I have been asked if I do anything other than quilting... well ... why would you ask that? *giggle* But yes - there are a few other things that go on around here.
This top pic if my middle son. He is in 4-H and this year he has decided he wants to do cake decorating and horses. So we decided we better learn about decorating cakes. I went to Denver with a friend and was telling her about this - then I casually said - so do you know anything about cake decorating? Surprise - this is what she did prior to quilting!! So she got us her books and gave me a lot of good starter info - and we practiced on saturday on Graham Crackers. They were yummy!

Then there is my little guy. The bag he is holding up came from Tracye - it is SO cool! You can put the whole world in there, of course the only thing the kids care about is the food! He is playing football - so 2 nites a week and Saturdays are football. He lost a tooth last nite - very exciting.. and the one next to it is loose too!!
Last but not least is the oldest *gulp* He is on the swim team and he has meets once a week and practice every day - so we chase him around too. This season has started out awesome for him - I expect great things!!
Okay - so now I can get back to quilting right? *smile*
This morning as we left for school there were two flaggers ( for the highway construction dept) in our driveway. Never dawned on me to ask why they were in MY drive ... but as I came back I noticed they had a steam roller and 2 huge trucks there. I told the flagger - Um - Ma'am - your crew is in my driveway. She says oh they are fixing the edges - I don't think you can get in - and you can't drive on it for 4 hours.... ummm, well she understood my plight as I told her - but I work up there... so they helped me sneak around the stuff and get up the road - now I can't leave until 2pm... which is such a hardship *grin*
See ya later!