    Those tulips look so good, the antelope thought they would just stroll over for a bite. If the knuckleheads don't get there first.

    Lovin' the inspiration.

    Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

    Loved all the photos and the great quilting.

    Delighted Hands said...

    Beautiful work--love the quilting on the tulip quilt. I could see the antelope! But I really enjoyed the horses!

    Mystic Quilter said...

    Both beautiful quilts and also beautifully quilted, I love the first photo with the hay bales, takes me back to hay making as a youngster. Love the horses!!!

    Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

    Beautiful quilt, and a great idea to combine strings and applique! Love the horses.

    The Joyful Quilter said...

    Fabulous finishes, Alycia!!