Monday, July 31, 2023

Layer Cake Loop - the Top

 Remember my Layer Cake Quilt... its the pattern called Layer Cake Loop from the Fat quarter shop - but I made an adjustment!  I tried to do it without cutting down the Layer cake - and now....

It is a top!!!
And photographing said top on a breezy day was a challenge!!!

Instead of yelling at the wind... I just took photos from all different angles!!!

I see a marathon quilting session in my future haha!

On another note - have any of you seen that show Swedish Death Cleaning ( its on Peacock I think)?

I have been watching it as I sort thru my parents things - but it made me feel the need to really clean - so I started in my room... and then went to the younger sons room, then the older sons room... and I kept finding things and sending them photos .. and then they would laugh and say - Mom you are the one that made me save that... pass it on.

Between my parents things and those things - I think I have made a batrillion trips to the ARC, the Bargain Box and the ReStore.... and I have way more to go!

We were sorta of laughing at ourselves - when we moved out here all those years ago - everything K and I owned fit in our horse trailer.  We are now on the 2nd load of things from my parents house...... and there's still more to go. I am halfway sorting as we are loading - and halfway waiting to sort at my house... weird I know - but its turning out easier for me to do it this way.

That being said

I have this book and I am done with it - the back says $27.95 - but for the first person that says they want this book I will send it to you for postage.... USPS says $10.... so lets go with that - you can Venmo or paypal it - Because my comments are moderated - I will look for the first one that says I WILL TAKE THE Book - and leaves me a way to contact them ;-)

Don't forget to join us here on Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday

Linking to:

Friday, July 28, 2023

Framed 9 patch top and!! Finished!!! ( or not!) Friday!

Happy Friday!!!

I have been working on my Jelly roll quilt  and now!! it is in Top Form!!!

When I first posted about this quilt I thought I would get 42 blocks out of my Jelly roll - as I just assumed that a roll had 42 pieces in it - Imagine my surprise when I ended up with only 40 blocks!  

One of you should have pointed out my math error. just sayin' .....

A trip down to the fabric area was required.... and then I got lost - and I think I have started 14 more projects... but!!! I did end up with 2 more 2 1/2 inch strips that I thought would work to fill the holes..

You just know I had to add a piece of plaid!! Who will know that I made it if I don't!! ( and no Joy - I don't think I will ever run out of plaid in this century!!!)

Then it was off to rearrange the colors a bit...

and now!!!!

Framed 9 Patch is all ready to quilt!!

You will note all three of my clamps?  My Margarita ones had a hard time getting over the wood - the Flamingo did not - he was a rock star - but! There was also a construction clamp that wanted to get in on the action ..... Bwahh hahaha!!!

and now it is your turn!!

Show off what you did this week? What did you finish, make progress on, start?  Show it off!!

******Link starts here**** ***The end****

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

100 Year Birthday celebration for our WWII Veteran

I was invited to a WWII Veterans 100th birthday celebration - and lawsy mercy was I impressed!!
Roger joined the Army Air Corps in July of 1942 and he became a glider pilot. On August 15, 1944 he piloted his glider during the Invasion of Southern France behind enemy lines.
He received a medal for his efforts - in a mission that they were told only had a 50% success and survival rate.
He then flew C45's carrying equipment and wounded soldiers. he returned home in 1945, only to reenlist in the Air Force and serve until 1970.
He had a book in his house ( shown) and told me he was interviewed for it - so you know I ordered it and its on its way.
My part in the Celebration? I got to award Roger a Quilt of Valor for his service in front of his many neighbors, children, grandchildren and great children.
What an honor for me to meet this amazing Veteran - and what an honor to hear his stories!!
( PS - I want to be like Roger when I am 100!!!)


Monday, July 24, 2023

Dakota Inspired ... through Canada!!!

I got an email that said - I followed your Mystery Quilt Dakota Inspired and I have it finished - I will be traveling through Loveland and I think you aren't too far from there. Could I deliver it?

And I said YES!!! lets meet in town and get ice cream - because - as you know!

There is nothing better than Meeting Quilters, Quilts, and ICE CREAM!!

Kathy and her Husband Dave made the trek to Kersey Pizza and it was so much fun!!

Although. I am not sure Dave is going to let me hang out with Kathy again..

He said - gosh she starts so many projects - to which I said - yes - that is what artists do...let her go.

And he promptly laughed and I think swore me off forever hahahaha!!!

Seriously - two of the nicest people ever!! It was a great time ( for me, she doesn't blog ( yet)  so we won't get to know what she thought )  

The actual Quilt delivery!! Note the water on the ground - just as I was headed to meet her the skies opened up and even with my drive to down - I was still drenched when I arrived. Just opening my gates soaked me clear through - it was quite hilarious!

The quilting!! Kathy is also a Longarmer!!! LOOooooove it!!!!

and check out that back - K says - you need some of that fabric - its Cool!!!

I had so much fun talking with them , and learning about Kathy's Quilting Journey. She makes a lot of quilts for donations - and I think that is so cool! She also might have gone on a fabric buying journey here in the states - I loved seeing her car all full!!!  Super good things will come out of it!!

Shameless plug - 

Second Shameless plug

One of our Colorado QOV groups is going to do an event with Women Marines - and they need a dew more Quilts of Valor - if you are interested in helping them out let me know !

Linking to:

Friday, July 21, 2023

Pink Lemonade the Second

When I had pulled my Pinks and Yellow - I ended up with three tops!

One was quilted ( you can see it here)  it went to my oldest son - he has a lot of Buddies in his unit starting families - and I wanted this to go to one of them who recently had a daughter. 

Two just got finished !!!

I know these are busy quilts - but it was fun to quilt feathers, circles and leaves all over it!!

I still have a third one to go from the leftovers of these two... so you might see bright colors again. 

I have  a Mystery Quilts 4 Military starting soon - we road tested it last week at my QOV sew day - and I think it went pretty well!!!! We made 4 of them - so now ... for you!!!

Fabric Requirements will come out August 2nd - IN MY MYSTERY GROUP ( not here!!)

If you are interested go join! all the details are there ;-)

And now it is your turn to brag.... it is Finished!! or not Friday!!!

*****************The End********************************

Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Vietnam Veterans

Got to hang out with one of my favorite groups of Vietnam Veterans !!!

We honored 15 veterans today ( 3 not shown )
They were all so wonderful ! We did have a discussion as to which military branch was the real military. I love the comraderie and the sense of humor !!!

I have worked with this chapter for a few years now and they brought it to my attention that we have awarded 91 of their members with Quilts of Valor
Pretty cool !!!

Quilts made by so many wonderful quilters including:
Nancy H, Sandi, Verna, Jeri , Karen Lorna, Crystal, and Debbie and Myself ( mine is 4th from the left)

Tuesday, July 18, 2023


 My friend needed me to bring her a quilting supply, so when we went to get grain I made my husband swing by.... and he saw RHUBARB!!

He started talking with D about it, and then she said - would you come and pick it and take some of the plants home with you?  ( Please remember I am NOT the gardener of the family) K said yes!!

and so we found ourselves in a Rhubarb overload!!!

We picked the stalk's, we took some of the plants... Besides that box of Rhubarb - I had a black trash bag full of it. 

I wasn't sure I Like Rhubarb ... I don't remember eating it - so I diced a bunch up and make a Crisp before moving on...

I liked it!!!!

So I canned Strawberry Rhubarb Pie filling, and Rhubarb plain, and Rhubarb Jam... and now... we are in Rhubarb overload.... If you say the word enough times - it starts to make you giggle!!!

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Monday, July 17, 2023

I'm seeing red

Before the very last day of the month!!! Go me!!

I got my Rrd Spinning Goose Stitched up - and put up on the wall with all of her friends!!!

I'm so excited!!!

I am falling in love.......

Linking up to:

Friday, July 14, 2023

Hawaiian Churn Dash Finish! and!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Friday!!!

The Week of Me is over... my husband is back home, my archeologist is here for a few days... its back to noisy... just the way I love it!!!

But!! I got a finish in this week!!! so maybe it was worth it ( I also DID NOT COOK one meal!!!)

I quilted my Hawaiian Churn Dash!!!! and check it out - sea shells and starfish!!!

And other shells (I don't know their names!!)

Because I was pretty sure one of my sons would claim this one... I made sure the back matched the front. I used the same fabric as the borders.

And now!!! it is FINISHED!!!

What have you been up to??  Share away!!

Its your turn!!!
Link up and show us what you've got!!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join is

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

***********************Link up Here *************************

****************** The end********************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, July 13, 2023

Sunrises and Burgers and Firefighters


I had been out to do chores, and was coming back up for breakfast - The Sun really has already risen - but the way those beams were coming down... I just thought it was so pretty... so you know!!

Photo op!!!

We belong to our Local Lions Club - and last night was our Burger and Fries night!! We raise money so we can do some scholarships to our local High School Students...

I do the social media - so can you see how excited we were that our Fire Department heard about it and stopped by?  

They brought their big truck, and an Ambulance crew - and we all had such a great time. 

I love my little town - it is so fun to have all the support we have, and offer a little back to the community!! 

PS - I am in the photo.... but I tried to hide haha
PPS -  I bet you wondered how sunrises, burgers and Firefighters all got in the same topic line!!

See you tomorrow for Finished ( or not) Friday!! I am working hard to have something to show!!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Another Project from a Pile is getting started....

 This is MY week... well - I say that about every week, but it usually doesn't really happen haha! you all know... you have plans and then Something happens and then bam.... your to do list goes to next week?

Actually - this week I have to spend organizing. I have been cleaning my parents house, bringing things home, making a pile for my brother, and of course - sorting all the accounting *jazz*  

I bring things home, but there is so much to do here - that I have just been piling them... so this week - it was on to organizing them into my house.... 


( cuz you know a lot of their things need to go in my quilting room)

Pastels!!! Pinks and greens, Tans and Blues!!!

it just has to make something right?  They are being ironed right now and then I will have to pick a project... I am thinking Churn Dash ! Okay not really - but I always think churn dash first!! 

If you had pastels like these what would you envision?

Oh man!! Did you shop  Amazon Prime Days?  You have today left!!  The Water flosser was 50% off - thats even a better deal than I was expecting...

and then I found shoes... Asics - some of them - you have to be careful on which colors you choose!! but they are 45% off!!  I go thru shoes like crazy - I try to keep a pair for indoor onlly, and then something gets out and I take off with out thinking and Bam! they are now outdoor shoes !!

Since one of my sons will be traveling a lot this summer - I also got this travel Waterflosser !!! 45% off!!!

Keep his teeth all sparkly!! and its easy to pack!! 

Back to the fabrics - I need to iron before it gets to hot today... and then get back to organizing... I also started on my oldest kids room... I mean - if you are going to tear up a house - you might as well make the most mess you can right???

Monday, July 10, 2023

A Jelly Roll quilt

 I am getting a late start today!!! But not really, I was outside with the horses and working and oh my!! you all people who live in the constant humidity... I DO NOT envy you!!! I am so glad for rain, but the humidity.... I am wilting haha!!!

I started a new thing!!!!

I was rearranging my piles of fabrics and I found a Jelly Roll - and I said to myself

"Self!!! Find a pattern and lets go!!!"

And so I did 

I found this Bordered 9 patch at MSQC - and off I went....

The blocks take a little bit of time ( for me!! I want quick and easy) but they are not hard - and I find that if I work in 2 or 4 at a time - they go pretty quick!!

In my head it will be 6 x 7 blocks ( as I think I get one block per strip - and I Think  I have 42 strips)

Now!! It is off to shower and start the next part of the day! I am going to give a shameless plug though - Amazon Days is July 11 and 12 - and I love sales.... but I want you to know about these amazing 

Waterpik Shower heads...They will be on sale - and you will want one ( or two)

This one is the Powerpulse HandHeld:
it is what I have, and I love it!!

Now - they also have Dental Flossers on sale for Prime Days:

And this is the one that I have: 

It is called the Waterpik Aquarius Water Flosser :

If you do shop Amazon Prime  - even if you don't buy one of these - click thru these links - I earn a Small Commission  ;-)   Thanks for your support!!!

You can check out my other favorite links to cool things here:

Linking to:

Friday, July 07, 2023

A Patriotic Finish and!! Finished ( or not!!) Friday!!!

Hopefully you all saw some Fireworks??? Or at least dreamed of them??  We dreamed - and about 6pm on the 4th  the storms rolled in, and the rain came, and the wind came, and the rain poured, and then it hailed - and so!!

We watched a movie!!!  ( Champions on Peacock - I recommend it!!)

And this beauty is my Finished for This week!!! The quilt top was made by Barb G - she is a member of one of my quilt guilds... and this year - that guild decided they would make Quilts of Valor as a donation spot - so YAY!! me!!!   

She finished this top and got it my way - and I quilted it!!

Don't you just love it!!!! I think it is bold and beautiful!!!

You guys if you shop on Amazon at all - the 11the and 12th is Prime days - it would be cool if you got to Amazon thru one of my Amazon Links... I make a small commission on your purchases ( even if you don't purchase the item on my list that you clicked on) and it helps our group to make our Quilts of Valor 

  • And now!!!
  • It is your turn to link up those finishes or not finishes!! and brag away!

  • Please link your direct post!!

  • and I would love a link back - get everyone inspired to finish things!!

*********************Link up here **********************

************The end... go sew!! ***********************************

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