Friday, September 18, 2020

The Blocks.... and finished (or not) finished Friday

 Thursday night I yelled - Oh no!! I don't have a Finish for Friday... and my husband said... well you could say you finished loading hay... I said yuck!! no... that is not quilty related....

He said... you could say you finally finished figuring out why you were having machine troubles ( lost a screw on a wheel ( longarm) )  and I said ...No!! Yuck ... that is boring - and a little bit frustrating...

He said... well... go drink a bottle of wine ( or whine)  and I kicked him out... Just kidding... I made him go do chores... and I finished....


Ta- da!!! All of my Greek Key blocks are now finished!!!

And just to prove that we did finish the hay.... its all loaded....

and restacked so we can drive on the highway

and home... because - ol merry Mare here... she wants some!!

And now!!! It is your turn! Show me ( or even tell me) What you got finished!!!  and.... if you got a bottle of whine for it - ha ha! 

I think my allergy pills have made me goofy!!




Cathy said...

Wine but no whines allowed here!
I could easily get lost in that fabulous maze of Greek Keys.
Glad I wasn't the one who finished loading hay!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! I have no finish today but yay you for finishing those Greek blocks. I can see why ol' merry Mare wants some of that fresh hay - I'm sure it's like any food where it's better when freshest. So what's the layout plan for the blocks? Just curious if you're adding sashing or borders? Happy Friday and good job. ~smile~ Roseanne

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Those Greek Key blocks have loads of personality, I love them. Well done~ congrats on all the other chores completed too!

Turid said...

I'm so happy to show you a finish, and now I hope to get a bottle of whine, or wine). I love how your quilt turned out. Have a nice weekend!

Snowcatcher said...

What great finishes you have! Hay included! I've enjoyed watching those blocks come along. They are kind of hypnotizing...

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

awesome! both the blocks and the hay!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that’s a lot of very productive finishes, that I’m sure the horse appreciates! Don’t forget that your post is called finished...or not! Those are great key blocks. Have a great weekend. Take care.

Delighted Hands said...

I don't blame you! I get the chores done super fast so I have time to do the stitching/painting/knitting! lol

chrisknits said...

What a cutie patootie!!!

Quilter Kathy said...

Great job on the blocks and the hay!
I didn't accomplish anything this week! (well I did work like a dog, and I didn't get covid, so I guess those are 2 great accomplishments!)

Rebecca Grace said...

Alycia, your Greek Key blocks AND your hay look awesome! I love the smell of fresh cut hay even though I haven't smelled it in decades. We used to clamber all over the hay that was stacked in my grandfather's barn in Minnesota, even though we weren't supposed to be up in the hay loft because "we might fall through the floor." You deserve some wine AND some "whine," if you need it!

Quiltpiecer said...

Love those Greek Key blocks. Well, I had some whine with that Halloween quilt but I'm happy it's finished so it's time for that wine! Loved your post.