From WWII Veterans:
*On behalf of my Father in Law, I would like to thank you for the beautiful Quilt of Valor that was given to him onhis return from the Honor Flight. Mac - at 100 years old was the 1st centarian to make this trip. Thanks so much for this beautiful Quilt. It means a lot to him, and he will not let it out of his sight.*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I want to Thank all of those involved in the making of the fine quilt that you gave me. It was a gesture not expected. I was amazed at the quilts, and want to Thank all responsible for this effort.*
*What a surprise! As we entered the hotel there were about 60 people in the lobby. They were cheering and clapping for every one of the WWII vets that had been on the Honor Flight. We were met by a greeter who told us to go into the room to recieve a gift for our service. As we went into the room , we were met by an elementary school student who thanked us for our service in the war. They presented us with a pillowcase that held the most beautiful quilt.
I want to Thank you for taking the time to make this gift for us. I am sure that it was a gift of love with all of your blessings and God's grace and love for us all. God Bless you all. I feel that he looked after me and brought me back safely from this conflict. A.H
I am writing to Thank you for the beautiful Quilt of Valor. I was quite surprised and pleased to recieve it. I am so eager to show it to my children and grandchildren, however it is ALL mine! I appreciate your thoughtfulness and talent. L.C.
This must be the best mail day in the world - as I recieved some letters from the soldiers at Ft Carson as well. Are you ready for those too?
Dear Quilters,
I am writing to thank you all who participated in that beautiful quilt that I recieved upon my return to the states. The label says Made by April West. Would you please send her my Thanks as well? I love it - thanks again. DW
Dear Quilters,
As it is getting colder I am more and more grateful for my quilt. I thank you for getting it to me when I needed it. Who knew that a quilt could feel like a hug? I am hoping to be discharged soon, and will keep it with me always. Sincerely AK
So there you have it folks! These are important! Many people have emailed me and said well I only have time for one quilt. And I am here to say that one quilt is one more soldier covered. Many of the quilts that came in for our Ft Carson project did not have labels on them, which was fine. But I made labels and put the name of the maker, quilter, any info I had. But I did not feel comfortable putting your addresses on them without permission. There is an email on each label - so I hope that soldiers will continue to get in touch with us. But if not - these quilts are gifts, and with Gifts they are freely given.
~* Another question I have recieved... the Fort Carson project was completely seperate from the WWII quilts. The quilts that came for Ft Carson are at Ft Carson. I am again collecting them for Ft Carson - I have 95 at the moment for them. The quilts that we did for the Honor Flight were specifically for them. I asked at QOVF headquarters if it was good - and it was good. (grin). Hope that clears that up.
Now off to build an island with my son for a school project. If I can make a quilt, I can build an island right??